Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prophecy.5204


Have run AC three times. It has bugged on Hodgins (second scepter) and now Detha at Ghost Eater.

So out of 3 runs, 2 have bugged and had to be restarted because of NPCs. This is incredibly frustrating. Anyone else encountering this malarkey?

(edited by Prophecy.5204)

Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Negativity.5801


Hodgins and Detha have been bugging for weeks. Nothing new here.

Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prophecy.5204


Hodgins and Detha have been bugging for weeks. Nothing new here.

I’ve run AC nearly 3-4 times every day for weeks and NEVER encountered this. :|

Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Negativity.5801


Lucky you. There have been plenty of threads about this and I’ve had Detha bug numerous times myself. Hodgins has only ever bugged once for me, but still annoying.

Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bornthisway.4609


Those paths have bugged on me several times. Especially Detha at the end, before you fight the Ascalonians. That is a common bug, for me at least. Very, very frustrating.

Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prophecy.5204


Lucky you. There have been plenty of threads about this and I’ve had Detha bug numerous times myself. Hodgins has only ever bugged once for me, but still annoying.

Just seemed weird to NEVER encounter this bugging and then for some reason, encounter it twice in a row on a patch day

Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


Posting cause Hodgins just bugged on entering the tunnel. Search brought up if you get to the tunnel before he finishes talking, it bugs the boss spawn.

Dungeons incredibly buggy after patch today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sera.6539


On another note, CoF path 3 got a minor stealth buff. The godforged enemies near the final boss usually disappear, but now they stay.

Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert