Dungeons vs Fractals Loot
Dungeons, far and away. Fractals are a completely separate kind of incentive which is entirely account/soulbound.
As a for instance:
I’ve stopped running Fractals to work on the Dungeoneer title for the last 2 weeks. My usually nightly play-session was typically FotM 50 (and 40 if it was a willing and fantastic group), Tequatl and some world bosses. In the last 3 weeks I’ve done AC full clear, SE 1 and 3, CoF 1 and 2 and whatever other dungeon I can find a quick group for.
In that time I’ve made about 200 gold, and haven’t needed to hit the TP for as many crafting materials.
(edited by Shinki.8045)
fractal rewards suck, especially the monetary part. Example:1.3g for the 38 daily. I can easily run 3+ dungeon paths in that time for more
Time wise for dungeons, you are better off running AC path 2 instead of path 3. Hotw is actually usually not worth it, as the bosses take forever to kill. Most pugs range the troll, and primarily range the final boss (I know it can be a lot faster but as far as pugs go).
CM is also a very quick dungeon that nets quite a lot of gold. With a good pug can run all 3 in 35 minutes. With a GREAT pug its sub 30. With an average pug (if you thief) it is about 40-45 for all 3.
I usually find that P1 – 10 minutes
P2 12 minutes
P3 10 minutes
(with pugs)
for pure gold i would say dungeons, but in fractals i always get more rares and exotics + chance on asc rings (if still needed) and asc boxes, asc armor/weapons are expansive too.
The rares and exotics you get in fractals don’t have an average gold value to make fractals much more worthwhile than dungeons.
The chance at getting ascended box with actually usable stats is low enough that you’d be better off running fast dungeon paths and then doing some world bosses so you can eventually craft your ascended gear that has non-trash stats.
The chance at getting ascended box with actually usable stats is low enough that you’d be better off running fast dungeon paths and then doing some world bosses so you can eventually craft your ascended gear that has non-trash stats.
This is very accurate.