Duo'ing Arah

Duo'ing Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyrrin.1230


Hey all,

I’m a pretty avid dungeon runner. Almost have every single path down to a T for every dungeon except Arah. My friend and I want to start learning Arah and duo’ing our way thru it. He mains warrior and I main guardian. We both run zerker builds. (I also have 80 warrior, ele, and thief but my guardian is my favorite and is also in all ascended gear so I would prefer to learn to do this with my guardian).

Can y’all possibly provide some info on what paths are best to run duo and maybe provide essential utility skills to use for each class on certain bosses.. and explain why those skills are necessary.

Duo'ing Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laharl.8435


Path 2 and 3 are both pretty easy duo, I used to duo them fairly often without voice chat playing sloppy as hell (as usual). Path 4 takes more skill and coordination, but is actually pretty fun. Path 1 you need 4 people at Shaggroth, otherwise I’d say it’s the easiest to solo or duo.

As far as skills for each encounter, I’d check out YouTube. Each encounter is different and that’s a lot to list. Joeythecreator is the only solo guardian vids I can think of offhand, but I’m sure there’s more.

Duo'ing Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I suggest learning how to duo Path 4, it’s actually really fun when you learn how to do it. It’d be a lot faster with two warriors I think because there isn’t anything that you really benefit much from reflects that I can think of except for Lyssa.

-Balthazar is trivial even for soloing as long as you evade/dodge immediately once he begins to spin.

-Melandru is easy; have somebody kite the gorillas near the entrance and the other person DPS him out after he spawns 5 fioras (trees).

-Lyssa is kind of dangerous if you don’t know what to do. LOS constantly, stop attacking immediately when the confusion stacks appear (she spawns a ton of clones periodically throughout the fight shortly followed by up to 25 stacks of confusion on the party). I’m not 100% sure of the mechanics of this fight but if I’m not mistaken it might happen after you kill the “wrong” being… like, you have to hit the right one? Not sure. I usually do a 100b there because it counts as 1 attack.

-Lupicus, same fight as in other 3 paths. I’ll omit details of it here because there’s a lot of information about him elsewhere.

-Grenth is rather complicated. Two phases of this boss. There are 5 dark circles in the area; a wraith will be on the very eastern one. The wraith will teleport to the different circles in the area in a specific order and if he is not attacked within 3 seconds after appearing at one of them, he will reset to full hp and return to the east circle. He reflects projectiles. The order from first to last circle he appears in: east, south, north, west, middle. After he dies, a priest appears in the middle and there will be a few waves with multiple wraiths spawning at different circles. They need to all be killed; each one will apply a “Grenth’s mark” to a person in the party at random which has a timer that when expired instantly downs said player. After each wraith is killed, the priest’s health bar decreases.

-Dwayna is an extremely easy boss fight as long as everyone participating knows how to do it. She essentially has no dangerous attacks at all other than “dead eyed stare” which when applied to any player will soon lead to “petrified.” A petrified player can be cleansed by using an item that abundantly spawns in the area called “Dwayna’s tear.” Alternatively, using stability right before dead-eyed stare leads to petrification will still enable the person to freely move. When the petrification re-applies itself, using whirlwind/rush or even eviscarate will rectify the problem; it only roots you in place. The objective is to kill the boss as fast as possible because she periodically goes into hiding and heals during it. To reveal her again, lure the sparks that will appear afterwards into the circles at the center of the area. Kind of hard to describe so watching a vid would be useful.

-Last boss is just a bloodstone shard that you just DPS out. Because it has the ability to cause petrification as well, it’s usually best to take stability for it too. Not much to mention here; just avoid the occasional AoE circle and try to LOS the wraiths so that your cleaves hit both them and the shard.