Easier Story Mode

Easier Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: shonefob.7091


Please make Story Mode playable solo. It is way to hard to find parties playing this mode because it is pointless for most players to do so. I pretty much played WvW my whole time on GW2 but now I wanna get into the story a bit more but it is impossible to find parties doing story mode. If I could run it solo I would but that I feel is impossible aswell. If anyone can run these dungeons solo please tell me and I guess than I’ll just have to try harder.

Easier Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Just a hint:

Allways found my story mode groups there.

Easier Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Some are soloable but better find at least few guys to play with. Keep in mind that some story-modes are harder than exp-modes.

Easier Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dante.1508


I second this, solo would be great especially as story mode gives very little rewards for the trouble you must go through to pass them, much more on the higher ones.

Easier Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: trickfred.4097


I don’t always have 5 guildies on at once, and I am not really a fan of playing with strangers. I have been playing since the betas, and I still have 2 dungeons I have never even stepped foot in.

I don’t see why Story Mode can’t be made dead easy, and solo-able, or at least made to be scalable so that 2-4 guildies can do it without having to look for strangers to pad out the party. It’s not like we get dungeon tokens for Story Modes anyways.

Edit: typo.

(edited by trickfred.4097)