Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zaw.6741


Dear ArenaNet
You want players to skip less / kill more mobs in dungeons?
You want ppl to stop complaining about fractal rewards (most of players can tell that lower scales give better loot than higher ones. thats just plain stupid)?

Get rid of Elite mobs in dungeons/fotm and put higher level Veterans in their place. Or update their loottables to veteran level. Simple thing. Requires almost 0 work.

Right now there’s absolutely no reason to kill most of mobs in dungeons because killing them is not rewarding at all. And they are hell annoying (either cc spam or ridiculous damage). MMO players like shinies. IF they give shinies, some ppl can consider killing them.

Bigger problem is in fractals. On higher scales veterans are replaced by elites for no reason (why not just higher level vets?). This leads to getting MUCH WORSE loot from scale 50 (where hard hitting, higher hp mobs make it harder) than for example 10 or 30. Experienced it many times myself. Only reason for high scale fractal are fractal skins and asc boxes but…they’re purely rng (but thats different topic touched many times and still ignored).

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197



Please tell me, why is it bad that people skip trashs ? And more over, do you really think they WANT us to kill every single trahs in dungeons ?

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zaw.6741


not that they want us to kill them. but with elites/0 loot its seems like the WANT US TO SKIP THEM. i dont really care about skipping. im more concerned about crappy loot from fotm 50 when im hunting for those skins…

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lyphos.1096


Yes they want you to skip them. Stealth is an important mechanic of the game after all.

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: doddbox.8153


If bonus events inside dungeons gave more tokens for example, people would probably do them. As for skips; a lot of stealth skips are perfectly fine and if stealth was that much of a problem it would have been addressed a long time ago.

If killing all trash was necessary they would have gated every section of a dungeon until everything is dead, sort of like in Aether.

very special guild tag [tX]

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


In fact, there is no will for skipping. Dungeons and fractals are build around a single thing : completion. You get in to go the end of the path. The way you do it don’t really matters. The fact that there are mechanics allowing us to skip show nothing but the choice to skip or not to skip.

So, they don’t WANT us to skip or not to skip. They want us to do it the way we want. Play How I Want was their core philosophy.

About the fractals loot… yeah this one sucks. Probably will get better on HoT, or maybe it won’t. Wait and see.

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zaw.6741


and same sweet song as always.. skipping is fine blablabla
skipping is fine sure. im skipping a lot, dont have problem with that.
BUT let us have a CHOICE. kill mobs for extra loot OR rush toward the end for end reward.
now choice is killing annoying mobs that leave nothing to pickup and are just waste of time or skip them to grab end reward faster.
got it? GOT THE POINT?

thou the topic itself was more aimed toward crappy fractal 50 ‘rewards’/time

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GrimmR.3541


Yes please. I want to do 1 fullclear run of a dungeon and get a stack of each material. Im also in desperate need of tokens.
Or even,
How about doubling the gold reward for a fullclear ? :>

toxic since 2012

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


waves hand this is not the bingo you’re looking for

He’s not saying skipping is bad or that everyone should always kill all mobs in every run, or anything close to something like that.

Just that it’d be nice if they were worthwhile to kill for those who choose to

It’s a good idea, and it’s not the first time it’s been proposed. But it won’t happen. I think there’s even a Hroudagram about it where St. Rob says that they don’t have good drops because of reward balance or some such. CBA to look it up. Anyone feeling more motivated than I am?

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zaw.6741


they don’t have good drops because of reward balance or some such

wait, what is balance? running around and opening boxes in the desert is similar gold/hour to speedclearing dungs and far superior to fotm…cmon…

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Not saying I really agree with it, that’s just what I remember hearing :P

I found some motivation to dig this up:

Trash mobs have too much HP, and can’t be counted on for lucrative drops from a Risk/Time vs Reward, so people interested in making money (most groups) aren’t incentivized to do it, whereas the end chest/boss are more guaranteed and accountable returns on time and risk. I also think there is something to be said about interesting trash mob mechanics making them more enjoyable of a fight.

I can’t make the rewards from trash mobs so lucrative though that people just farm the first couple trash mobs/boss in a dungeon and then rinse/repeat. We encountered this when people just farmed the first boss in an instance and then restarted it (earlier around launch time), and we had to adjust the content as a result. It’s a fine line you have to walk to encourage players to get to the end, but make the process of getting there rewarding enough as well.

I don’t imagine this next update will resolve all the skipping behavior. The path of least resistance is engrained in people, and even if I do everything I could to incentivize people, there will still be those who skip stuff. I have been fixing exploits that will require players to complete more of the events in dungeons, but I am sure people will still skip what they can to get to their end goal.

For now I would encourage those not looking to skip to find some folks who don’t like skipping and make a guild with them… or maybe look for guilds that are dedicated to not skipping, and tag along with them. I’m in a couple of them (anonymously), and it really is an effective solution to playing the game the way you want to play it: Find other people with similar interests and band together with them.

Thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Will-the-new-update-stop-skipping/

It does make sense, and people have been known to farm dungeon mobs as he’s described. Personally I think they should let them have better drops and then implement some sort of DR to combat the farming, but eh…

Dungeons are dead, and they aren’t going to change. There’s no one working on them, so the reality is that any and all suggestions for them might as well just get crumpled up and thrown in the trash.

That’s why the dungeon subforum is referred to as “The Trashcan” to those of us who frequent it

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I have a better idea:

Design proper dungeons!

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zaw.6741


fractals are great idea
just need some tweaking (loot/rewards/instabilities)

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rahveiz.7461


Personally, I don’t find fractal rewards that bad, it’s just less consistent and way more random, but now that you can change stats on ascended pieces….an ascended chest is worth 50+ golds. I agree for the weird reward/level scaling but tbh…completing a lv50 is as long as completing a lv30, it’s just about RNG on maps. Last time with guildies, it took us less than 1h30 to complete 50/40/30 so…
And it’s still a little bit more challenging than dungeons >.>

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


The RNG factor is really a thing. I hate how Anet forces us into doing stuff the RNG way and don’t even offer us a chance to work for it in a less random way. Instead of giving an item a drop chance of .1%, why not just introduce a counter that will automatically award players said item after 1000 completions of the respective dungeon? Or AT LEAST give us the opportunity to choose between that? Someone might feel lucky and drop it in much fewer attempts, but players who dislike RNG and want to work towards these goals (all fractal weapons/tonic/…) in a more guaranteed way, so that they can see the progress they made, should be given the opportunity to do it like that. Statistically speaking the item will be of exactly the same value, but those who have bad luck all the time will no longer be constantly discouraged from continuing their hunt as they’ll finally have the option to make some (albeit slow) progress.
I always hated RNG and appreciated that we can do a lot of stuff by another way (looking forward to getting precursor hunt finally). There have been suggestions in the past that players should be able to buy fractal weapons for pristines. I’m not saying what should be buyable and how much should it cost, but balance things aside, we REALLY NEED the option to get around RNG in this game. Especially fractals.

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EiLrahc.8076


I remember how people used to skip Lieutenant Kholer in AC runs because he was “too hard”. Now, he is burnt down so quickly that skipping him means losing out on an easy champ chest.

The way the loot system works is also affected by the fact that players will always choose the easiest way to get their reward. So changing the elites to vets without addressing this will still lead to players skipping over them.

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: serenke.4806


If you have ever tried to kill the veteran dredge in the dredge fractal, then you know you do NOT want veterans in any dungeon. Not that kind anyway.

Easy way to fix rewards/loot!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


If you have ever tried to kill the veteran dredge in the dredge fractal, then you know you do NOT want veterans in any dungeon. Not that kind anyway.

The ones you can kill in 6seconds? Can you elaborate more on what we are supposed to know after fighting these dredge? Or are you referring to the Veteran Resonator with the health of a champion that is 1 of a kind in the game?