I approve records and stuff
Elementalist 10.377s Spider Queen Solo
I approve records and stuff
I got an idea to do it in ~9
Maybe I’ll get to do it once my internet stops sucking
You should have/could have dropped arcane wave for glyph of elemental power and casted it in fire attunement so that you’d have 10% damage modifier for everything (assuming you have 5 in fire).
You should have/could have dropped arcane wave for glyph of elemental power and casted it in fire attunement so that you’d have 10% damage modifier for everything (assuming you have 5 in fire).
I tried a lot of different things and they all came around 11s, this one turned out to be the fastest. But yea I think 9s is possible.
I approve records and stuff
Spider Queen is the new Lupicus
Ty to Menno for being there to remove defiant stacks <3 Oh and giving me the final tip I needed to boost my dps by 5%.
Well its not really 10.377 seconds. You need to include the time you used to stack boons. Otherwise the time is fake.
According to who?
Could have been under 9 QQ anyway 9:01 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfFjOxnd1k4
(edited by ShadowRX.9024)
According to who?
according to logic
According to who?
according to logic
Typically the rules for timing these things (among the GW2 dungeon community — check out the similar posts on this forum) is to start the timer when the enemy first takes damage. That way we’re actually measuring the time taken to actually fight the boss, and it makes an easier comparison of times. Otherwise, the records just become a contest to see who can stack might the fastest ;-)
According to who?
according to logic
Typically the rules for timing these things (among the GW2 dungeon community — check out the similar posts on this forum) is to start the timer when the enemy first takes damage. That way we’re actually measuring the time taken to actually fight the boss, and it makes an easier comparison of times. Otherwise, the records just become a contest to see who can stack might the fastest ;-)
Considering the might is used to kill the boss faster, its part of the killing process in my honest opinion. So buffing should be included in the counter.
According to who?
according to logic
Typically the rules for timing these things (among the GW2 dungeon community — check out the similar posts on this forum) is to start the timer when the enemy first takes damage. That way we’re actually measuring the time taken to actually fight the boss, and it makes an easier comparison of times. Otherwise, the records just become a contest to see who can stack might the fastest ;-)
Considering the might is used to kill the boss faster, its part of the killing process in my honest opinion. So buffing should be included in the counter.
So if I were on my warrior and used my Signet of Rage elite outside of the entrance to the arena at Lupicus and went straight to him, the timer would have already started prior to being in the arena by your logic.
Well, thankfully most people don’t agree with you I guess. No offense to you but f___ that lol.
You actually logged into the game to kill the spider queen. Timer should start at that point.
Well then, 8.141 seconds here we go.
I approve records and stuff
Can someone write out a guide to doing this please? What’s the mesmer looking skill that you use?
Can someone write out a guide to doing this please?
What’s the mesmer looking skill that you use?
You mean the consumable? Thats the order of whispers spy kit.
You actually logged into the game to kill the spider queen. Timer should start at that point.
Like hell if I’m gonna buy one of those for this laptop xD
That can wait until I am able to get a desktop worth buying new parts for ._.