Elementalist in dungeons
Yeah it’s kinda hard for elementalist. Use Ether renewal and arcane shield. Maybe mist form too. Those help a lot.
Playing an elementalist in dungeons is really not that hard… I mean I can see how you would die a lot if your favorite weaponset was dual daggers… but other than that it’s only hard if you make it hard. Get a staff, most if not all your spells will have 1200 range… Casters in every game are the “backline” so stay in the back and let other people soak up damage and heal them strategically. Dodge… Don’t stand in red circles… Take advantage of your environment, get behind a column or pillar to counter ranged attacks, get up high to get away from melee… Idk what else really to say
Ele, hit 80 yesturday, done many dungeons story and explo, and I am agree with Power.2957. I am wielding staff, actively using cc cooldowns, and arcane shield. If I die – then it means that others are already dead. Well, I can always catch an unfortunate missile/shot from a range mob or something (riflemans in CM are basically 1-shotting me), but with knowing what to do, survivng is not so much a problem for me.
Save your dodges for time when they are really needed, and NOT stay in melee range (d/d is surely not an option here, despite their good damage).
You guys might not believe this but I play more of a tank role on my elementalist in the dungeons. I use a 30 earth/30 water build and 15 in fire with a scepter focus and I have really good survivabilty.
This is a video of where I got the build. I use the exact build and spells and can trips he uses except I use the glyph of superior elemental for a tanking pet.
Staff is always a safe sollution if you are running with people who have a lot of finishers for your fields, this is something you still have to consider as it plays a huge role in groups. If not scepter/focus is very defensive and offers silences, reflects, shields, stone skin and a projectile eliminator. Scepter/dagger will offer more mobility while still giving you several blasts to use in someone elses or your own fields while still giving you 2 blinds. Being stuck with one weapon set is the worst possible thing you can do.
Dodge like a Jedi and use auras. Magnetic Aura reflects ranged attacks (under staff) it will not only save your life but it’ll own the other guy.