Elite/Hardmode Dungeons - Coming Soon?
Agreed. Lalallalalala (An Error Prevented Saving: Message Body length must at least be 15.) lol
I really want a hard mode alternative as long as the hp of the mobs don’t increase. Most bosses/mobs only got tons of hp and no dmg. Increasing dmg of mobs/bosses, adding new abilities, making some mobs immune to some kind of damages (condition/physical etc), increase mobs attack speed/movement speed or a mix of all.
Another way to go is also to remove all wp from the dungeon, you cant fail a dungeon as it is now because you can get up over and over again.
The greatest change need to be on events you CAN’T skip because most gropes will skip all that can be skipped anyway.
I really like to see a dungeon/mode that can make even the best party fail to complete it.
S P E L L B O R N —~--Necro —~--Sylvari lvl 80
I Kira I —~--Ele —~--Sylvari lvl 80