Engi EASY dung/fract build ?
go play warrior? if you want to be worth your weight on engineer you certainly can’t slack
Sorry warrior isnt my taste i dislike melee class due to them downing alot (i prefer range dps) ….
well ranged isnt part of the speed run meta, melee keeps mobs balled together, and you can also share out boons easier to each other within the party, i mean, staff elementalist is a ranged weapon and is very easy to play but it should still be played in melee. a lot of engi’s high damage you need to be in melee in such as jump shot and acid bomb
Also blunderbuss does more damage in close range, and then the fact that grenades will miss from time to time if you’re making things move around too much.
It doesn’t look like trying to convince you to melee will do anything so, if you absolutely have to insist on a ranged playstyle, you should make an ele or ranger. They are far more suited for what you are looking for. Despite the lack of true melee weapons (well, beside.. ahem.. toolkit.. ugh) engineers aren’t well suited for a truly ranged build. With an ele you could at least contribute a little something. Ranger LB isn’t too horrible either.
You want something easy and laidback, but that’s not what you can get with engi. Even if you really insisted on ranging, nades are a skill shot and getting them to hit all the time on mobs that will be moving around back and forth a lot in a party that doesn’t full melee will make you rage. And camping rifle autoattack would be like having one less party member since your contribution might as well be non existent.
(edited by Nikaido.3457)
Yeah but what if someone with disabilities hmm ? i choose Engineer cause of Flamethrower and love watching mobs get burnt and it’s simple for me #1 then #2 on CD if mobs comes close #3 and then #2 again
Im sorry, but you can’t do speedruns without complex gameplay with engi, unless your group doesn’t mind carrying.
i choose Engineer cause of Flamethrower and love watching mobs get burnt
There it is boys
Yeah but what if someone with disabilities hmm ? i choose Engineer cause of Flamethrower and love watching mobs get burnt
and it’s simple for me #1 then #2 on CD if mobs comes close #3 and then #2 again
Well, you asked for something laidback, I’m giving you the advice that there are classes far more suited to the task, what you end up doing is up to you.
Asking for an engi build that could contribute anything to a run while still ranging and being laidback (so, no nade) is like asking to see a mythical unicorn. That doesn’t exist.
Yes, the flamethrower looks cool. So do many other weapons that are pretty useless in PVE. One of the first, counter intuitive thing a warrior player learns in this game is that he can’t use sword main hand and has to use the more barbarian axe, not to mention the even more bizarre fact that sword off hand is a better defensive tool than a shield. You either adapt or play with the knowledge that you’re using things that are bad. “Cool” doesn’t make for good gameplay.
(edited by Nikaido.3457)
It’s not hard. You either want to look cool and play it easily or you want a good build?
Staff ele is your best choice for both ranged and easy. Camp fire auto and press 2 and 5 on cooldown. Easy.
Also it has fire so you can kinda “burn” mobs too.
Just by doing glyph in air and then pressing icebow 5 and 4 he’d already contribute 300% more than anything he could dream with an engi at range.
-sigh- Guess ill have to wait till Reav comes out then
http://imgur.com/hS3JyQR my build i use for soloing PvE Storyline ….
Don’t get discouraged, try the current meta, run few dungeons with it, test the rotation. It’s all about muscle memory. Engi is pretty valuable in fractals once you get all the tricks
Just run a staff ele(better choice) or camp grenades on engi if you can’t be kitten d to get in melee range at all, just hit all the applicable damage modifiers with your traits.
Don’t get discouraged, try the current meta, run few dungeons with it, test the rotation. It’s all about muscle memory. Engi is pretty valuable in fractals once you get all the tricks
Yeah this. I though engi rotation was going to be hard and it was actually quite easy (though I play D/F ele), well except for elixir gun’s acid bomb…. But in all honesty if you want it to become easy and brainless just practice it.
But the rotation is way to hard for someone with disabilities mate but i worked so kitten him (pvp and stuff)
Play a Fire Staff Elementalist.
Okay i’m getting headaches and STRESSING over these builds YET want something EASY and laid back (NOT to hard or complicated for me) im kinda guy like it simple and easy yet able to help with speed run through Fractal and dungeons with engineer ?
if you want it to be laid back and easy, its probably best to give up on Speed running (highest speed possible) And look for laid back parties, they do exist
Thing about engi as explained above is that it’s really a profession that takes a lot of effort to get a lot of what you want out of it. You can do quite a bit of blinding, but you need to time your blinds in a rotation well and swap kits around to activate them. You can do quite a bit of reflect stuff but it takes quick swapping to FT and precise timing. You can stack vuln but you need your nades, you can might stack but again, precise timing and solid rotation with a lot of activations. It’s simply not a profess you would every play the easy way.
A warrior doing a phalanx strength build and doing a greatsword faceroll can be quite effective, the difference between the faceroll and a better rotation isn’t nearly as great as the difference between say a FT or Bomb camping Engi.
That said, if you want to go easy mode I guess Bombs would be where it’s at, maybe take short fuse for more blinds and some elixirs for utility.
Play a Fire Staff Elementalist.
No thanks i don’t like ele’s have tried em but doesnt fit my taste tbh so went guardian instead (hammer ftw)
Well, you could try replacing grenade kit with bomb kit. IIRC Steel-pack powder will trigger with every pulse of flame, smoke and glue bomb, so you’ll still get a couple of vuln stacks with each attack (Though you’ll want to make sure you’re smoke bomb’s smoke field isn’t going to compete with any other field your group is wanting to blast) Plus, you’ll have another blast finisher and a fire field that’s alot easier to combo FT’s flame blast off of. I think the only trait you need to change from the common meta is Grenadier to Short Fuse (so you can drop those pulsing bombs more often), and you’re set.
You won’t be stacking the amount of vuln you’d get with grenade spam, but you should still provide a decent about of it, plus some more might stacking with another blast finisher, and you’re not having to wear out your 1 key spamming Grenade attacks to make it work.
Only Flame and Smoke bomb will pulse multiple times for vulnerability, not glue bomb.
Heh, so it is.
Anyway as others have mentioned, if the goal is speed runs, then Grenades with Rifle and FT/EG burst is pretty much the one and only way to build an engineer. However, if you just want an easy build for random CoF and AC pugging, there is nothing wrong with a good 0/6/0/6/2 Juggernaut Flamethrower build. You’ll be giving up pretty much any form of vuln stacking (seriously, D/F and DS necros will be more desirable in that regard than you will be in this build), but for a self-reliant dps build that gives not a whit about whether you’re teamates know the first thing about any form of stacking (be it might, vuln, fury or in melee), it’s quite soild, and one of the simplest builds you can run as an Engineer.
(edited by Foefaller.1082)
IMHO, mesmer needs quick thinking and good judgement over quick fingers, more than most classes. It’s only really powerful where there are things to reflect, though.
Staff ele would be useful in more places, and it’s easy to find a PUG. But it is an aggro magnet, so you better be ready to read animations and dodge.
Full Celestial + Giver P/S engie with Traveler runes (big defensive stats, permanent speed boost) and 6/6/0/2/0 setup is about as easy as it gets for engie. You don’t even lose that much DPS for it, I think last I checked that Celestial setup is only about 15-20% less DPS than an Assassin setup thanks to grenades also scaling pretty well with condition damage. You do still have to mash the grenades manually but that’s not hard when you have 1500 stat points invested in defensive stats and permavigor. If the grenades are too much for you you could even just camp bombs, although you’ll lose DPS that way.
Full Celestial + Giver P/S engie with Traveler runes (big defensive stats, permanent speed boost) and 6/6/0/2/0 setup is about as easy as it gets for engie. You don’t even lose that much DPS for it, I think last I checked that Celestial setup is only about 15-20% less DPS than an Assassin setup thanks to grenades also scaling pretty well with condition damage. You do still have to mash the grenades manually but that’s not hard when you have 1500 stat points invested in defensive stats and permavigor. If the grenades are too much for you you could even just camp bombs, although you’ll lose DPS that way.
i dont feel like traveler runes would be worth it there, you dont need to waste your runes on move speed in a dungeon… or alternatively you dont need in-combat permaswiftness like ever
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It’s more of a laziness thing. Otherwise you have to trait swap to Speedy Kits between every fight, or just not get the permavigor unless you swap kits constantly. Either way it’s a hassle and not really suited for an AFK build.
laziness… the bane of engi dps.
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Sadly there is no such thing as lazy AND useful engineer build. Only lazy and useful classes i can think of are elementalist with staff and warrior with gs and banners.
Well camping grenades and mashing 1+2 isn’t super hard. You don’t even have to watch the Shrapnel Grenade CD if you just mash both keys since the game prioritizes cooldowns over autos in most cases.
mashing 1+2 in nades isnt good dps either. engi has like 10 secs worth of better things to do, and then most things are dead.
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Well camping grenades and mashing 1+2 isn’t super hard. You don’t even have to watch the Shrapnel Grenade CD if you just mash both keys since the game prioritizes cooldowns over autos in most cases.
Camping grenades =/= useful engi.
Well camping grenades and mashing 1+2 isn’t super hard. You don’t even have to watch the Shrapnel Grenade CD if you just mash both keys since the game prioritizes cooldowns over autos in most cases.
Camping grenades =/= useful engi.
Still gets you 25 vuln and decent DPS. Could do a lot worse on a maxscrub build. Could be bearbow.