Explorable Dungeons vs FOTM Loot Table
you get lodestones and more rares from fotm….
Making it more profitable usually.
Sometimes you drop a non bound eo, some of wich sells for 10G or more also.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
If fotm rewards are too good, no one will do the other contents.
Exp mode dungeons rewards are buffed because someone complain no one is doing dungeon at that time so Anet makes this decision.
I believe Anet won’t change much. Ascended gear is more than enough to keep you guys repeat fotm.
(edited by nelopp.6140)
Lodestone and cores drop on each respective explorable dungeons as well.
“1” full run of COE will drops 1-2 Charged cores and at times 1 Charged lodestone. Maw’s chest gives 1-2 random cores, very rarely a random lodestone and is 4 instances including Jade Maw. If you roll for (Volcanic, Cliffside and Dredge) and you might have to spend the whole night just for that 1 chest. While it takes a lil more than 1 hour on a PUG party to complete HOTW or COF all 3 paths.
What I’m talking about is time/effort invested on each dungeon compared against their rewards.
You mentioned:
“Sometimes you drop a non bound exo, some of wich sells for 10G or more also”
I have never gotten an exo worth more than 4g. There might be 3-4 exotics worth around 2-4g after hundreds of runs the rest are all account bound. Please also note that uneven number fractals do not have a Maw chest.
You get 2-3g NET gold for “1” explorable dungeon run excluding drops and the 180 tokens that guarantees you 6 rares per run including 26s upon completion of each path for explorable dungeon.
My question is why does explorable dungeon give more than FOTM when on every scale, FOTM is a much more challenging dungeon. Explorable dungeons can be cleared in a matter of minutes while FOTM at 20+ could take from an hour to 3 hours (depending on fractal, professions, internet connection of party members).
I cannot comment on anything above 30 but I’m sure it would require much more effort.
I thought people were doing fractals specifily because it gives better loot. Fractals can be cleared in minutes as well (swamps).
If fotm rewards are too good, no one will do the other contents.
Exp mode dungeons rewards are buffed because someone complain no one is doing dungeon at that time so Anet makes this decision.
I believe Anet won’t change much. Ascended gear is more than enough to keep you guys repeat fotm.
I agree with you that FOTM rewards shouldn’t be too good however it should at least scale with/or be similar to explorable rewards, for an example a player playing in explorable have a chance to get a precursor drop when a FOTM player has no chance of getting a precursor drop. Other reasons mentioned in first post.
Ascended gear? Just level 3 toons to level 10 FOTM and farm pristine relics. 3 dailiesx4days : 1 ring. A few more days and you earn enough relics for the backpiece.
Level 10 difficulty is similar with explorable dungeons.
I got The Legend from a random mob in dredge fractal today. So there is a chance.
Do you by any chance have a screenie? Not that I don’t believe you but it will help clear a lot of confusion on the loot table. By the way, a big congratulations to you
I got The Legend from a random mob in dredge fractal today. So there is a chance.
I can confirm this as well. Got Leaf of Kudzu from one of the vets in the Ascalonian City while doing my Level 10 Daily. Sold outright for 175g.
@ SSalp and Tentonhammr
Were you guys using magic find at all? and SSalp what fractal level?
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I got The Legend from a random mob in dredge fractal today. So there is a chance.
I can confirm this as well. Got Leaf of Kudzu from one of the vets in the Ascalonian City while doing my Level 10 Daily. Sold outright for 175g.
This is exactly Anet’s Loot table: A random lvl 10 unexp fractal guys get s a precurser
where I as a exp vet in all aspects have never seen one dropping: 11k + wvw kills in t1 , dungeonmaster , explored everything , every jp done but most important , done every difficulties fractals to the cap of 80 … and there is this guy at lvl 10 maybe barly playing the game … getting a drop that is worth as mutch money as you earned in doing challanging things …
I miss some rewards for good players…
why not let fractal weapons drop lvl 60 + or get new rewards from 80 + with the updates … why are there no high end rewards for skilled players …
I got The Legend from a random mob in dredge fractal today. So there is a chance.
I can confirm this as well. Got Leaf of Kudzu from one of the vets in the Ascalonian City while doing my Level 10 Daily. Sold outright for 175g.
This is exactly Anet’s Loot table: A random lvl 10 unexp fractal guys get s a precurser
where I as a exp vet in all aspects have never seen one dropping: 11k + wvw kills in t1 , dungeonmaster , explored everything , every jp done but most important , done every difficulties fractals to the cap of 80 … and there is this guy at lvl 10 maybe barly playing the game … getting a drop that is worth as mutch money as you earned in doing challanging things …I miss some rewards for good players…
why not let fractal weapons drop lvl 60 + or get new rewards from 80 + with the updates … why are there no high end rewards for skilled players …
The things you have mentioned don’t make you superior to any other person. Alot of them simply show TIME invested into the game but to blatantly insult another player because he got a precurser from doing a lvl 10 daily is just childish. Notice he didn’t mention his fractal level, only that it was his level 10 daily.
While I agree that something needs to change regarding reward for time / effort invested, it doesn’t make any other player less deserving.
(edited by Pinkus.2860)
I would also like to add this to OP’s statement comparing exp to Fotm, exotics (the soulbound ones) do not seem to drop ectos AT ALL. To anyone going for a legendary that is very disappointing.
3 days ago I found 2 exotics in the same fractal run. one was unnamed from a chest, second was unnamed from random mob and had the famous “of divinity” in it’s name – and it was sellable on the TP! though a superior rune of divinity sells for more than that item… BL salvage kit
most profitable run I’ve ever done.
Embrace The Bold: I guess I’ve had good luck then. It seems every exotic I get from fotm that I salvage (always with a BL kit) I get 2-3 ectos from. not always, but the average is definitely MUCH high than rares.
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Moral of the story: If you have terrible RNG in general eg never an exotic drop in hundreds of Claw of Jormag chests AND didn’t get precursors in your two karka chests, forget about precursor etc drops in fractals. Never going to happen. And I scoff at the player who mentioned in another thread that in every COE run, he gets at least one Charged core. And fractal weapons skins? What fractal weapon skins?
Nevertheless the lodestone and core drops are decent enough and I do need exotic power toughness crit armor that apparently cannot be found any place else. However the ascended ring drops for dailies have been kind to me although I dont do a lot of fractals.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Fotm has no DR, and therefor will always be the nr1 place for rare/exotic/precursor drops.
3 days ago I found 2 exotics in the same fractal run. one was unnamed from a chest, second was unnamed from random mob and had the famous “of divinity” in it’s name
– and it was sellable on the TP! though a superior rune of divinity sells for more than that item… BL salvage kit
most profitable run I’ve ever done.
Embrace The Bold: I guess I’ve had good luck then. It seems every exotic I get from fotm that I salvage (always with a BL kit) I get 2-3 ectos from. not always, but the average is definitely MUCH high than rares.
really because every time i have salved an exotic I got between 1-5 ectos never zero. Also i was referring to soulbound exotics not the ones you can sell, with ones you can sell there is no problem with ectos.
I have never salvaged an exotic if it could be sold. even if it was guaranteed 3 ectos, that would still only be ~90s, whereas it’s likely the exotic can be sold for 1g+.
My current understanding is that exotics give 0-3 ecto (same as rares). have you gotten 4 or 5 ecto from an exotic in the last like 2 months? that would explain why I get such a high average from salvaging exotics, but I’m pretty sure it’s not possible
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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FotM has higher chance of rare and exotic drops due to trash mobs being Veterans. Also they have lodestones, cores, etc drop a lot more and each of those can be sold
Rares yes its more (If you sell all the rares from 1 run the amount of cash is only half from a AC run, named exotics from mob drops not really. I only received 1 named exo at level 49 FOTM with main and 26 with alt. Talk about time invested vs rewards, I’ve tried to do level 26 for 4 days now with 8 failed attempts. (Issues with DC(no.1 reason) or people killing chanters on 2 seals in cliffside, no guardian in party but rolled Grawl Fractal.
The time spent on running 8 runs of AC which is much faster would had given like 24 gold with bars without any headache.