Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862


Seriously, how the hell am i supposed to find a group and get those kitten relics?? I just want the fractal capacitor but i’m stucked in 300 relics, but i always, ALWAYS end up on groups that:

Don’t communicate with others.


Don’t know what needs to be done.

Don’t listen, don’t read the party chat.

I don’t know what to do anymore! I’m not the best player, i make mistakes sometimes, but i know what needs to be done in the fractals, i always try my best, i use the right gear and trait setup and skills. I don’t have any friends and my guild don’t ever give a kitten about helping me on dungeons and things like that, so i’m doomed with PUGs.

Could i please get a invite for a ORGANIZED and DECENT group? I’m a good listener and i follow orders if necessary, i just need some ORGANIZED group to do this, my god, i’m so tired.


Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ludovicus.7980


IDK, I play with friends.

The glory of my ancestors shall be restored.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


Are you on an EU or NA server?

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ludovicus.7980


I’m in a NA server

The glory of my ancestors shall be restored.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Afya.5842


Hang on after 20, it gets a bit better.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862


Are you on an EU or NA server?


Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DelOnasi.6051


Don’t communicate with others. … Don’t listen, don’t read the party chat.

This is the number 1 or 2 problem with most bad groups. If your group won’t respond to your party chat after repeatedly asking them a question, just leave (and join another group). I had a really bad group get dredge the other day and try some new “escape the dungeon” exploit and refuse to explain what they were doing in party chat, so I dropped and found a new group, which also hit dredge, but talked through it and did it the normal way, and we were already done with the panel by the time I had left the first group.

I don’t have any friends and my guild don’t ever give a kitten about helping me on dungeons and things like that, so i’m doomed with PUGs.

If you mean your guild’s attitude is that they do fractals/dungeons but don’t help you with them, you should find a new guild. If your guild just doesn’t do fractals/dungeons but you like them anyways, this might not apply (but if you want to do a lot of dungeons and fractals, you should find a guild that will do them with you, it’s way more fun). There are a lot of nice guilds out there that are happy to run whatever their members need (if you can’t find one, feel free to PM me and I’d be happy to invite you to mine).

Dungeon Master ~ Litter of Lions [Arch] Admin ~ Devona’s Rest

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Hang on after 20, it gets a bit better.

No, it really doesn’t, it REALLY doesn’t.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charak.9761


Hang on after 20, it gets a bit better.

No, it really doesn’t, it REALLY doesn’t.

it totally does though.
In low fractals, as a guardian, people are stepping to side the of wall reflect and avenger shields, like its blocking their shots or something.

then in higher, people understand that guardians keep you healed/buffed and standing behind the wall makes you not take damage.

and I’m getting pretty tired of people running away from me when I go over to heal them

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


it totally does though.
In low fractals, as a guardian, people are stepping to side the of wall reflect and avenger shields, like its blocking their shots or something.

then in higher, people understand that guardians keep you healed/buffed and standing behind the wall makes you not take damage.

and I’m getting pretty tired of people running away from me when I go over to heal them

Solution? Run with no guardians.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zerotwo.4731


I would say the groups are better after lvl 30. Not much has to be said. Everyone knows what to do. I can pug 30+ and never run into a problem.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tryst.2315


As with any community, it starts with you. If people don’t take your class, then you start a group. If you aren’t pulling enough weight because of the fun spec you like to run then you change it for dungeons for the betterment of the group. If you don’t know a dungeon then you research the fights and learn what to do. With every additional person that does this, the benefits exponentially cascade throughout the server into better groups, a better community, and a better understanding of how all classes can be viable in dungeon settings. You can’t wait for someone to change it for you. You have to start the change.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gnat.9405


Add me guy, we’ll get you some relics

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


This is why we have guilds. When you’re running with people you know, they’re not ashamed to ask for advice and they don’t suddenly just leave for no apparent reason. And if someone screws up we just laugh at it and that’s it, no one has to be afraid of being kicked. Also makes dungeonin’ 244,9% more fun when there isn’t any tension between the party members.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


Hang on after 20, it gets a bit better.

No, it really doesn’t, it REALLY doesn’t.

it totally does though.
In low fractals, as a guardian, people are stepping to side the of wall reflect and avenger shields, like its blocking their shots or something.

then in higher, people understand that guardians keep you healed/buffed and standing behind the wall makes you not take damage.

and I’m getting pretty tired of people running away from me when I go over to heal them

Okay, things get better at 30+ because people learned some of the basics and they can negate agony with their high AR.

At 40+ things can get much worse than in 20- fractals when you pug though because no matter how much AR you have if you get a group with people who can’t handle dodging the agony attacks it can go incredibly worse than any 20- run.

The grawl with a group that doesn’t dodge the arrow even once.. (I’ve seen people who literally never dodge it, not just miss dodges. I mean they never dodge it.).. it’s uh.. quite an experience of its own.
Something that you wouldn’t really notice as much at lvl 30+ if your group has maxxed AR. So 30+ can give you the illusion that higher lvl can be better in pugs than 20-.. but once you reach 40+ it goes downhill.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Fractal is possible without AR at all. The only possibly tricky agony skill is Mosmman axe throws from stealth. The rest are fairly simple.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bunmaster.9734


I think it is bad to advice someone to join a lvl 20 group when he is not ready. Good players or bad, GW2 is all about knowing what to do. (I do admit i joined groups in the 30’s while lvling my alts)
If he doesn’t know the content and keeps dying, he is only keeping the team down and will be kicked very fast.
While 1 or 2 good players can carry a team through the 20’s, i find that the 20’s are fielding some pretty bad teams lately.

To the OP, you can always read/watch the guides beforehand. While i don’t mind explaining other players, it does makes it much easier for you.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

hello. if you think you are good player and can manage higher lvl fractal, i advise to do fractal 20. even without AR it is possible until around lvl 30. me and my team did not have ar until lvl 30 then we were running at ar 5 till aroun dlvl 38.
my advise is to join lvl 20 team everyday and play to lvl up ur char the reason being is that you tend to get better and more experience player at 20 above. good luck.

… you got to fractal 38 and had ONE ring… and it was a REGULAR ring?… and here i thought rng hated me

Also 20 with 0 agony is 30% per tick from agony… that’s not exactly a great plan for some1 just starting.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


Well you can add me and we can do fractals together sometime if you want. in-game name Sarahsaur. I’m on level 15, working on leveling up but also working on leveling my guildies up (they’re all like, under 10).

I understand what you mean, though. I mean there will always be bad pugs for ANY dungeon. C’est la vie. But what bugs me about Fractals is when I’m doing a 10+ run and I get pugs who don’t even know what to do. I mean no offense, but at 10+ you shouldn’t be saying “Oh hey I’ve never done this one before”. I mean fractals stays relatively the same, with a few changes, as it levels up. It just gets harder. So I don’t get why people feel the need to skip a ton of levels. 1-9 is there for you to learn the instances, learn what needs to be done, etc. So by 10+ when agony is introduced, and mobs start getting harder, you don’t have to learn anymore. You just enjoy the challenge of harder fights and better rewards.

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862


I have 15AR, is 20-29 with 15AR too dangerous?

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sonnie.2810


I have 15AR, is 20-29 with 15AR too dangerous?

I’d say no since you’ll survive barely (if you were at max health, that is). Heal once and you’ll be fine.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Adam.4103


I have 15AR, is 20-29 with 15AR too dangerous?

You can do 20+ with 10 so 15 is fine.

Adam The Vanquisher

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I’ve started to make it a requirement to have agony resistance at level 10+. I know most of it can be avoided but the majority of players don’t even try to do that; they just eat the damage.

There are a ton of horrible players and at 10+ you would think they would know how to do each fractal. I’ve been forced to run as guardian to carry them and just swap to Mesmer at maw to level it.

I know berserker gear is the preferred type for PvE but if you can’t survive 10 seconds in it then you should probably do knights. It’s annoying that I’m spending at least a third of the time reviving people.

People do not know how to LoS and just run into a group of mobs attempting to faceroll through them but just dying instead. The Ascalon one is a good example.

Then there are those that refuse to listen. We were on Cliffside and it was explained not to kill the mob that was targeted. What do they do? You guess it! They killed that.

I really hope things get better but with how many of these horrible players are being carried, those levels will soon be no different.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Dont do too many Pug groups, but I do sometimes run with pugs as they sometimes have cool lil tricks. Last PUG group I had, 1 player was lagging and couldnt get over the Jumping part in Harpy Fracs, we were about to put a portal for him and one kitten on our team couldnt hold his kitten and wait a minute so he was like “Why is he so useless” “His so Slow” etc and the lagging guy took it offensive and quit…oh and the laggy guy was the host -.-

If you are in fractals and it is taking a bit longer then usual…suck it up. If you want a speed run through everything ever time go play Hello Kitty. Occasionally you get people who are new to the dungeon or have lag issues. The worst thing you can do is try rush everyone through it and get kicked out of fracs on 2nd fractal.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


If you are in fractals and it is taking a bit longer then usual…suck it up. If you want a speed run through everything ever time go play Hello Kitty. Occasionally you get people who are new to the dungeon or have lag issues. The worst thing you can do is try rush everyone through it and get kicked out of fracs on 2nd fractal.

Except they shouldn’t be when you get to 10+ or higher. Not everyone has all the time in the world to carry people that shouldn’t be there in the first place. A few mistakes here and there are okay as well as if you’re on a new tier and encountered something different (harpy fractal).

If its something that is a core learning objective from a fractal in the single disgusts then there’s not much of an excuse. Same goes for how you play your class too. I’ve had groups with just warriors and guardians thinking this will be a faceroll only to have those groups be the worst ever.

I’m trying to spend the few hours I have in the evenings to play on farming fractals and progressing. I’m lucky to complete two fractal runs now as they’re averaging 1.5-2 hours.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Just gonna drop this here for people who want to know about what AR they should have at what level fractals.


Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arrow.3856


If you are going to be in fractals expect 1.5-3hr depending on the fractal level and the fractals line up you get. Otherwise do not bother to try and finish a line up of Swamp, Dredge and colossus in 45 minutes at lvl 26.

If someone is experiencing some diffuclty, do your best to help them out. Telling them that they are useless is not going to help anything…I have blocked about 75 people because I saw them abuse players who were inexperienced in a dungeon. No need to play with people who are in the game to work. Its supposed to be fun and that is why I run dungeons like fractals. I love the creativity and the feeling of teamwork.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The