Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Braxxis.7062


Is this a group based achievement? My group and I have gotten all of the other Fractals achievements but we’ve been unable to get this one individually even though we’ve each completed the Instance numerous times without tripping any of the traps. We’ve never gotten through it without one of us hitting one though so we’ve begun to think this one is group based even though none of the others like this (The Floor is Lava, Carrier Cacophony, Take a Bow, Hop Skip and Jump, Flawless Fins Foil) are.

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: havoc.8569


It’s not that hard to memorize the trap locations for one particular path. Repeat that 3 times and you’re done.

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cinaed.2649


It’s not group based AFAIK. If you really need it, just carefully make your way to the wisps as really only 3-4 people are needed for the trap part.

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Braxxis.7062


That’s just it, we’ve all made it through the Fractal without tripping any traps, but not all at the same time, and none of us have gotten it.

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ghostly.4162


That’s just it, we’ve all made it through the Fractal without tripping any traps, but not all at the same time, and none of us have gotten it.

It’s a buggy achievement, I had to do it twice before it registered for me. I did it solo though, so I can confirm it is not a group achivement.

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: applekwisp.2139


it’s not group based. i actually miraculously got this achievement in my last run. it seemed like there were no traps to be seen besides the obvious one in front of the wisp altars

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kindayar.1209


I did not trip any traps last night and did not get this Achievement. It is/was bugged, like so many other things in the game.

K <><

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Niila Nuppunen.9875

Niila Nuppunen.9875

How about the “floor is lava”? I have played this instance multiple times without anyone falling in the jumping part and no achievement so far.

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cinaed.2649


That’s not the only lava. The pools at the end boss also count. You can’t get burned by them either.

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


@ Fancy Footwork
You can not trip a single trap at any point in time and must successfully return a wisp to trigger achievement. (More than likely to prevent people from afk’ing at the turn in and pissing their other party members off)

@ The Floor is Lava
As was said before there are lava pools at the final encounter in the instance that do not give the lava debuff but if you even slightly step in one it will ko your achievement.

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Day Trooper.3605

Day Trooper.3605

That’s just it, we’ve all made it through the Fractal without tripping any traps, but not all at the same time, and none of us have gotten it.

It’s a buggy achievement, I had to do it twice before it registered for me. I did it solo though, so I can confirm it is not a group achivement.

Sorry for necro-thread – but you state you did this solo. So I take it this means you only had to return 1 wisp?

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DelOnasi.6051


That’s just it, we’ve all made it through the Fractal without tripping any traps, but not all at the same time, and none of us have gotten it.

It’s a buggy achievement, I had to do it twice before it registered for me. I did it solo though, so I can confirm it is not a group achivement.

Sorry for necro-thread – but you state you did this solo. So I take it this means you only had to return 1 wisp?

He could also mean that he got this on a run where no one else in the party got it (he got the achievement solo, not he did the fractal solo). According to the wiki, “The achievement is attained when the chest at the end of the fractal has spawned and the requirements have been met,” which indicates that you have to complete the whole fractal for it to count (and you can’t do that solo as far as I know because of the whisps).

Dungeon Master ~ Litter of Lions [Arch] Admin ~ Devona’s Rest

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


@ Fancy Footwork
You can not trip a single trap at any point in time and must successfully return a wisp to trigger achievement. (More than likely to prevent people from afk’ing at the turn in and kitten their other party members off)

Since someone else already necro’ed this …

If you are implying that you have to be one of the people running the wisps to get this achievement then that is simply not true. I got this when I was effectively afk at the spawn point(wasn’t really afk, just browsing the TP). Once the other people cleared the wisps(took 2 or 3 tries) I slowly made my way to the boss to avoid the traps. Obviously I still got the achievement from that otherwise I wouldn’t be posting. :P

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Havana.8625


I just completed the fractal with friends. In order to ensure my safety I sat put while they delivered the wisps. I carefully made my way to mossman (not too hard since the distance is short) and completed the fractal. No achievement. I think you must need to carry a wisp. Otherwise the achievement must be bugged.

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(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bossy Bessy.3829

Bossy Bessy.3829

this achievement is pretty finicky and may in fact be bugged at times, but you do not need to be one of the players carrying a wisp.

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