~Sincerely, Scissors
Fashion Contest [Completed]
~Sincerely, Scissors
Thanks Windu! Didn’t notice.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Not in dungeons, won’t count, but want to share my characters anyway because I put a lot of work in to them.
First is my Necromancer which I have put a lot of work in to in the facial region, second and third is my Ranger. One with a bandit/pirate type outfit, the other with a native Cherokee type style to compliment her Cherokee name.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I’ve seen more pictures taken outside of dungeons so I’m not sure if that even still counts.
And my pictures are photoshopped in such a way you can’t even see where they are taken ^^
~Sincerely, Scissors
I’ve seen more pictures taken outside of dungeons so I’m not sure if that even still counts.
And my pictures are photoshopped in such a way you can’t even see where they are taken ^^
Haha. I saw that.
We will see how the rest of it pans out. So far there are many in dungeons, a couple not, but who knows. Maybe someone’s fashion will wow me into oblivion.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
So if it doesn’t have to be in dungeons I am totally going to have to go retake all of my screens; there are way prettier backdrops outside dungeons that would fit the overall theme of my characters better.
So if it doesn’t have to be in dungeons I am totally going to have to go retake all of my screens; there are way prettier backdrops outside dungeons that would fit the overall theme of my characters better.
I still prefer in dungeons. Because this is the dungeon forum. Lol
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I still prefer in dungeons. Because this is the dungeon forum. Lol
Buuuut moooooom the other kids are doing it!
I still prefer in dungeons. Because this is the dungeon forum. Lol
Buuuut moooooom the other kids are doing it!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I still prefer in dungeons. Because this is the dungeon forum. Lol
Buuuut moooooom the other kids are doing it!
This slowly depelovs into the car pic forum.
Nothing bad about, I like this change. Let’s see if I get around to posting some better pictures this time, but as I’m highly unfashionable, I doubt so.
Game over, yo.
This slowly depelovs into the car pic forum.
Nothing bad about, I like this change. Let’s see if I get around to posting some better pictures this time, but as I’m highly unfashionable, I doubt so.
How dare you say your ele isn’t fashionable! D-:<
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
This slowly depelovs into the car pic forum.
Nothing bad about, I like this change. Let’s see if I get around to posting some better pictures this time, but as I’m highly unfashionable, I doubt so.How dare you say your ele isn’t fashionable! D-:<
How dare you say my ele is fashionable compared to yours? D-:<
Game over, yo.
This slowly depelovs into the car pic forum.
Nothing bad about, I like this change. Let’s see if I get around to posting some better pictures this time, but as I’m highly unfashionable, I doubt so.How dare you say your ele isn’t fashionable! D-:<
How dare you say my ele is fashionable compared to yours?D-:<
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
My submissions:
My dragon priestess necro, (Arah)
my ex-nightmare thief (Twilight Arbor)
and my little beefcake guard (Uncategorized Fractal)
(edited by Alennia.1904)
Here is my submission
Heavy – Wings of Nephthys (Guardian) – Arah
Medium – Eidolon of Willows (Ranger) – Ascalonian Catacombs
Light – Consent (Mesmer) – Cathedral of Flame
Here’s Aoife, my beloved main & ele in CoF.
Then Tessa, slippery thief extraordinaire at CM.
Finally, Grania. Loot-Stickā¢ Guardian sailing on HotW.
Then Tessa, slippery thief extraordinaire at CM.
Might I ask what face you used for that character?
~Sincerely, Scissors
:3 Dis is my main, I’ve put a lot of effort into her story and I’m quite proud of how far she has come.
(edited by Daz.8402)
This is not a re-submission. It is more like a look my ele wears currently, inspired by the vampire theme. The wash out effect of this screenie is kinda unintentional, but I love it.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
My asura warrior Mazzi the worrier, ele Valkyria Furio and lastly my thief Sheep of Shadows… He was embarrassed to show Lilith his awful fashion and stealthed every screenshot
The asura sisters :]
Also some may notice iv updated my mesmer picture, i wanted one where you could see her armour more clearly :]
Rei Novella: Guardian- Arah
Lisa Novella: Engineer- COE
Nikki Novella: Mesmer- HOTW
(edited by Alvarez Azel.4083)
May I ask which colleges the sisters are in?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
The asura sisters look amazing
~Sincerely, Scissors
By the way if my lovely forum regulars aren’t shaking in their boots, then i don’t know what would make them!
A lot of amazing screens. I’m so glad to see so many newcomers to this contest!
Keep posting! We have a while left, yet!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
May I ask which colleges the sisters are in?
Rei- synergetics
Nikki- statics
Lisa- statics
I’ll be honest i’m not much of a role player so the college decisions kind of became redundant :P
May I ask which colleges the sisters are in?
Rei- synergetics
Nikki- statics
Lisa- staticsI’ll be honest i’m not much of a role player so the college decisions kind of became redundant :P
Fair enough
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I too pretent my asura characters are sisters, they all have the same second name.
~Sincerely, Scissors
I have 3 sisters as well, but their names are Jaya Voska, Lady Jaya, and Squaark. I didn’t really think of their siblings until after… but they all used to have the same hair. Recently I redid my Squaark though… she’s very happy not being a Jaya clone.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I have 7 of them. Used to have the same hairstyle, but that changed with the coming of new hairstyles.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Aw. So cute. I love Asura. I want more than the 8 I have. Hehe.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Aren’t they cute
Still looking for a better armor combination for my asura guardian though (the one with the blue hair). Also still planning to have one with Taimi’s hairstyle.
~Sincerely, Scissors
(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)
I love my guardians combo, but it has an RP background so it’s a little different. I really love the cultural heavy, but also the pit fighter. I love my warrior who bears her chest. So fierce. Haha
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Then Tessa, slippery thief extraordinaire at CM.
Might I ask what face you used for that character?
Sorry for the delay, but this is the face I used for Tessa.
Top row, all the way on the right.
Then Tessa, slippery thief extraordinaire at CM.
Might I ask what face you used for that character?
Sorry for the delay, but this is the face I used for Tessa.
Top row, all the way on the right.
Thank you
~Sincerely, Scissors
I couldn’t choose which characters to do so I entered 3 of each armor weight totaling to 9.. mainly because I like the thread idea! Count me out for the contest though if you want, I have enough sets I won’t be getting anymore for a while Ploughed through at least 100 transmutation charges since the update!
Uploaded them to imgur for the full resolution : http://imgur.com/a/dWBlq
Here are mine.
Xaviara Dynama: hanging with a Moa in CM
Auron Kvistorn making: his spin in Arah
Rithian Fhenrir: ( re edited since i had 2 Arah dungeons ) Do not mess with him in Hotw
(edited by Franklin Fhenrir.4962)
Aside of the screen being awesome, where the hell did your right arm go. That looks unhealthy.
Game over, yo.
Posting my submissions
My Mechawarrior leaving no survivors (except for the ones fighting in the background, but ignore them)
My thief looking for someone rich to rob
Last but not least, my Mesmer practicing her spookyface
(edited by teemo.3729)
@ hendo. you mean my sylvari? If so his arm is stretched behind him because he was spinning his axe main skill 2 around. if you look closer you see it.
You’re right, looks awkward nevertheless on first impression. :P
Game over, yo.
I couldn’t choose which characters to do so I entered 3 of each armor weight totaling to 9.. mainly because I like the thread idea! Count me out for the contest though if you want, I have enough sets I won’t be getting anymore for a while
Ploughed through at least 100 transmutation charges since the update!
Uploaded them to imgur for the full resolution : http://imgur.com/a/dWBlq
Beautiful!!! I love every single ones of them.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I try. :>
Warrior: Grundar Sanguare
Ranger: Alessandra Hawk
Elementalist: Lissandra Hawk
Grundar Sanguare [POOF] Tarnished Coast
Oh god why did I make my heavies a female sylvari (have yet to find heavy armor that flatters her body type) and charr (I think she’s lovely but from lurking I know the judge don’t like charr).
I like Charr. In fact, I’m far more impressed by fashionable Charr than I am most other races. The issue is, no one seems to know how to build fashionable Charr. I’ll have to post mine. There’s something to say when it took me literally an hour to come up with an acceptable light outfit for my Necro. But she looks awesome. I’ll post it later.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I couldn’t choose which characters to do so I entered 3 of each armor weight totaling to 9..
Hey no fair!
Maybe I should post a screenshot of all my 18 characters.
~Sincerely, Scissors
I love my Charr, not sure what counts as fashionable, but I love her and her looks, so she’s in my submission. For the other two, it was hard to pick just one. The wardrobe update has been great, been grinding dungeons for skin unlocks and almost all chars got a makeover. (Or two. So far.) All of my submissions are wearing at least one piece of dungeon armor.
1. Heavy – Twilight Arbor
2. Medium – Sorrow’s Embrace
3. Light – Caudecus’s Manor
I did not crop, that is my actual resolution. -_-
well since people start talking about charr armor i will show you mine ( i already posted 3 armors so this is not for the contest ). here is my charr guradian.