Fashion Contest [Completed]
Oh god why did I make my heavies a female sylvari (have yet to find heavy armor that flatters her body type) and charr (I think she’s lovely but from lurking I know the judge don’t like charr).
Zodiac fits pretty well with blue skin! I suppose if you’re going as far to change skin colour you might want to get a sex change too xD
I couldn’t choose which characters to do so I entered 3 of each armor weight totaling to 9..
Hey no fair!
Maybe I should post a screenshot of all my 18 characters.
‘’Count me out for the contest though if you want, I have enough sets I won’t be getting anymore for a while’’ :P I don’t expect to be at an advantage, I just like the thread!
I know, just messing with you
~Sincerely, Scissors
Jabsies about to go to town on some AC burrows.
Brooksies ready for blossom-clear duty in TA.
Stabsies getting stabby in SE. Even if she has S/P equipped.
Edited for more soul.
(edited by twoscoops.6913)
A bottomless darkness, and eyes staring at me.
A suffocating silence but a few drops of water.
A relieving wind that lifts up the spirit.
A cute kitty.
Oh god why did I make my heavies a female sylvari (have yet to find heavy armor that flatters her body type) and charr (I think she’s lovely but from lurking I know the judge don’t like charr).
Zodiac fits pretty well with blue skin! I suppose if you’re going as far to change skin colour you might want to get a sex change too xD
She has blue skin, but the problem for me is every leg piece makes her butt look huge. Which combined with her tiny upper body… bleh. Would have to try it on for real to test it but still looks like this set has that problem. I even used a makeover kit to try making her more proportional, nada. I think it’s also part just the way sylvari run. :X I already have a male sylvari, if there was more than one voice for each race/sex combo I’d consider that.
I’m fussy in some ways though, kind of like how asura dressup is totally ruined by their toes sticking out of the boots. And not even all their toes, just the ones other races don’t have. OMG. It bugs me way too much. (I know there are some sets that don’t do it, but but my options. I want them.)
My mesmer Syena in TA, warrior I Touched The Shiny in Fractals, and engineer Pametanko in CoE
(Edit: decided to go with warrior instead of a guardian)
(edited by Lucia The Lightbringer.2568)
EDIT – Congratulations to the winners!
(edited by Mithyl.8620)
EDIT – Congratulations to the winners!
(edited by Mithyl.8620)
The more I look at this forum, the more I think my toons look too plain to even enter. T_T
Your Janes are not plain!
But yeah I’m blown away by the entries. Amazing job folks!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
1: Wicked Itch of the West is not the guardian that SE deserved but the guardian it needs. {Guardian – Molementown}
2: Sensuous Healing is terribly bored listening to Caithe’s blathering. {Win~gineer -Weedville}
3. Panties and Stuff does not appreciate back talk. {Mesmer- CM}
(edited by DonQuack.9025)
Ok here we go:
Holy Jane – Guardian – CM
Suspicious Jane – Thief – HotW
Scotty Beamer – Mesmer – SE
I feel obliged to upload screens of my chars now
Can I win without using Bikini-Mail?^^
Of course! Bikini mail doesn’t always win. Has it ever won? Idk.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Love this idea for a fashion contest! Thanks so much for hosting it :-)
1.) My Norn Guardian in TA in the midst of using ‘Empower’
2.) My Human Mez (main) in CoE
3.) My Charr Thief in Fractals dancin away
May the Fashion Force be with you.
Here are mine.
My thoroughly honest adventurer is looking after Caudecus Manor, while Caudecus himself is enyoing the Queen’s Palace…
My lighthearted Elementalist doesn’t let the gruesome scenery of Arah get to her.
And last but not least is my Warrior experimenting with firebolds to boost his efficiency against the foes in Twilight Arbor.
Aaaaand these are mine, thanks to my girlfriend for the patience :P :
- My main, my hunter in the Swampland!
- My knight having a shower after the route in Caudecus Manor!
- My gorgerous norn in a windy day in Honor of the Waves!
BONUS: My knight tickling Caudecus’ nose
My entries
… as you may notice, they are quite similar in location, pose and retouch to those of Kerishan, my boyfriend, as we have traveled a long journey together to take the screenies!
1. My main, in the Swampland, trying to make her pet picking her axe and bring it back… hoplessly!
2. My water elementalist, blending with the environment of Twilight Arbor.
3. My proud bear cub (sister of Kerishan “gorgeous norn”!), enjoying a peaceful and icy moment in Honor of the Waves.
Bonus screens (not for the contest): Amadahy in her natural environment and Saskia in the perfect place for her, too bad it was another Twilight Arbor location >.<
After having given it much thought, I’ve decided to :
- change my ranger’s look
- change hodginsam’s gender
- basically invest 1Kg into skins and kitten
Lilith, you got me :’(
I’m not in the least bit sorry, Sam.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I still hate you. But with lots of laavs.
This contest has and is going far. I’m loving all the entries. Good luck and have a blast!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
After having given it much thought, I’ve decided to :
- change my ranger’s look
- change hodginsam’s gender
- basically invest 1Kg into skins and kittenLilith, you got me :’(
I just spent 800g on skins, inspired by these threads.
I’m secretly a TP skin flipper and this has been my plan all along.
I’m kidding. I spent 200g this morning on 3 weapon skins. sad bitter tears
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
luckily when i got fashion help they were either cheap skins or dyes (<50g) or i was aided by the lilith ajit fashion foundation and received a krytan armour set in the mail :p
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Just one entry for me- my mesmer in arah with her trusty torch.
edit: added engi (cm) and guardian (ac)(ghosts!)
edit2: bonus pic, my thief newly demon-ified
(edited by rfdarko.4639)
Great entries so far
~Sincerely, Scissors
This contest is going great! Remember your entries must be in this coming friday. I’ll probably choose an arbitrary time to choose winners. So get them in Thursday just in case!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Hello. Decided to go with my necro in TA, my ranger in CoF and my Warrior in CM.
I only really put effort in my warrior, trying some different armor piece combos. But my necro has gotten some good comments ingame nonetheless, so I took her over my mesmer. My asura thief is on hold for the moment in plain crafted armor that doesn’t suite her well, so I went with my ranger who I decided to use the molten gauntlets on, which for me fit with the headpiece and the hounds of balthazar backpiece. Hope there will be more people in the next days to give me more armor combo ideas, particularly for female asura thieves ^^
PS: two shots of my warrior to show a neutral shot, and I just liked the shot of her stretching her arms while yawning.
PPS: sorry about the poor image quality… I play on an older laptop, so it’s not topnotch gfx.
haha here are my submissions
not as shiny or sparkly as others but hey i tried my best x)
all are shoot in caudecus manor story mode
Hey, this looks like fun
Here are mine:
Ivy Nemesia, Mesmer – Fractals, Swamp
Hugo Björntand, Thief – Honor of the Waves
Llawella Quinn, Guardian – Arah
Man. Who would have thought that the dungeon forum regulars would be outnumbered by outsiders? Thanks all you new folks! They needed some competition. Some of your posts are spectacular.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Hi there, I’m finally gonna try participating
Disclaimer :
I have the kittenest taste ever, and as such, my participation will never win
I spent a bit over 1.2K gold to get everything I needed to feel like I could remotely have the right to take part in this incredible challenge hosted by Lilith :p
In order of screenshots :
My ranger, Enearys (2nd character, untouched) :
- Enearys, acting as a bodyguard at the party held by Minister Caudecus.
- Enearys taking a totally deserved nap, à la Snoopy on top of a roof.
- Bonus Pic : Enearys disguised as the Mad King to surprise the children attending the party
My guardian, Joan Artemisia (6th character, untouched) :
- Joan was standing for a moment’s rest at what once was the beutiful city of her ancestors. Her nap got interrupted by what seemed to be ghosts and she’s thus watching her surroundings, aware that they could attack from anywhere !
My elementalist, Sam Ajesté – this is a French pun, as I’m called Sam and it’s an unisex name and Sa Majesté means His/Her Highness (7th character, suffered a heavy sex change and reskinning worth close to 1K gold) :
- Sam chilling out in the remnants of a Kodan city, ready to warm them up with some of her good fire spells :p
- Sam is really trying hard with her magical girl powers !
- Sam after having tried to warm them up… Doesn’t she look hot ? xD
By the way I’m sorry for the poor quality, but my HQ screenshots are way too heavy to get on the forums :/
(edited by Enaretos.8079)
I had a hard time deciding which of my characters I should use (I have way too many of them ). But since I don’t have the resources to compete with people spending tons of gold on new outfits anyway, I decided to instead follow Lilith’s suggestion and go with the characters that I most enjoy playing
First of course is my favourite character, my little mesmer. She originally started out as an experiment when I unexpectedly found myself with a 2nd account (long story), after two failed tries at starting mesmers on my main account. For some reason, this time the class finally clicked with me, and she soon became my favourite. She has very little resources in skins and dyes, but I think she’s still presentable . And where else to show her, than her (and my) favourite dungeon, Twilight Arbor.
For medium, I really wanted to show my ranger, my first character in this game, first to 80, and long-time main character. I got a ton of skins just for him, but everything that looked even half-way fashionable turned out to have horrible clipping issues. I eventually concluded that there is just no such thing as a fashionable max-sized, male, medium-armoured Charr in this game, so I turned to my ingi instead who had just reached level 45 and thus was able to enter Caudecus’s manor. She did profit from the skins I got for the ranger (my main account at least has a better-filled wardrobe and dye store) and is quite happy with her new outfit (the dyes are all her own though, the ranger never would’ve shown himself wearing those colours ).
Heavy armour shows my warrior. 2nd class to 80 (after the ranger, and before ele, mesmer and guard), but by far the class I am worst at playing seriously. Still, even if I’m a total failure at playing warrior, he is an awesome character to goof around with and have all kinds of fun, like bashing enemies in WvW with his candy cane hammer. As his hobby is all things golem, he currently is on a quest for a full set of golemancer runes and as thus has imposed his non-existent skills on many a luckless CoE party (friends only, no PUGs were harmed in his adventures ).
ASURA dies
Great job
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
ASURA dies
Great job
Thanks . I do have a lot of non-Asura characters, and try to like them all equally, but it’s hard. The way my Asura move their limbs and ears when they move, the dodge-somersault and the phrases they use all the time just make them come out first every time. Have you ever seen (or rather heard) a male Asura in the cut-scene towards the end of Arah path 3 say “a chicken? an un-dead chicken?” with that totally unbelieving tone in his voice? That alone makes it worth it playing Asura
I just adore the Asura. I have one of each class. They’re the best. Everything about them is winning.
Btw thanks everyone for your continued interest! I’m blown away with all the entries and I have NO idea what to do when I go to pick winners tomorrow. There are about triple the amount of entries I normally get for my contests so deliberation may take a little longer than normal.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Daw, my ele is still too low level so that I can equip the skin I have in mind for her. Would there be another contest soon, master Lilith?
I prefer “Lady Lilith” unless I’m beating you with a whip.
Of course there will be an infinite amount of contests in the near future. There will be different requirements though.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I really hope that we don’t get to a point where you’d beat me with a whip, Lady Lilith.
Okay, thank you!
I prefer “Lady Lilith” unless I’m beating you with a whip.
Master Lilith all the way :>
I prefer “Lady Lilith” unless I’m beating you with a whip.
Master Lilith all the way :>
Let’s go to Ebonhawke and procure the whip environmental weapon. As a Tarnished Coast native I know where All these goodies are.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I prefer “Lady Lilith” unless I’m beating you with a whip.
Master Lilith all the way :>
Let’s go to Ebonhawke and procure the whip environmental weapon. As a Tarnished Coast native I know where All these goodies are.
is it just me or did it get hot in here
(ps yay i’ve been on this forum long enough to get flood control)
I prefer “Lady Lilith” unless I’m beating you with a whip.
Master Lilith all the way :>
Let’s go to Ebonhawke and procure the whip environmental weapon. As a Tarnished Coast native I know where All these goodies are.
is it just me or did it get hot in here
(ps yay i’ve been on this forum long enough to get flood control)
The heck did you get in trouble for?
And yes it’s very hot. Haha
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.