Favorite and least fav fractals?

Favorite and least fav fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RapidSausage.4620


Needless to say, Swamp is my least favorite fractal, i’m saying this and I’M A MESMER WITH PORTAL!!!!

Keep in mind i’m saying least “favorite”, the design of the fractal itself is brilliant, and it’s quite a quick fractal if people are well organized, but the main thing that puts me off is the process of getting the things from the hive nests and back, because it is simply to annoying to dodge the completely invisible trap, the stealthing little raptor things, and the out-of-nowhere champion drake and hunter guy.

they are annoying as heck.

My most favorite by far is the one with the giant Dr. Manhattan, it’s just so rewarding when he turns around and bows to you and you bow back…..just so satisfying.

Favorite and least fav fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Least fav – Ascalon.
I like the design of a proper siege and stuff, but it gets old the fastest.

Most fav – everything else, really.


Favorite and least fav fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Tried to introduce my friend to the fractals cause I told her they were really fun. Got 3 groups of, well, to be honest they sucked. On top of the groups it was just a level 1 run. Well the very first one was the bugged Charr seige one… great. Instant restart cause we can’t untransform… Might not have been that big of an issue if the very next one didn’t require us to pick up the torches for the Svanir level – I like that level btw. Upon restart we get to go for the Colossus level with the hammer. So the group makes it to the chest piece and wipes, the all leave. nice.
The Charr seige one needs to be taken out until the transforms are fixed, don’t leave broken levels in the game wtf are you thinking?
I don’t know if I like the colossus one, only got half way up.

I like the snowstorm one, swamp one(yeah I’m that guy), and the golem one. Haven’t seen too many of the zones but those are the ones I like.

But because of this my friend is completely turned off to the idea of doing fractals. The experience was definitely not fun. She had no idea that certain mobs just infinitely spawn, I had to tell her to stop fighting or she would have stood there fighting them the whole time.

The information might have been there at the beginning with whoever’s lab it is but there are like 10 other npc’s there too and the only ones anyone seems to see is the golem merchants instead of the information npc’s. I don’t know if the information npc actually tells you anything of use like “There are infinitely spawning enemies in here, just follow the targets listed” or “Environmental effects will kill you occasionally” or “They’re ALL VETERANS, beware”.

And what’s up with the excruciatingly loud yelling he does? I’m not sure if I’ve ever actually understood or paid attention to what he says.

Favorite and least fav fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


The Charr seige one needs to be taken out until the transforms are fixed, don’t leave broken levels in the game wtf are you thinking?


I don’t know if the information npc actually tells you anything of use like “There are infinitely spawning enemies in here, just follow the targets listed” or “Environmental effects will kill you occasionally” or “They’re ALL VETERANS, beware”.

That’s standard for dungeons. It’s also standard that you die/wipe several times before you learn the mechanics, even if you’re a veteran dungeoneer yourself.


Favorite and least fav fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aga.8641


Favourite – Swamp, quickest and easiest.

Least favourite – Rata sum, it used to be my favourite, but since lvl10 it’s just so annoying. Not every class as stability or reflect walls…

Favorite and least fav fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tenicord.9803


Favorite: Swamp.. quick, easy, and requires at least 3 party members to put in some effort.

Least: The dredge one… long and annoying, especially the final boss.

“Our Time Is Now”
Waylon- lvl 80 Guardian
Trism – lvl 80 Engineer