Hey Anet, typically I am not one of those enrage guys. But lately I ran into a lot of situations which were just kitten annoying. So here’s my feedback about fotm and agony.
The first few weeks I actually enjoyed the fotm. Basically about 9 new dungeon to discover and on top of that some new shiny loot. The first 10 lvls were a quick thing to do and I was curious about hitting level 10 and getting the chance for an ascended ring.
When I did lvl 10 the first time, the agony part basically didn’t make anything harder, it was just a normal fractal run. And in the end I got a ring in my first run, luckily even the ring I wanted.
I played on until I reached about lvl 15 when I decided to buy my first infusion. The daily search for a PUG went slower and slower. And about every second run, somebody got disconnected, kitten off, or rage quit. Basically every second run was just 2-3 hours wasted time, because of disconnection.
I am even ok with this it’s just the nature of MMOs. I just don’t understand how a simple fix (deserves a hotfix imho) for the dc issue could take so long.
So I reached lvl 20 after spending more time quitting fotm because of dc issues, but I finally made it to lvl 20. I even got my second ring and bought an infusion aswell. So I had 10 Agony resistance now.
From lvl 20 on, everyone wants people with rarely AR15+ and commonly AR20+ or AR25+.
After checking the wiki(why is there no explanation in game?) I learned that I can craft a backpiece of ascended gear worth of like ~50g (lulz, shut up and take my money). Seriously? I have to spend 50g for the same trivial easymode bosses and mobs which involve no tactics apart from having AR? Grind stuff because of pityful dungeon design? C’mon you can do better. Then I read about that prototype fractal blabla… 1850 fractal relics really? Thats basically …. i didn’t calculate… but like 20 fractal runs I already did(because i can’t advance lvl 20+ because of AR).
So basically kill those noobish bosses I already showed who the boss is again like 20 times because of a) bad calculated token prices and b) a really unpolished dungeon design regarding AR.
Having some specific amount of AR is not a tactic, it doesn’t involve skill, the only thing which will bring you the AR is grind. So when you asked yourself if this is fun you clearly missed some points
And yes I know I can upgrade my rings to have +10 AR(after studying the wiki) but loot gods don’t like me, i simple don’t have enough of those mist essence bla bla to upgrade even one ring. And no, I didn’t skip any mobs in fotm with my groups, I even did half of them 2 times because of dc issues.
I just ignored AR and played with 10AR lvl 20 and we made it. We didn’t made it because of me … we made it despite of me(rest of the team was ar20+). Not that I am a bad player, but there are some unavoidable agony debuffs which killed me a lot. I didn’t felt to be of much help for my team although I played well.
So to conclude:
- dc issues are annoying(will be fixed[tooooo late])
- I did as much successful runs as fail runs because of dc(about 40-50 hours wasted time)
- what is the purpose of agony?
- Agony doesn’t make content harder
- Agony makes content repititive
- It feels stupid to repeat content just because of Agony
- The progress in difficulty is really low(some more hp, some more dmg, sometimes more trash, rarely a new skill, I start to ask myself why I should continue playing fotm when the only challange is, to repeat the content to take the gear hurdling)
- I expected the challange to be something like trying new tactics, rebuilding my char for specific situations and stuff … but that just didn’t happen. It’s just fast facerolling to get your relics as fast as you can because you want to advance to get some new challange.
And at this point I don’t see the difference between hundreds of other mmo games and Guild Wars 2. I really enjoy this game but here Anet just copies the really poor dungeon design of other games aka gear treadmill…. And I know you can do better. I’m really bored of showing developers that I can take that gear hurdling(because anyone can if patient enough) I would much more enjoy to play incredibly hard content instead of incredibly repetitive.
Sorry for bad grammar and stuff, english isn’t my first language, but I guess you get my point.