Few newbie questions

Few newbie questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

I started playing Dungeons with the addition of LFG and have been enjoying myself. Most people have been happy to teach me the tricks of each path and I am now speed-running several paths regularly I can find people running everything in AC and (now) TA, but I have difficulty with other dungeons.

I have not done a single path of CM because no one seems to do it. I do CoF 1&2 regularly, but never seen a group for P3. I cannot find anyone for CoE or HoW Story, and rarely see people looking to do explorables with them either. I am interested in getting the Dungeon Master achievement (hey, the content is there: I may as well try it all), but cannot seem to find groups for half of the dungeons. I tried TAFU once, so I know why people did not like it :P Are these others like that, or do I just play at the wrong time of day and people actually do these, just they are not as easy/popular?

I also have a class question. I have been using my Guardian exclusively, and found it works extremely well in Dungeons (more fun than other areas of the game). I also have three other 80s and was wondering if they would be good or not. I have a Shatter Mesmer, a Flamethrower Engineer and a D/D Stealth Thief. Would any of those be good options if I am in a party with two other Guardians, or would none of them work well?

Few newbie questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I have a Shatter Mesmer

bosses and trashmobs in dungeons generally have so much health that you need some sustained dps, which means phantasm builds are better in general

a Flamethrower Engineer


a D/D Stealth Thief.

D/D has the highest single target dps so it is good. Just be aware that a thief in stealth is a thief not doing damage, so the only purpose of going in steal is to use back stab

Oceanic [LOD]

Few newbie questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mosspit.8936


Try to use www.gw2lfg.com to increase your options.