Finding a raiding group is so hard!
Rather than posting a complaint in general discussion, make a post in
saying you’re looking for a regular raid group. Include your main’s profession, region (NA or EU) and times you’re generally available. You might not find a group that way, but you’ll have a better chance than you will with this thread.
Join a guild that is only solution. There is no way you will find any successful raiding group as starting raider given current state of GW2 community.
WoW probably has a bigger raiding community probably because the main end-game is raids. I haven’t played WoW since vanilla, but back then, raids were pretty much the ONLY end-game. I.e. after the initial spike of players who do the expansion content dies down, most who remain are there to raid. That’s very different to GW2… a smaller proportion of players do raids as part of their end-game, so there is a lot more “noise” when trying to find others. Anet’s also been pretty adamant not to segment raid difficulty; so there’s no equivalent normal/heroic/mythic modes so the barrier to entry remains high.
IIRC there’s also a Reddit thread somewhere that raid guilds put their contact details on.
Keep an eye out here
You’re going to have the best time if you find a guild or raid group. There are various types that require various skill level. Honestly after the amount of time I spent today pugging, I can’t imagine raiding without my static group and guild group.
Make your own lfg. They fill pretty fast.
the barrier to entry for raids is kinda BS….and why are there timers? it makes it all about DPS and speed, why not build a boss that can actually kill 12 people? i mean it can but still.
im not owning multiple sets of max out armor just for slightly different stats…..when this gets fixed or when people loosen up their silly meta more ppl will raid
the barrier to entry for raids is kinda BS….and why are there timers? it makes it all about DPS and speed, why not build a boss that can actually kill 12 people? i mean it can but still.
You never really raided, have you?
The barrier to enter raids is what YOU make it. Everyone can make a raid squad and advertise a run on lfg, asking for whatever they want.
What you’re talking about is a barrier to leech experienced groups. Very few established experienced groups will let a complete newbie in. Why should they? If 9 people have put some amount of time and effort to prepare for raids, why should the last person just leech them? Especially if they can find someone else, who has put an equal amount of dedication to the game.
If you want to experience raids, you can make your own squad, find 9 people on lfg and go. No TS needed, no gearcheck needed, no strategy needed. Just YOLO in with random builds and have fun. Nothing is preventing you from doing that.
If you want to successfully score a raid kill, I’m afraid you will actually have to work for that. Nobody is going to hand you free kills on a silver platter without you putting the least amount of effort. Gear up, study up on what to do. Join training runs at first and after you feel comfortable fighting that boss (you don’t even need to kill him, just experience every phase and mechanic of the fight), you can start trying to join exp groups. Be honest with them, I am sure sooner or later somebody will give you a shot.
My first gorseval kill ever was this week, and it was a no updraft kill, mainly filled with new raiders (only the tank/com was exp). It’s all about being at the right place, at the right time, and making sure you keep an eye on raid LFG. Also joining a guild that does raids, or has people who do, is very important.
My best advice would be to look for a raiding guild, try your luck with the LFG system and most of all be humble about it.
Being nice and friendly without the commonly displayed entitlement works wonders.
Our guild pugs complete newbies we pick off the LFG randomly every so often and we always end up inviting inexperienced players even though we were looking for someone far more experienced and geared.
There is a lot enjoyment in watching people finally succeed at killing any of the bosses, how happy they can be after trying so hard for so long and all of that. Quite a few found their spot in the static group that way. They might have been new and inexperienced but they were fun to play with, quick to learn and most of all willing to put in the work and effort needed.
What we actually mind are those who think it is totally fine to lie their way into a group or who simply refuse to listen, adapt or follow in any way. Those are also the ones who quite often go on a verbal rampage after you decide to remove them from the squad.
I became a bit disillusioned with the community lately for that that very reason. It happens far too often that people do not appreciate all of the help others did or are willing to provide. There are always two sides to each coin, which means both sides, the elitist kittens and the entitled butterflies, can be a huge pain.
I am not saying all of the negative stuff I mentioned applies to you in any way. It just irritates me to see people complain about how atrocious the raiding community and raids in general are.
This probably comes from something that people are not used to anymore. Talking about having a community and communication driven part of the game for the first time (talking about PvE only here). You will not find your way into raids by simply pressing one button, without ever talking to anyone or without showing some team spirit. And quite frankly, I like it that way.
(edited by Henry.5713)