Fix the Dungeon AI please

Fix the Dungeon AI please

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talmaru.7865


Mobs that you run past and forget about you in 50 feet is not fun
I am aware that on the world map this is done to prevent griefing by train but in a dungeon this is not needed.

Doing this will remove the “meta” element of dungeon running preventing teams from simply running past the fights.

From what I have seen of the community of this game while dungeon running it seems nobody wants to actually run the dungeon they just want to fight the boss @ the end and collect the reward.
Whether this is a fault in game design or simply community laziness I do not know but it irritates me every time the group just wants to run past all the encounters <usually to the point where I just leave the party>

If I were to invade an enemy fortress I would NEVER leave a live enemy behind me it is quite simply dumb thing to do.

If I were to have an enemy invade my fortress I would personally flay alive any guard who ran back to his post after pursuing the invader for 50 feet then developing amnesia.

These things break the suspension of disbelief and completely ruin the game, changing it from an action adventure game to a cheep gold farm in one fell swoop

PS: Don’t bother with snide reply’s simply because I probably will not look at this post ever again. But hopefully one of the developers will see the point I am trying to make and take it into consideration.

Fix the Dungeon AI please

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: chaosgrimm.5837



Recipe for a dungeon in GW2:

  • every man for himself run to a location
  • dog pile + spam cooldowns
  • a gimmicky boss fight
  • a gimmicky room or two
  • (optional) all or none every man for himself jumping puzzle or avoid the _.

I like dungeons in other games due to diverse PvE team combat in which everyone has a role to fill (its an RPG after all)… but this are mostly single player, single archetype, homogenized train-wrecks that rely moreso on knowledge of the dungeon / prior experience than teamwork.

Fix the Dungeon AI please

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


“but this are mostly single player, single archetype, homogenized train-wrecks that rely moreso on knowledge of the dungeon / prior experience than teamwork.”

The teamwork is there but players don’t need to talk to each other to do it. They know what’s required and they make it happen. If you look at a dungeon like CoE there can be a lot of teamwork but very little is said at all. PUG players are assumed to know common tactics and make it happen.

If you want dungeons to need people in roles then play that style of MMO and don’t complain when you’re sitting lfg for an hour waiting for a character to do the tank/healer/control role.

Fix the Dungeon AI please

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: chaosgrimm.5837


“but this are mostly single player, single archetype, homogenized train-wrecks that rely moreso on knowledge of the dungeon / prior experience than teamwork.”

The teamwork is there but players don’t need to talk to each other to do it. They know what’s required and they make it happen. If you look at a dungeon like CoE there can be a lot of teamwork but very little is said at all. PUG players are assumed to know common tactics and make it happen.

If you want dungeons to need people in roles then play that style of MMO and don’t complain when you’re sitting lfg for an hour waiting for a character to do the tank/healer/control role.

zerk, run, stack, zerk, run, stack….. When most everyone is doing the same thing it leans toward the gimmicky side of things. But yes, I do play an alternate mmo and am prolly going back until the next major gameplay update. I came back after this massive update on classes, but I was a bit disappointed when learning what meta is now. Looked through the forums to see if anyone had similar complaints, then posted my support in the hopes of bringing roles back to the role playing game.

Also, I dont see how the following are teamwork:

  • running
  • avoid the rolling rocks, electric bars, etc
  • jumping puzzles…
    To be fair you might see a guardian do an aoe aegis or speed buff. Maybe a mez with portal….. but that’s hardly a team.

Also, when the basic team combat mechanic is “everybody back in the pile” (south park reference xD), I think there is something wrong… The so-called evil “holy trinity”, is way more fun than pile and spam. Thing is, games that use the holy trinity are nice in the sense that everyone know the role they are supposed to fill, because of they way their class functions. New players in gw2 have no idea.

A quick note on waiting on these groups. You arent waiting for hours in most games for a balanced team… you were in gw1. Most of these games now have in game group finders and what have you to create groups fairly quickly. In gw2, it has a different problem. You can get groups fairly quickly for the popular stuff, but could be waiting forever on the less popular dungeons depending on the time of day.