Fix the party leader method

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoRo.8270


This seriously needs to be fixed you take a huge risk pugging because of this. When the person that zones in leaves the party everyone gets kicked.

I just did a fractal 48 which i rarely pug but since most people I know who still do fractals quit I attempted it. We made it to the end of the harpy fractal and the person that zones us says he has to go after this. I said you zoned us right he replied yes I won’t log out. We kill the asura boss then go to jade maw then I get kicked to lions arch that is when I knew he left the party…. Which he did because he was the only member not in the party.

I don’t know if he was just trolling or dumb but I wasted 2hrs for nothing because let’s face it the rewards you want come from the Jade Maw chest. I still can’t believe there isn’t a feature to change the zoner/party leader

(edited by RoRo.8270)

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


oh I can believe it

welcome to ArenaNet :’D

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jovel.5706


Yeah I’ve had similar experiences as well OP.

Would be nice if we could pass around party leadership by right clicking someone’s party icon. Maybe even bringing up a window that asks the entire party to vote whether the selected player should or shouldn’t become the new party leader? Even then some people have emergencies and/or might get disconnection issues so the party will get kicked out of the instance anyways.

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Julian.8326


I made an extensive post about this a couple of days ago, but it got deleted because of making “staff callouts”, I got so angry I haven’t played the game since then. Here’s my recent experience with the “leader” system and the 2-vote kick system, from that post that I made:

Fractals lvl 48. We started on the wrong foot when this Guardian started trolling me at the first fractal about Rangers begin useless. I should have leave there but, silly me, I stayed.

Fractal two, he tried to kick another guy because he pointed out he (the troll Guardian) screwed up (more in a joking manner) at the fan in the Raving Asura fractal. Nobody voted, so he just left, presumably because of “connection issues”, and left his girlfriend (instance owner, won’t say her name because I don’t want this post to get deleted too) with us, who started defending his boyfriend and threatening us about leaving and breaking the instance.

Fractal three, she allied with someone else and kick the other three of us.

If the instance/leader system cannot be changed in the short run because of technology issues, then the 2-vote kick system, which I’m pretty sure is a lot simpler, NEEDS to change. It causes a lot of headaches to a lot of people, it’s only useful to the trolls and people that wants to kick everyone and invite their friends at the last minute for the reward, and it gives a lot of power to the instance owner, everyone has to suck it up because nobody wants to get kicked.

I really hope Anet is listening, because this is a real problem in the game, and I simply cannot understand why they’ve been ignoring it since launch.

Marcus Ironforge ~ Norn Ranger
Alianza Argentina [ARG] @ Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by Julian.8326)

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Yeah a well known issue. That’s stuff I would really stick first to. It’s totally stupid and I really hope, they will change this.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc DLad.2194

Arc DLad.2194

it only boots you if he clicked leave pary, change character -log out or log out to desktop. any other method won’t boot the party (clicking the x, Alt+f4, etc)
it would just leave you with 1 person down, has happened a few times to me, where someone just leaves and we can still finish it with the down aslong as we don’t boot them from the party.

How does Treahern change a light bulb?
“commander can i have a word”

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


I would like this fixed aswelllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dolan.3071


The entire getting booted at all system is flawed. The only reason you should get kicked from a dungeon is if you are Vote Kicked or leave the party. Vote kicking should be increased to 3 votes including the person who started the kick, majority rules.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Fix the party leader method

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoRo.8270


it only boots you if he clicked leave pary, change character -log out or log out to desktop. any other method won’t boot the party (clicking the x, Alt+f4, etc)
it would just leave you with 1 person down, has happened a few times to me, where someone just leaves and we can still finish it with the down aslong as we don’t boot them from the party.

I dont think you read my post?