Flawless Fins Foil Foes tips requested

Flawless Fins Foil Foes tips requested

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lysander Freeman.4186

Lysander Freeman.4186

Hi all ~

I’ve finally started doing Fractals, and I’m about to max the last Mastery line. I need a few more mastery points though.

I’ve been trying to do the Flawless Fins Foil Foes achievement for the MP but so far it’s been near impossible. At this point, I’m doing this solo to work out the bugs just because it’s easier than getting four other people involved and asking “can we do that again?”

I can get down to the Champion Krait and a little past it but die soon after passing him. From what I can tell, I’m almost there.

Does anyone have tips on getting past the Champion Krait and to the finishing spot?

Thanks in advance ~
~ Lys

Flawless Fins Foil Foes tips requested

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Use the 2 skill, Decoy, and blow it up just as it reaches the Champ. That’ll let you get by. There are spots all along the way where you can get OOC and just wait for cooldowns; the 2 skill is basically what enables you to get by the really dangerous bits. You can also double dodge right when the CC hits and dodge the whole thing, but naturally you can only do this to one attack.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Flawless Fins Foil Foes tips requested

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


There are actually 4 Champions there. I assume you are talking about the last two? For that you can get pretty close by staying near middle (both horizontally and vertically). Then it’s just a matter of dodging and using the decoy in some order.

If you are on EU I can show you the way. Also there is a “way” to skip about 33% of it. If that doesn’t work with the achievement then you can at least do the final 33% with your normal skills (ie. kill them).

Flawless Fins Foil Foes tips requested

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lysander Freeman.4186

Lysander Freeman.4186

Thanks, I’ll try both the suggestions. I’m sure you’re right about the number of Champs, I’ve been more focused on not dying than counting I’ve gotten through the first main tunnel and into the ‘ruins’ where the Champ(s) are out in the open, blatantly blocking the way through. I feel kinda silly now though because I didn’t realize that Distract had a second skill to it once deployed. I thought it just kinda floated away and that was its way of “distracting.” I’m sure that second skill will help a lot! I also tend to stick to the right wall but will try for the dead center path tonight instead.

(In NA, but my schedule’s a bit odd at times with family but thanks for the offer)

Flawless Fins Foil Foes tips requested

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lysander Freeman.4186

Lysander Freeman.4186


Yup, got it. Took four more tries but got better each time.

Flawless Fins Foil Foes tips requested

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I completed this achievement on my first run through that fractal, long before the krait revamp that buffed them into absurdity.

I haven’t been able to do it since, but I’ve gotten close several times.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos