FoTM is like 95%...

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ashanae.9362


…made from bugs and rest is “fun”.

Only today my group was booted back to LA when we was figh with Jade maw ( that was done twice) we got like 15 d/c ( and we are getting d/c only in FoTM ) we was bugged as charrs 3 times.

So we want to thank you Anet for making most bugged dungeon/instance ever.

keep up good work!

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


Whole my group got kicked out just after we finished our third fractal at level 16. The “host” crashed and when he logged back in we all got kicked out..

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xylikk.9154


I keep on crashing at the third Fractal, no matter wich one it is… I am still at lvl 2, done it probably 8-9 times now wich keeps on resulting in crashing at the third fractal… I just can’t seem to get passed this level 2 now… unless I get extremely lucky

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Toxie Moron.4021

Toxie Moron.4021

I, too, have crashed several times. Most have been at the 3rd fractal boss. I wonder if there is a pattern to this. I am also stuck at lv 2 because of this.

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ivonbeton.6814


There are a few things that cause crashes, for me it was teamspeak or minimizing. I was stuck at level 1-6 for awhile because of frequent crashes.

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jaga.2084


Up to now I never got a disconnect in our beloved Fractals. I’m still on Level 2 though. Every time someone is leaving. Maybe disconnect, maybe intentional. Guess I’m doing it until I’m through with my Monthlys and then I won’t touch it any time soon.

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kilyan.3758


Anet im glad your rivals like rift, the secret world can do much better than you.
You are original, the only one that could make possible after a disconnection to be kicked out of a dungeon and ruin tons of evening of people, non sense but original….

phenom II x4 965 -corsair ax 650w gold
asus 560 ti dcII top -asrock 890 gx extreme 3
2×4 gb kingston hyperx genesys 1600 mhz

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ensef.1574


Yes, I agree, although I like the dungeon a lot, it is total BS, that you have to finish the dungeon short handed, get kicked out completely or have to start over if someone in the group gets d/c’d or crashes and it does seem to happen a lot in FotM while I hardly have any problems with other dungeons. This is not a hard fix Anet, pretty stupid to make it so you couldn’t re-enter the dungeon in the first place. If you want to stop people from kicking pug members to invite their friends at the last minute, then just tag the original 5 party members to a specific instance ID, so that only those 5 can enter that instance.
I’ve wasted countless hours of my life redoing this dungeon and if its not fixed soon you are going to be losing a decent chunk of your player base.

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Got 41 fractals done, never crashed, dced or even lagged there.
Been doing fractals with ~20 various guildies, and i can tell that some people have problems with dcs while others don’t. It seems that not everyone is at risk of crashing or dcing, as if someone in my party has any issues, it’s always the same ~4 people.

Seems it’s mostly either on player’s end or somewhere on the way – our computers causing crashes (both hardware and software may be at fault), ISP screwing up, someone stealing our signal, our connection being too heavily used by downloaded stuff in the background, packet loss somewhere on the way (and that’s a LONG way). If it was purely ANet’s fault, everyone would get into issues from time to time.

I agree that it is up to ANet to figure out a sensible solution to handling FotM for someone who has crashed, whatever the reason, and needs to reconnect with friends inside. The problem here is that it operates on how personal story is handled (that’s why you all need to be on the same overflow and can’t go cross-server), which also doesn’t allow you to reenter the quest someone else is doing.
Other dungeons work in a different way and while they allow you to reenter if you lose connection or crash, they also allow you to switch on an alt mid-run or kick someone and invite someone else in their spot for the final boss. Exploiting FotM like that would either defy the whole difficulty level progression or would simply be impossible to do, period.

ANet is working on a sensible solution, but as i said numerous times, it’s not only down to fixing stuff, not only down to changing a few things, but it’s about finding out a completely new way of handling instances, coding it and implementing it into the already existing engine, without causing more problems than it will solve.
All we can do is be patient and ensure that there are no bottlenecks or bandwidth issues on our end. Peace!


FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

I agree that it is up to ANet to figure out a sensible solution to handling FotM for someone who has crashed, whatever the reason, and needs to reconnect with friends inside. The problem here is that it operates on how personal story is handled (that’s why you all need to be on the same overflow and can’t go cross-server), which also doesn’t allow you to reenter the quest someone else is doing.
Other dungeons work in a different way and while they allow you to reenter if you lose connection or crash, they also allow you to switch on an alt mid-run or kick someone and invite someone else in their spot for the final boss. Exploiting FotM like that would either defy the whole difficulty level progression or would simply be impossible to do, period.

ANet is working on a sensible solution, but as i said numerous times, it’s not only down to fixing stuff, not only down to changing a few things, but it’s about finding out a completely new way of handling instances, coding it and implementing it into the already existing engine, without causing more problems than it will solve.
All we can do is be patient and ensure that there are no bottlenecks or bandwidth issues on our end. Peace!

The problem isn’t that hard to solve, at least in concept.
Here’s my solution:
When logging in with a character, detect if the last known location of that character is inside a fractal – and if the last connection time was less than 10 minutes ago.
If those conditions are met, spawn the player directly into that fractal if it’s still active.
If not, spawn the player outside as currently happens.

FoTM is like 95%...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

Never had crashes till a couple weeks ago then suddenly it was about once every 20 minutes roughly. Went to the bug section and lowering shadows setting was suggested. Did that and the crashes stopped till I had one more after a couple days. Lowered the shadow setting again to “low” this time and now it has been a week time since a crash. By crash I mean one second everything is fine and the next second the client is completely closed and had to be restarted.

This wasnt in fractals but hope this helps. Did do a set of 3 fracs at the lowest difficulty sinse setting to low and no crash in there either.