For the whiners

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


CoF path 2 is still very easy. I just picked two pugs in a row of decent players and we pretty muched dpsed the kite event. Seriously, STOP TRYING TO KITE IT.

Even if your DPS is low, at least kill the first few mobs to help you. The crystal boss of path 1 is what actually needs revising as it is pretty kitten hard to kill unless we have 5 greatsword warriors going at it. Actually, several other dungeons need revising.

If you are going to complain, do it about the lowered rewards or else you will just sound like a big noob.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Garbol.4390


Good for you mister uber pr0^. Good for you that it didn’t bugged out for you.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: miya.5160


Most people are talking about the rewards.

Why are you complaining about complainers? Had you made this post in a constructive manner, it would have been highly informative for people. Instead, you just sound silly.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cromx.3941


Hey but was it fun? I can do any content in this game, but is just plain annoying?

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jeno.6435


so your complaining about the complainers ? now that’s lower than the complainers lol

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


Hey but was it fun? I can do any content in this game, but is just plain annoying?

Yes, it was much better to try other paths instead of trying to do path 2 in 8.54 secs.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


so your complaining about the complainers ? now that’s lower than the complainers lol

And what makes you? sigh

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


I don’t think complaining about one of the several bugs to come out of this patch makes anyone a noob. We could have been DPS-ing all day long, kiting all day long, sitting on our rears all day long and it still wouldn’t have made our encounter possible when out of range mobs are hitting us (so they’re invinsible) and Magg runs into the lava, dying and unable to rez even with 5 of us trying to.

I am glad you had a good experience but your encounter was far from what many of us are complaining about.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


I don’t think complaining about one of the several bugs to come out of this patch makes anyone a noob. We could have been DPS-ing all day long, kiting all day long, sitting on our rears all day long and it still wouldn’t have made our encounter possible when out of range mobs are hitting us (so they’re invinsible) and Magg runs into the lava, dying and unable to rez even with 5 of us trying to.

I am glad you had a good experience but your encounter was far from what many of us are complaining about.

I also encountered the Magg bugs, but this is something else. I’m talking about people who think it’s too difficult. I also agree they should have tested better the patch.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

How did you manage DPSing through? The monsters kept respawning for me when I tried it.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jeno.6435


so your complaining about the complainers ? now that’s lower than the complainers lol

And what makes you? sigh

me? im just passing the time… by reading posts then i stumbled to yours, why ? do you have a problem with it ?

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


How did you manage DPSing through? The monsters kept respawning for me when I tried it.

I did it 3 times actually. The first 2 we just kept them together and doing as much dps as we can. We would kill one wave right before the other spawned. No secret here

The last try we got overwhelmed at around 85% so then we adapted and started to kite.

I’m not expecting every group to have very high DPS, because some classes just can’t do it that well or people just aren’t geared, but you should at least try to fight them for as long as you can and then when you get overwhelmed, start kiting. People got used to running around silly unfortunately.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

First try we tried kiting through. Next try we tried just killing all the monsters. Magg decided to run into the lava to kill the monsters and just died so we waited 10 minutes or so for him to respawn. Tried again, failed, gave up.

Tell me your secrets, because if the average player can’t do a dungeon properly then there must be some secret that the pros have to do it. Seems like you need 1337 skills to pull it off.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: poot.5487


Sounds like you’re whining about path 1. Can we get a real pro into this thread to tell this guy he needs to l2p?

Be sure to whine about something else afterwards though, because I want to see Inception levels of oblivious hypocrisy. Otherwise I shall become bored with these forums and have them sent away.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Senai.1804


First try we tried kiting through. Next try we tried just killing all the monsters. Magg decided to run into the lava to kill the monsters and just died so we waited 10 minutes or so for him to respawn. Tried again, failed, gave up.

Tell me your secrets, because if the average player can’t do a dungeon properly then there must be some secret that the pros have to do it. Seems like you need 1337 skills to pull it off.

I always find posts like this hilarious.

“This person can do something I can’t! He must be some kind of wizard!”.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

This person can do something 500 other people can’t do. Hence the uproar on the forums. He must be some kind of wizard.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Senai.1804


This person can do something 500 other people can’t do. Hence the uproar on the forums. He must be some kind of wizard.

The point is it’s doable. If people can’t due to their own inability to do so, it isn’t the fault of the game.

Stop trying to be spoonfed.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

If the average player cannot do it and only the pros can, this goes against what Arenanet said before about this game being for everyone. Of course a pro like you wouldn’t care about the people beneath you.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Senai.1804


If the average player cannot do it and only the pros can, this goes against what Arenanet said before about this game being for everyone. Of course a pro like you wouldn’t care about the people beneath you.

If you truly think only “pros” can do dungeons then there’s nothing I can say. You’re pretty much accepting you’re a bad player and want them to lower the game to your own level which is hilariously pathetic.

If someone doesn’t do well in school he doesn’t go do the school board and demand them to make classes easier. It’s the same concept. Instead of complaining things are too hard, how about you try to better yourself? Is that also too hard?

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Right, seems like me and the 500 other people complaining about this don’t have valid points. Go be l33t somewhere else please, your superiority complex is showing.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Senai.1804


Right, seems like me and the 500 other people complaining about this don’t have valid points. Go be l33t somewhere else please, your superiority complex is showing.

And you can keep being pathetic here while other people enjoy the game.

Please, continue.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

One person enjoying the game or 500 people who don’t. According to my supercomputer which I use to do complex math the 500 people seems to be more than the 1 who said they enjoy themselves.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sieghilde.7632


“If someone doesn’t do well in school he doesn’t go do the school board and demand them to make classes easier. It’s the same concept. Instead of complaining things are too hard, how about you try to better yourself? Is that also too hard?”

If the only purpose of school was to have fun, then yes, they would make the classes easier. School and video games are not equatable, no matter how much self-worth you try to derive from them.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Senai.1804


One person enjoying the game or 500 people who don’t. According to my supercomputer which I use to do complex math the 500 people seems to be more than the 1 who said they enjoy themselves.

I don’t know if I should seriously address this or not. Are you 13?

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

I should be asking you that question since you cannot seem to tell the difference. Although I’m pretty sure a 13 year old would be able to tell that 500>1.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


I want to see JUST ONE person who can run this instance path after the patch post a video of it because I’m calling bullkitten that they are getting past the doorblast room without exploiting.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

They won’t do that vic. Didn’t you see? The people who can do it are too elite to have anything to do with us “pathetic” people.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Niim.9260


We never got to the door blast room to test it, we had good DPS. After Honor of Waves bugged out, and then Magg died in the lava after he aggroed mobs on his own before we could get a water gun, my group said kitten this and kitten that and logged for the night.

All in all our evening dungeon fun was a waste of time and surprise all I got was blue crap from the chests we did loot.

~ AoN ~

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


One person enjoying the game or 500 people who don’t. According to my supercomputer which I use to do complex math the 500 people seems to be more than the 1 who said they enjoy themselves.

Because Citadel of Flames is the whole game.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Because Citadel of Flame is not a dungeon and that is not what we were discussing. While we’re at it let’s start talking about how delicious apples are. How’s that for a completely different subject?

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cendol.5712


DPSing the whole wave and killing them 100% is imposible , you have to kite at some %…totaly BS if you say you kill the whole wave…..the spawn timer is crazy…..
Video link where you clear the whole wave or its = BS

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


It is possible to DPS 100%. The secret is to have good gear and SPEC your skills to boost your DPS just for that fight. You don’t need any defense whatsoever for it, you just have to dodge well.

Also, you DON’T have to kill 100%. Kill as much as you can. If you can kill 50%, then the rest should be like kiting pre patch or very close to it.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


his responses are hilarious.

respec to dps traits costing you tons of silver via waypoints and becoming more squishtacular but use those what 2? dodges? every 10 seconds well vs all of those mobs

but you don’t have to kill them all right? xD god you are so full of rubbish OP you really are xD if I didn’t know better I’d call you out for deliberately trying to troll the idiots who don’t know better. by getting them to try run that segment as glascannons and get killed even faster and more frequently

Irony…. xD

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


I just read your first sentence and stopped. I said respec your SKILLS.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spawn.7014


OP is clearly the God of GW2.

For the whiners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Meuqsaco.9310


OP is clearly the God of GW2.

Clearly. I just think the whiners are bad players who want it easy.