FotM Daily?
I don’t know, we did diff 10 and 11 last night and only at diff 10 2 of my group had ascended rings. The rest, the rest are being kitten by agony c:
I would like to know more about the daily chest as well (appears like a daily/monthy/map completion in R corner)
It seems to me it works like this:
1: (Obvious) Drops after defeating Jade Maw
2: It seems like it drops once per ‘tier’. What I mean is you get 1 daily for defeating a maw in the range of 1-9, but you can get another for defeating a maw in the range of 10-19, etc, etc. Not 100% sure on this.
3: I think the 20 bonus relics come from this chest, but I never really paid that much attention.
4: At scale 10, for the daily chest, you have a chance to get an ascended ring. I personally got ’Snaff’s Gyre’ from this chest.
5: You’re not guaranteed an ascended ring; I was the only in my party to get it.
2 is what I’d like clarification on, if anyone knows. I think this is inline with what the OP is asking.
Warrior Nuuk (80 War)
[ALS], Anvil Rock
Yes you can get another chest from another tier. I don’t know about 1-9, but many people at the moment farm 10 and then go do 20. The rings in 20 are infused, which gives them a native +5 agony resist