Fotm Ring chance
its all about luck,
seems you where unlucky
“If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried.”
Yeah it is, that’s the irritating part. Gets old fast, ah well.
I’ve run FotM 10 about 17 times and I have 5 rings. However, I’m only using the one I purchased with relics. I guess I have 6 rings.
Honestly I wouldn’t rely on the RNG anyway. Just grind out your 10 pristine relics. If you happen to get crazy lucky that you get a ring drop and it fits your build then awesome, but don’t count on it.
Rate definitely goes up higher your level. At level 10 I almost never got a ring (maybe 1/2 every 10 runs) at level 26+ I get a ring almost every other run.
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