Fractal 100 Last Boss Solo with Warrior :P
Nice man let the world knows our warriors wrath ;D how many tries?
Content Programmer
Great job! A good use of the defense trait line. The CM version should also be possible with defiant stance I think, but it would be rough.
I tried solo the lv 25 with my necro after this “adrenalinic” show. eazy done! now to the 50!! Ty sensei Hizen!
Warrior is balanced, you should see them in wvw. 1v1 or 50v1 it doesn’t matter, the warrior doesn’t die.
Who said warrior cant solo big bosses think again :P
I don’t think anybody with brain cells ever said that, warrior has always been one of the best solo classes.
Also I don’t really see how soloing non-CM Ensolyss (which has been done numerous times before with way better times) in tank gear and every defensive trait is in any way impressive, other than that you managed to not fall asleep.
Each to their own tho I guess