Fractal 50 Hard Cap

Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Felion.7516


I’m just trying to get an answer so I can know where and how I should spend my time from now on. As many of us know, apparently the new patch implemented a agony upon rez for Jade Maw, such that now fractals is hard capped at 50 unless you have someone higher in your team. My question is:

1) Is this a temporary problem that will be resolved in the near future (by near, I mean SOON), or
2) ANet do not intend for players to go beyond lvl 50 fractals

The reason that I’m asking is that, fractal progression was the sole thing that kept me in the game for quite a while now, but with this implementation that is no longer possible. So I’d like to know where ANet is heading, in order to make some decisions.

Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


It’s kind of obvious you like aren’t supposed to pass 50 after this update just Iike it was capped before at 40 unless you wanted to res orb/glitch your way passed the imposed cap.

Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sleeme.5893


I absolutely agree with you.
Anyway can’t understand A-net why they did this, did’nt they make quite alot of money with the revive orbs?
Whats the point, when they didnt even provide enough resistance to survive the agony..

Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pinch.4273


It’s kind of obvious you like aren’t supposed to pass 50 after this update just Iike it was capped before at 40 unless you wanted to res orb/glitch your way passed the imposed cap.

You were always able to keep someone alive legitimately at 40, provided your group comp had a couple of utility resses and a Guardian or two. Legitimately meaning that someone survived the full duration of agony (so not 99% or ledge ressing).

Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


well since you didnt do research, i wont give direct links, but there is some interview i recall saying that “every 3 months or so” a new tier of ascended gear will come out, and then playerse are given 3 months to “get that tier of new gear” etc…repeat….

so yes, you will be able too if this is right. google some of those quotes to try to find official article but that sums it up basically. yes, just you cant progress ASAP, just like they told you it would be in the start

Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Felion.7516


well since you didnt do research, i wont give direct links, but there is some interview i recall saying that “every 3 months or so” a new tier of ascended gear will come out, and then playerse are given 3 months to “get that tier of new gear” etc…repeat….

so yes, you will be able too if this is right. google some of those quotes to try to find official article but that sums it up basically. yes, just you cant progress ASAP, just like they told you it would be in the start

Interpretation is the key here, and while they have the final say on the matter (and hence, nothing I can “enforce”), reasonable assumptions should not be held against me at least. While they indeed suggested that these fractal levels are gated, on the other hand they also put an emphasis on “allowing players to challenge themselves”. My understanding was that it’ll get significantly harder to do higher level fractals without the proper AR, but people who can dodge every single agony attack (and for that matter, mob attacks too) will be able to reach high levels regardless.

An analogy is that “explorable dungeons are suggested for players of a certain level and preferably certain gear level”, however you’re not excluded from entering the dungeon if you’d like to do them at a lower level with bad gears —- If you can pull it off, then that’s all fine. I thought that was the philosophy of the game, and I had enough reasons to think so due to many contents reflecting this concept. I happened to enjoy doing AC explorable at level 35 instead of 80, and enjoyed doing fractals and not relying on AR to save me, but I guess that was just me misunderstanding their intentions then.

Obviously, not going to argue here. If they never intended for this to be the case, and they intended to keep us gated at certain fractal levels, then I doubt they’ll change this policy just because a few players (because there are not many doing 50+) want a challenge. Ultimately I’m at fault here since I must be not getting the right information and signed onto a contract that I misunderstood, at this point the best thing for me to do is just re-evaluate my options, and redistribute where I spend my leisure time. No grudge, just not what I signed up for.

Thanks for the input everyone, discussion is closed for my questions. Feel free to use this thread to talk about this issue in general though.

Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzl.8715


well since you didnt do research, i wont give direct links, but there is some interview i recall saying that “every 3 months or so” a new tier of ascended gear will come out, and then playerse are given 3 months to “get that tier of new gear” etc…repeat….

so yes, you will be able too if this is right. google some of those quotes to try to find official article but that sums it up basically. yes, just you cant progress ASAP, just like they told you it would be in the start

I haven’t seen any official claims regarding this on the forum and on the official website. Do please point me to it if there is. These are the only places that I consider to be 100% valid sources. As far as interview go, not many people follow the millions of third party websites out there, and crucial information should never be release there, as we have seen with the ascendent gear when it’s first announced. But that is an entirely different matter.

Besides, I don’t think you have a clear understanding with regards to the actual issue here. I would advice you to go check on the recent few articles and try very hard to filter the noises in there.

The issue is always about how the content was gated, how the Jade Maw agony is a cheap mechanic, and the fact that gear is needed merely for the sake of entry (which to an extent shattered my overall image of the game), when there are many people who can do without agony resistance gear on the actual challenging part of fractal, and no that does not include Jade Maw.

This is people opinion and feedback to the fractal design, maybe instead of doing research you should also learn to separate facts and opinions.


Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


we can have like 80AR now and the hardcap is still 50 WHY?

Fractal 50 Hard Cap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


do you main a necromancer?

actual answer, (my opinion of course) Arena net did not expect so many people to get to level 50. much less within 24 hours.

data mining has shown the levels to go as high as 140. have some patience it will come.

some of us still have to pug our way to 50.

at off hours.