Fractal Disconnect Support

Fractal Disconnect Support

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I play with a semi-unstable wifi (it’s stable 89% of the day) and I feel like it’s a slap in the face when I disconnect and can, in no way, rejoin my party in the Fractals to get the hard-earned rewards and/or just progress with them without having them start entirely over.

I understand why you’re not allowed to hop in and out so as to not zerg it and then swap to give another person rewards, but I believe the game should allow players who join the Fractal and disconnect to rejoin their parties Fractal as long as they don’t swap characters… perhaps a choice as they login?

It seems silly to punish people for disconnecting on accident while trying to punish the people abusing character swapping and/or selling finish rewards.

Fractal Disconnect Support

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draeka.5941


This, along with the community’s obsessions with fractal levels ala Ursan lvl in GW1, is why I refuse to run fractals. If you DC, you can’t get back in and either force a complete reset or hope your group can complete it without you…and you get no rewards. Epic fail.