Fractal Patch, any change on fractal weapons?
Reward updates:
You will be able to receive a special daily chest for finishing a boss fractal once per day. This chest will contain a number of items based on your current fractal level:
Empyreal Fragments
Fractal Relics
A Pristine Fractal Relic
GoldThis boss chest will also have a chance at containing a number of other rare rewards. As your fractal level increases, so do the odds of obtaining these items:
Fractal Weapon Skins (starting at level 10)
Ascended Rings (starting at level 10)
Ascended Weapons (starting at level 10)
Infused Ascended Rings (starting at level 20)
So its still rng only? My god why??
I have been doing fractal since release did thosands of them got daily token in hundreds fractal shard and all of that all for getting some nice skin a unique reward and what do i get for waiting for my time rng? i made several suggestion on the fourms on how to make fractal weapon a rng or a grind that can take a long while for this?
I am a PvE player and excuse me that i did all the dungeons enough and got skins i wanted so why fractal is out on the loop? this isnt black lion weapons that you can get with key rng and make money via gem buy….
This is worse than vanilla wow in term of random for loot!
I realy had it with this game all these months of waiting for this?
Also why havnt they done something with the rings!?! They should drop in a box the way the ascended weapons do so you can pick the stats you want. Or if they dont want to do that very sensible idea, then let people salvage the rings so they dont have a million sitting around in the bank.
infused ascended rings are higher drops to get than ascended and fractal weapons wow
“commander can i have a word”
With the fractal skins dropping from level 10 daily chests now, I have a feeling these skins will no longer be as rare and elite as they currently are.
Though, with RNG and the account bound daily chests, the chance you actually get a skin and it’s the one you want are still about nil.
It depends if the drop rates have went up or not. Either way pure rng is kittened and always(i repeat) always* a bad move! At least other weapons are buyable on the trader. The fractal weapon situation disgusts me …. I’m still waiting to see if shards of mist essence and pristine relics will be useful for anything.
I’ll give a bump and raise the few problems there with fractal at the moment concerning loot & rewards
1. Rings – Those of us who do fractal alot since it was relised got so many rings that we just vendor them all for 4s the worth or just destroy them, why arent they salvage able for a few ascended crafting event if its just 1 is better than what it is now
2. Shard, Globe, Vial essence – personaly i got around 90 shards, is there and use to them beside making better rings and back? why not use spare to convert to somthing usefull like more fractal token if you want to buy obsidian shards or bags
3. Daily token + Fractal relic – both of them stack up pretty high fast and those who do fractal on a daily basis got them both in vast numbers with no use (already got 20 slot bags on all my alts) , who about converting them to get fractal weapon skin?
4. Fractal weapon skin – The skin are good looking but getting them is absurd, why do we do the dungeon for fun sure but we want skin to show for our effort and time, they should be gain via a slow grind or random luck how it was so far using daily fractal token, relic or even making the item in Mystic Forge with lvl 400 or 500 crafting materials.
It is ridiculous this patch aims for mostly none fractal frequent player and we who done it over and over just get pushed aside for other who will take a short (1-2 months at most) intrest in fractals again.
And lastly why is a leaderboard for fractal even needed? this isnt pvp,wvw or raids its 5 man dungeon which many do in pugs! i dont care about my progress compare to others i want rewards for the time i spent!