Fractal Weapons
Hmm, I used to feel the same, and all the fractal skins I’ve gotten have been sort of useless to me…but at the moment fractal skins are the only real sign of skill in pve. Ofcourse RNG sort of diminishes that since someone could get the skin they want on their first FotM28 run, but all in all I like where they are now. Just play lots of fractals and you’ll get your skins soon enough
Protect him at all costs.
I’m sure in the next fractal update, Fractualization 2: The return of the leaderboard, there will be some grinding, dredge and rng. The drop rates will all be decreased.
Given that i have personally seen fractal weapons skins drop at level 11…
I dont know. I am torn between making them easier to get. ( increase drop chance) or keeping them as rare as they are.
They stated they would introduce Fractal weapon boxes with the Fractured patch that would allow you to select the skin you wanted and these would drop from high level fractals.
Great idea, however, they apparently think that 50 isn’t high enough and the boxes aren’t even on the loot tables.
Until they raise the cap or introduce the boxes into the current levels, my enthusiasm for running fractals for the skins is nil.
Wurm’s Bane
Jade Quarry
i gave up on fractals till they FIX that drops. Do not care if i will wait year or not
Not before they reset or fractal scales back to 0.
….what I want is for anet to fix their bugs…..particularly the drop rate for fractal weapons and accended armor that decreased. Rather than “increased” like anet said a few patches ago.
And make it so that it scales better as you go to higher fractal tiers 40+
Also I think that there should be 4 daily chests per fractal tier. 1 for each fractal when doing fractals.
1 for each fractal. Bonus chest for 1rst fractal,2nd fractal,3rd fractal,and bonus fractal
That or change it so instead of getting a random fractal weapon you get a fractal box at lvl50. Not at lvl 51+ WE want it NOW
(edited by Chaos.3579)
Better yet remove it from random drop chance and make it a purchasable skin for pristine fractal relics…..make it 50-75 p relics…..I have done over 500 fractals in the 40s and up. NO FRACTAL WEAPON. Bs. I have tons of p relics……give them a use besides rings that we all got a year ago.
FotM is a dungeon so I just can’t understand why the golem in lobby doesn’t provide Fractal Tonic and Fractal Weapon Skins for fixed amount of relics/pristine relics.
Before GW2 was released, ANet stated that their game is different and better than other MMOs, because they eliminated mindless grind and RNG in dungeons. What now? Obviously it’s a lie. The new path in TA – I do it DAILY for month or two, and never dropped the new skins.
It seems like they abandonded their idea of being better than other MMOs and decided to be one of them.
(edited by Sublimatio.6981)
Happy where they are. Keeps fractals active and they drop frequently enough if You are persistent.
Mhmm. Even if some drop (which sometimes even persistence won’t help you with if you are unlucky), then the rng strikes and you get 4 longbows, 4 maces and 3 tridents. Which under the new wardrobe systems only means a free transmute charge for said skin and not even a chance to unlock a new one.
So maybe at least an option to trade in multiple/unwanted skins for those you haven’t already or you are actually trying to get would be nice.
And for the record, I am in favour of the “pristine relics for skins” option as well. Make them expensive if you wish, but make them something you can work towards.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
Happy where they are. Keeps fractals active and they drop frequently enough if You are persistent.
This is BS.
I’ve probably done over 700 fractals. Hit 500 around 4 months ago. And have been doing fractals daily. Sometimes doing 2 runs( a 49-50 and a 39) every other day.
…..I have not gotten a single fractal weapon….and only 2 Acended chests (1 weapon stat I don’t use…..dire (I’m bersker -_- ), and 1 berserker chest box yay!)….but that’s it. Over 500 runs .most in the 49-50 range……and that’s all,I get?
BS rng reward systems are BS especially with drop rates this pathetic after recent patches.
There needs to be a way to limit the amount of BS grind if you are not lucky but persistent. This does not exist in fractals….and it needs to be there.
Anet said they would add fractal box’s in to the game at 51+….why it would not be 40-50 I don’t know. However even if this is in the game it would still be only rng….that’s BS
I don’t care if the drop rate is 99% or 0.00000000001% . There is always a chance that you will not get one no matter how persistant you are. That’s just how rng works.
And that is why alot of people have gotten sick of mmo’s with this. Gw2 promised I would not have to deal with this s***. But hay here we are. With anet breaking their word and failing miserably to improve fractal rewards proving that they cant be trusted to do what’s right for us as players even when we cant find a logical reason why they would do this kind of BS.
What needs to happen is this. A token reward system for fractals. THIS rewards persistence. Not rng.
Rng rewards luck.
(edited by Chaos.3579)
Just play lots of fractals and you’ll get your skins soon enough
Been doing fractals since fractals came out. Sometimes even do 3-4 dailies a day. And I still don’t have all the fractal skins I want. I know a guy that does the same and all he wants is a fractal dagger, but he has never gotten one.
Something needs to be done about the mad RNG related to fractals. Doing a 1 hour dungeon and ending up with a useless ring worth 5 silver is not exactly what I call fun. And yet I keep doing it, because I still have hope that someday I’ll get something good.
they drop frequently enough if You are persistent.
Are you kidding me?
It’s all because of rng. I’ve done a tone of fractals, got like 15 skins, hammer even 3 times. Ascended chest to, can dress another character in ascended armor. But after Fractured patch not a single skin…
Wiki got this but it says lvl 51+, don’t know what to even think about it. Giving us skins for relics would be great.
Getting a fractal wep drop it “not necessary all that hard”. However getting the one you want is.
Getting a fractal wep drop it “not necessary all that hard”. However getting the one you want is.
I’ve done over 500 fractals. I don’t know the exact number because after hitting 500 its impossible to tell unless you keep count. However judging from the fact that I finished that 500 fractal achievement over a 3 months ago I would say that I’ve done around 700 fractals in the 30-50 range. Sometimes 2 fractals aday but a most certain 49 or 50 everyday.
….I have not gotten a single fractal skin.
Can’t we just have a token system were I can exchange 10 -30 prestige fractal relics to a vendor for a fractal weapon. Maybe a requirement to purchase it such as a required reward lvl of 50.
That way I can trade some of my 200+ Pristine relics for all the skins I want.
(edited by Chaos.3579)
RNG loves some and hates others.
So far, I’ve had 4 fractal skins (Sceptre, focus, bow and harpoon), 1 ascended weapon drop (apothecary stats but oh well), 6 ascended armour drops (3 malice, 1 healing, 1 defender, 1 raider) and 1 precursor (Leaf of Kudzu). That’s after about 600 fractals or so
Hmm, I used to feel the same, and all the fractal skins I’ve gotten have been sort of useless to me…but at the moment fractal skins are the only real sign of skill in pve. Ofcourse RNG sort of diminishes that since someone could get the skin they want on their first FotM28 run, but all in all I like where they are now. Just play lots of fractals and you’ll get your skins soon enough
How is a weapon that is a random drop in any way a sign of skill?
Hmm, I used to feel the same, and all the fractal skins I’ve gotten have been sort of useless to me…but at the moment fractal skins are the only real sign of skill in pve. Ofcourse RNG sort of diminishes that since someone could get the skin they want on their first FotM28 run, but all in all I like where they are now. Just play lots of fractals and you’ll get your skins soon enough
How is a weapon that is a random drop in any way a sign of skill?
I think they mean it’s the only skin in game that cannot be bought.
Anyway I disagree with them entirely. Haven’t gotten a fractal skin since before fractured.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Happy where they are. Keeps fractals active and they drop frequently enough if You are persistent.
What do you consider persistent? I run 30s and 40s daily and I’m in a cold streak of 73 runs seeing 1 armor chest and 1 skin (rifle). In that streak was a 48 straight without seeing anything more than a ring.
Their reward system is flawed. These are dungeons and should be treated as such with more options on the vendor golem for our p. relics.
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
I made this post because I recently saw someone using a fractal weapon and I loved the swinging effect they have. It encouraged me to try and run fractals to try and get one… So I leveled my fractals to 10+ as soon as I could.
So far I have done fractals for two weeks without a single weapon skin dropping. After reading all of you posts about how several people have done hundreds and not gotten anything, I am not giving up on fractals. What a joke~
Thanks for expressing yourselves! I hope they make some kind of vending system for them because this is just plain insane. Whichever developer thought of making them this rare is completely insane — especially for something with zero benefit. I refuse to slave away hours of my time, so fractals — never again.
If you ask to get fractal weapons from level 10, you are asking too much,
Despite what dev says nobody dropped a single fractal weapon before fractured under level 20.
To get some real chances you had to play 48.
They lowered the minimum level and also broken the loot table so you get them at level 30-39 more easily.
At least don t ask to ruin the only non gold/gem related skins because you want them without putting any effort.
I also want a legendary without the map achievement…. but i cannot have it.
I didn t ask it to give the gift of exploration when you complete your home city…(i won t even talk about the precursor..)-
They only have to fix level 40-50 loot tables and fractal drop will be fine.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
For what it’s worth, my only fractal skin has been post-fractured, on a 19.
If you ask to get fractal weapons from level 10, you are asking too much,
Despite what dev says nobody dropped a single fractal weapon before fractured under level 20.
To get some real chances you had to play 48.
They lowered the minimum level and also broken the loot table so you get them at level 30-39 more easily.
At least don t ask to ruin the only non gold/gem related skins because you want them without putting any effort.
I also want a legendary without the map achievement…. but i cannot have it.
I didn t ask it to give the gift of exploration when you complete your home city…(i won t even talk about the precursor..)-They only have to fix level 40-50 loot tables and fractal drop will be fine.
It’s less about whining and more about the philosophy behind getting a a fractal weapon. Anet has tried extremely hard to make this game less about the grind, and they have done a fantastic job — up until the fractals.
The fractals are hard, and they are time consuming with very little reward. After a personal level of 10 you have seen all of the types of fractals. You run the same thing over and over only to have a 1g reward, with a massive RnG drop rate of several other types of items.
Lets face it, a system purely based on luck is just lazy development. As seen from other posts, some people have numerous skins already while others whom has run 300+ fractals have seen little or none.
Let’s take the worst case scenario and assume you have done 300 fractals with an average of 45 minutes per run. That’s 9 full days, 24 hours, of running the same grind based fractals attempting to achieve a 5% chance at getting a skin that you may want in particular. To make it more realistic, assuming you dedicate 4 hours towards fractals per day, you’re looking at 56 days to have a 5% chance at a skin that you want.
We can keep doing the math for better cases where someone gets a skin within 50 fractal runs, or even 20 fractal runs… but I hope you see the point here.
No. fractal drops are just fine. If you want it play for it.
Please RNGesus dont let them take this away from us. /pray
all praise the rng
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals
A couple hundred fractal runs.
Not one fractal skin.
But I’m being extremely well compensated for it with a bank overloaded with rings and ascended boxes with useless stats, so I’m thoroughly happy.
It’s less about whining and more about the philosophy behind getting a a fractal weapon. Anet has tried extremely hard to make this game less about the grind, and they have done a fantastic job — up until the fractals.
The fractals are hard, and they are time consuming with very little reward. After a personal level of 10 you have seen all of the types of fractals. You run the same thing over and over only to have a 1g reward, with a massive RnG drop rate of several other types of items.
Lets face it, a system purely based on luck is just lazy development. As seen from other posts, some people have numerous skins already while others whom has run 300+ fractals have seen little or none.
Let’s take the worst case scenario and assume you have done 300 fractals with an average of 45 minutes per run. That’s 9 full days, 24 hours, of running the same grind based fractals attempting to achieve a 5% chance at getting a skin that you may want in particular. To make it more realistic, assuming you dedicate 4 hours towards fractals per day, you’re looking at 56 days to have a 5% chance at a skin that you want.
We can keep doing the math for better cases where someone gets a skin within 50 fractal runs, or even 20 fractal runs… but I hope you see the point here.
You are totally wrong
Even in manifesto ANET declared that grind for SKINS is acceptable.
And GRIND for STATS is not.
Look at the part saying they were fine if a player wanted to invest 1000 hours on a weapon for its appearance, but it should have the same stats as other skins…..
Its a skin, its for people who like fractals and not for everybody else.
As i said, give me free legendaries and dragon finishers and you can have free fractal skins.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
ok, rather than making the easier.
Have a fractal “box” drop instead of all the various skins…and allow people to pick the skin they want from the box.
This would keep the kitten RNG but at least people could get the weapon skin they’ll actually use.
ok, rather than making the easier.
Have a fractal “box” drop instead of all the various skins…and allow people to pick the skin they want from the box.
This would keep the kitten RNG but at least people could get the weapon skin they’ll actually use.
Shh…… don’t bring up the “Fractal Box” around these parts. That is a touchy subject.
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
ok, rather than making the easier.
Have a fractal “box” drop instead of all the various skins…and allow people to pick the skin they want from the box.
This would keep the kitten RNG but at least people could get the weapon skin they’ll actually use.
Shh…… don’t bring up the “Fractal Box” around these parts. That is a touchy subject.
lol, ok………..
Ugh, the Fractal Weapon Box…
kittenmit, ANET. Why would you even mention it if you weren’t going to add it to the game to begin with? Jerks.