Fractal impossible for me

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.1503


Hi everbody.
I have dona Fractal every level and i bought all gear for have AR high.
I have back item and rings infuse and i arrive at 54 of AR (5×6 + 8×3).
Now i don’t have a lot of time for crafted ascended armor or weapon.
I would like do Fractal with 70 of AR and i don’t want loose my time to craft ascended things. I would enjoy the game and have this ascended armor, how can i do it?
Why i can’t enjoy to Fractal lvl 50?? I have dona Fractal many times and i like it. But there is a block for people that can’t spend a lot of time to craft ascended armor and don’t like farming.
If is so difficult have a ascended armor please remove agony and put somethings else, or give me the possibility to put in my exotic armor.
I can accept that there are in WvW people with better armor, but i never could think, that i can’t play fractal lvl50.
Sorry for my English.
Have a nice day.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197



You can’t be serious. 9/10 if trolling.

Not trolling ? Okay let me put it simply : if you don’t want to make the effort to get what’s required to do something, you don’t deserve to do it. Plain and simple.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.1503


?? Are you serious?
So if tommorrow they decide to put agony everwhere i can’t play no more?
You can choose to have a better armor for be more competitive in WvW, Pve, ecc but that should not be a block for play.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.1503


From tommorrow only who have a ferrari can drive. So:
if you don’t want to make the effort to get what’s required to do something, you don’t deserve to do it. Plain and simple

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Okay, since you are completly uninformed : Agony Resistance is tied to fractals from this day to the end of the days.

In other words, this is a mechanic that was created only for this content. If you want to do this particular content, deal with it. There is no risk to see this mechanic in another kind of content (Either PvE/PvP/WvW/Dungeons…)

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Hi everbody.
Why i can’t enjoy to Fractal lvl 50?? I have dona Fractal many times and i like it. But there is a block for people that can’t spend a lot of time to craft ascended armor and don’t like farming.

Why can’t I “enjoy” my lovely looking flatmate?? I have enjoyed many flatmates before. But there is a block for people that can’t spend of lot of time seducing and don’t like putting the effort to date properly.

Note that the rewards in my case are actually much better than the rewards for fractals level 50

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


eh OP badly though stated has a semi point. Why the heck is crafting basically a pre-req for an end game dungeon? Shouldn’t it be drop based within fractals? earlier than it is if its going to impede progress. Or am I missing something? (I’m new)

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: utred.6085


Get an ascended weaponset and 1 armor piece and get a +9 instead of 8 and you’re set. Doesn’t cost that much.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


eh OP badly though stated has a semi point. Why the heck is crafting basically a pre-req for an end game dungeon? Shouldn’t it be drop based within fractals? earlier than it is if its going to impede progress. Or am I missing something? (I’m new)

Well, they can drop just very rare.

In the end with an infused back/rings (will take quite a few fractals and a bit of time to get in themselves) with +10 infusions and then the expensive +5 mods, and +5 in your other jewelry you can hit 45 from the infused and another 15 on top so 60 just from that. Then you make 2 slots of ascended and finish off your 70. Not really too hard, heck you really should make weapons at least anyways 10% extra damage is nothing to scoff at.

Of course I believe you can make +15 infusions too… not really worth the investment but I guess you could hit 70 just from your trinkets if you threw enough money at it.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


eh OP badly though stated has a semi point. Why the heck is crafting basically a pre-req for an end game dungeon? Shouldn’t it be drop based within fractals? earlier than it is if its going to impede progress. Or am I missing something? (I’m new)

Ascended gear does drop in fractals, but you’ll more than likely get some useless gear stat, a redundant piece, or, most likely, yet another kittenty uninfused cleric’s ring.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.1503


Ok, when i bought the game, there isn’t write anywhere that i could have all ascended armor or gear for play it.
Have you ever buy a car without wheels?
Now i understund and repet is for be more difficult and i accept it!!!
For example if i play in WvW 1vs1 with someone strong (or noob) like me with ascended things he will wins. Ok, perfect!!! But i can anyway try it.
With 54 AR when i enter in fractal lvl 50 i die. Should be good that all player can play it, just who is a veteran (full ascended) have less difficult to finish it and who likes me don’t have ascende things can play it just in a more difficult way.
When i started fractal i grow up and buy the gear and i improve AR for do next level , was perfect.Now i have 100000000 fractal relics but i can’t use it for buy a armor or weapon for do level 50.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I don’t mean to be a kitten but just do your crafting, jump into SW a bit for your dragonite and make some Ascended, it’s really not that hard. Whining about it won’t get you anywhere.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Ah for those who did not forget, remember the time when we could do fractals level 80 with almost no AR? Ahh the good times when skill prevailed over gear (or hammer guardians)!

But nope, now we have scripted agony.

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

These analogies are bad and you should feel bad, OP. If you can’t do a 50, do a 49. I guarantee you’ll still get crap for rewards anyway.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Well, we’ve been asking for solutions to this problem for a while. Most everyone here agrees that ascended gear, fractal skins, and fractal weapon skins should be available from the Fractal Relic vendor — even for something obscene, like a stack of pristines. The RNG reward system is horrible, and we’d love to see it go.

All we’ve ever heard (and ever will hear) from ArenaNet on this (and many other!) topics is:

(this space intentionally left blank)

For now (and the foreseeable future), you just gotta suck it up and spend the gold to craft the armor.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


1) You can do up to level 49 fractal with your AR. You are not block of any content just a level of difficulty. They could make hard mode of all dungeon and put agony resistance there. You could still do the content, just not the highest level of difficulty.

2) You don’t need to grind to get your ascended gear. Cost about 50 gold to get from 400-500 and most if not ALL the stuff you need to craft your armor/weapons can be gather over time just by playing. Ya it will take time, It took me time. Never bought anything for my armor/weapons (except about half the linen/wool/cotton), it took me a while, but I just crafted my 4th armor. If you like that content, it is not hard to craft it.

3) You just need 20 more AR (technically 16, but…). Crafting ascended weapons is cheaper than armor since you don’t need the damask. So you could craft weapons for 10 AR, then there is two rare collections that will give you 1 armor chest of your choice each so you could cheat 20 AR wihtout paying much gold. Another choice would be crafting only 4 of the cheapest ascended armor piece or 2 armor pieces and your weapon. That can be done at a reasonable price if you are heavy or medium.

My personal opinion. Fractal and AR were so much better when it came out. You couldn’t have enough AR to finish higher level so you were relying on your skill. AR was only there to make low level run easier. Agony right now is almost a useless feature that only brought us a small level of gear grind and it used to be a huge gameplay feature.

If you need tips or help to get to 70 AR. Just ask, there is plenty of little way to reach that.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


Frost obviously you are not part of the target audience of Fractals.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Embrace The Bold.7619

Embrace The Bold.7619

Frost obviously you are not part of the target audience of Fractals.

Obviously, Fractals are for the more “hardcore” crowd. In addition you can get all the same drops from a 50 from lvls 41+. The only thing your missing out on is some slight tactical changes in fractals like Jade Maw and Ascalonian. If you don’t want to put the effort in to get 70AR that’s your problem not Anets.

The Sickest Guild NA

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


Ah for those who did not forget, remember the time when we could do fractals level 80 with almost no AR? Ahh the good times when skill prevailed over gear (or hammer guardians)!

But nope, now we have scripted agony.

This. Anet promised no-grind, purely skill based end game. There was a ring of truth to it, until they did this.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Or you could just make the cheapest pieces of armour, the shoulders, gloves and boots then stack AR in the rest.

I made 3 pieces of armour +15 AR
Two 2 handed weapons +10 AR whichever I use
Ascended back piece +15AR (made a +10 AR for this)
Ascended accessories +10
Ascended rings +20

I might make another pair of +10 infusions for the rings so I can get away with only 1 ascended armour piece. Exotic armour gives you about 5% less stats than ascended so not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things if you don’t have it as long as you can offset it with AR somewhere else.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.1503


I’m happy that there is someone that think more or less like me.
Guys i’m sure that you have a lot of experienced for have a ascended armor. Because, believe me isn’t easy! First I must arrive at 500 of armorsmith or weaponsmith. Second I must find all gradients for do a piece of armor or buy it (that’s for me impossible because i do usually pvp).
Look it:
Is easy???? I don’t think so

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

It takes time. It’s a grand goal. The end rewards are crap enough for you to have an option not to care about ascended. If you aren’t dedicated enough for fractals, I doubt any groups would be willing to take you.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Second I must find all gradients for do a piece of armor or buy it (that’s for me impossible because i do usually pvp).

There is your problem. If you want to get to fractals 50, dedicate a part of your game time to reach it. If you’re not willing to make the effort, that’s YOUR problem. Not the game’s problem.

And i would point out that this particular content is aimed at dedicated people.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


500 Dragonite Ore : Do silverwaste for a couple of hours, just to see the new content and you should have all of it. Maybe do some world boss and boom done.
500 Empyreal and Bloodstone Dust : You should already have that, its everywhere.
30 Obsidian Shard : That so little. You will have it while doing Dragonite Ore in SW, or you should have enough karma for it.
20 Skill points : Easy
160 Wool Scrap : 5.36 gold
80 Cotton Scrap : 2.70 gold
160 Linen Scrap : 7.68 gold
10 Gossamer Scrap : You should have that, just by salvaging
450 Iron Ore : Gallowfields Waypoint (Brisban Wildands)1 rich iron vein and like 3-4 vein. Go there once a day. It will take you at max 18 days with 1 character. 9 days with 2 character. 6 days with 3 characters.
200 Platinum : Rata Pten (Mount Maelstrom) 1-2 Rich and 2-4 vein. Same as Iron, but here it will take at max 10 days with 1 character.
500 Mithril ore : shouldn’t be a problem with salvaging
14 Glob of Ecto : Shouldn’t be a problem with salvaging
180 Spool of Goassamer : 1.15 gold
250 Thermocatalytic Reagent 3.74 gold
5 fine Tier 6 : Shouldn’t be a problem
20 Pile of Crystalline dust : shouldn’t be a problem
5 Glob of Dark Matter : Shouldn’t be a problem
1200 Silk Scrap : 20.4 gold
Leveling Armorsmith 0-500 : 61.79 gold.

Total : 102.82 gold should be the maximum gold you will have to use. Probably less than that. That’s 15 hours of dungeons. Do 1 hours of dungeon + Iron + Platinum everytime you play during 2 weeks and you have your ascended chest. Maybe do Silverwaste for a couples of hours if you need dragonite and that’s it. Not that hard if you know what you are doing. Now if you want to craft a second piece? That’s will only be 41 gold so 6 hours of dungeons. And keep in mind that’s for doing 2 Ascended chest. Do Pauldrons and Greaves and you will divided by 5 your numbers of mythrilium while keeping the same amount of AR.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: stephoa.7082


Ascended weapons: +10 ar
6 Ascended Ascessories with simple infusions: +30 ar
3 +10 infusion slots: +30 ar
= 70 ar

That’s my ar formula for alt accounts. No Ascended armor needed.

Always looking for friends! Add me on EU or NA!

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Nice list Thaddeus.

And just a note, last night I was bored and no dungeons going on for me, so I went to SW. 4 hours later I came out with 12 dragonite ingots and still plenty of leftover obsidian shards. Not too shabby IMO.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


And just a note, last night I was bored and no dungeons going on for me, so I went to SW. 4 hours later I came out with 12 dragonite ingots and still plenty of leftover obsidian shards. Not too shabby IMO.

kitten , I need to do that. Didn’t realize the farm was /that/ rich.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


kitten , I need to do that. Didn’t realize the farm was /that/ rich.

Ya i’m drowning in dragonite now. With the gift of generosity and mawdry 2 that try their best to keep my amount of dust and star manageable, I’m ending up with more dragonite ore than the other two sitting in my bank.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tree.3916


Ah for those who did not forget, remember the time when we could do fractals level 80 with almost no AR? Ahh the good times when skill prevailed over gear (or hammer guardians)!

But nope, now we have scripted agony.

This. Anet promised no-grind, purely skill based end game. There was a ring of truth to it, until they did this.


DnT Apply today if you think you can hang with the best of the best ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azrael.4960


>.< I threw away 4 stacks of dragonite ore over the last couple of days. I’ve already got enough ingots saved up if I want to make more vision crystals, have a spare lesser and big one anyway from daily chests. Good thing I made mawdrey and got the star to consume the extra bloodstone dust and empyreal fragments.

@OP Seriously give Silverwastes a go. After a while, you’ll be swimming in materials. Much of it comes from the green loot bags while the exotic champ and chest bags are lucrative. If you need lower level mats, save the green loot bags and open them with a low level character and salvage stuff with that char using a basic or fine salvage kit. You’ll have a higher chance of getting lower level mats which you’ll need a lot of. It’s generally trickier to get for lvl 80s because drops are dependent on your character level so opening bags with an 80 will yield more lvl 80 greens and blues. Unfortunately, I have all 80s and not interested in making more alts until the Revenant arrives.

If you want globs of dark matter, use the t6 mats you don’t use much of to make exotics and use a Black Lion salvage kit on them. That will always yield Dark Matter. When I was crafting up to 500, I salvaged some of the lower value exotics I made to yield my globs.

Crystalline dust, at a pinch, can be salvaged from Ectos.

Also, do lots of low level fractals. I’ve never need to buy silk from the TP simply because of the sheer amount of green and blues that I salvage that produce silk. At times, I’ve been overloaded with silk. It will also yield lots of fractal relics which you can use to buy the obsidian shards.

Also, make sure to craft your daily mats
Mithrilium : dead easy to do because you’ll be swimming in mithril from higher level salvages
Spool of silk weaving thread: trickier as it will depend on your silk scrap production
Elonian cord: If you’re going for medium ascended armour
Glob of elder spirit residue : Shouldn’t be hard as salvaging lvl 80 wpns yields a lot of elder wood and sometimes ancient wood.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: serenke.4806


Ah for those who did not forget, remember the time when we could do fractals level 80 with almost no AR? Ahh the good times when skill prevailed over gear (or hammer guardians)!

But nope, now we have scripted agony.

This. Anet promised no-grind, purely skill based end game. There was a ring of truth to it, until they did this.

You mean you bugged and glitched your way up to 80. As there was no proper way to go that high. Everybody who went to 80 knew they were doing something that worked only due to an oversight by devs. But of course you can call it “skill”.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rotten.9753


You mean you bugged and glitched your way up to 80. As there was no proper way to go that high. Everybody who went to 80 knew they were doing something that worked only due to an oversight by devs. But of course you can call it “skill”.

I feel your pain. Do you realise there was absolutely no additional reward for doing so? The rewards were identical to those at lower scales and the content wasn’t easier at all. It was just a test of one’s skills. But no, they glitched, abused and should be banned for doing so. The best community in all mmos under the scope.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: captainteemo.6537


Returning player here. I’m sorry OP, sometimes you need to work to get there. I don’t know what you think you’re missing from fractal 50s instead of fractal 49s. You can do that content just fine, and if you play that consistently you’ll get Ascended armour just from drops. Even the most unlucky friend has half a character filled with Ascended armour straight from drops. I managed to equip 3 tools with various Ascended shoulders, boots, gloves from fractal drops. You might not like the stat choices, but if you only want to play from drops then that’s all you have to work with. Defenders chests can give you Knights and all chests have Celestial. Enough for you to drop ar in to play your desired fractal 50.

Again you don’t need a full set to have enough ar to do it., but if you expect to just hit 80 and to grind fractals straight to 50 then that’s a little bit unreasonable without working on some of your gear.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Ah for those who did not forget, remember the time when we could do fractals level 80 with almost no AR? Ahh the good times when skill prevailed over gear (or hammer guardians)!

But nope, now we have scripted agony.

This. Anet promised no-grind, purely skill based end game. There was a ring of truth to it, until they did this.

You mean you bugged and glitched your way up to 80. As there was no proper way to go that high. Everybody who went to 80 knew they were doing something that worked only due to an oversight by devs. But of course you can call it “skill”.

I hate to break it to you but … there was a completely legitimate way to reach fotm 80 without using a single glitch.

The only oversight by devs was that there was still some scripted agony facing Jade Maw, an event which requires almost no skill.

Have I mentioned that I hate scripted agony?

I hate scripted agony.

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


You mean you bugged and glitched your way up to 80. As there was no proper way to go that high. Everybody who went to 80 knew they were doing something that worked only due to an oversight by devs. But of course you can call it “skill”.

It wasn’t a bug or a glitch. We simply rezzed ourselves with a revive orb or a pet in 1 place. Oversight by the devs? Sure. We played content that we weren’t suppose to access? Of course. But it doesn’t change the fact that this concept was so much better that the fractal we have now. It was skilled base because (except for the final boss) every single agony attack one shot killed you. Not down, but dead. Every party member had to be perfect and dodge/block incoming agony attack or the party was in trouble. That was on the two best content I ever played in that game (the other one is SAB). Anet could had run with it, but instead they decided to make infusion necessary to complete it, making that content so much more easier. I’m ok with ascended, but that doesn’t mean that its the best system.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Revive orbs revive defeated players.

Players used revive orbs to revive when defeated.

Yes. Ban those dirty cheaters.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

I reached fotm 80 without using a single revive orb lalalalala

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I reached fotm 80 without using a single revive orb lalalalala

You used a Ranger to revive the first person to go in? Or you did it after when ppl at level 80 could bring you in odd numbers fractal only? Probably the first one since the other one could only bring you to 79.

Or maybe there was another option that I wasn’t aware of.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


If you do 79 you get to 80.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: W Johan W.5968

W Johan W.5968

AR always been required for fractals. If you genuinely care/dedicated enough to do lv50 you will do what’s required and get that ascended armor like everyone else. As for the stats Ascended armor vs exotic armor is less than 1% so that is totally unrelevant.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


AR always been required for fractals.

Well that’s not true. AR was useless in high level when it was first introduced since you couldn’t have enough AR to make any difference. I used to say to my friend that started to play fractal that they shouldn’t try to gain AR so they can practice to dodge Agony attack otherwise they gonna get used to AR protecting them in low level and when they reach higher level where AR don’t protect you enough anymore you smash into a big wall. That unfortunately isn’t the case anymore.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlueDragon.7054


500 Dragonite Ore : Do silverwaste for a couple of hours, just to see the new content and you should have all of it. Maybe do some world boss and boom done.
500 Empyreal and Bloodstone Dust : You should already have that, its everywhere.
30 Obsidian Shard : That so little. You will have it while doing Dragonite Ore in SW, or you should have enough karma for it.
20 Skill points : Easy
160 Wool Scrap : 5.36 gold
80 Cotton Scrap : 2.70 gold
160 Linen Scrap : 7.68 gold
10 Gossamer Scrap : You should have that, just by salvaging
450 Iron Ore : Gallowfields Waypoint (Brisban Wildands)1 rich iron vein and like 3-4 vein. Go there once a day. It will take you at max 18 days with 1 character. 9 days with 2 character. 6 days with 3 characters.
200 Platinum : Rata Pten (Mount Maelstrom) 1-2 Rich and 2-4 vein. Same as Iron, but here it will take at max 10 days with 1 character.
500 Mithril ore : shouldn’t be a problem with salvaging
14 Glob of Ecto : Shouldn’t be a problem with salvaging
180 Spool of Goassamer : 1.15 gold
250 Thermocatalytic Reagent 3.74 gold
5 fine Tier 6 : Shouldn’t be a problem
20 Pile of Crystalline dust : shouldn’t be a problem
5 Glob of Dark Matter : Shouldn’t be a problem
1200 Silk Scrap : 20.4 gold
Leveling Armorsmith 0-500 : 61.79 gold.

Total : 102.82 gold should be the maximum gold you will have to use. Probably less than that. That’s 15 hours of dungeons. Do 1 hours of dungeon + Iron + Platinum everytime you play during 2 weeks and you have your ascended chest. Maybe do Silverwaste for a couples of hours if you need dragonite and that’s it. Not that hard if you know what you are doing. Now if you want to craft a second piece? That’s will only be 41 gold so 6 hours of dungeons. And keep in mind that’s for doing 2 Ascended chest. Do Pauldrons and Greaves and you will divided by 5 your numbers of mythrilium while keeping the same amount of AR.

In my opinion that’s too expensive for a single piece of armor. Before fractured I used to play fractals and pvp a lot, 99% of my game time was in those 2 modes. After fractured i got my level reseted so I had to level up again and it took me a very long time to get enough AR to play lv 50.

AR is only required for fotm but you cant get enough AR only through fractals unless you get lucky with the drops or waiting a very long time getting the mats and gold there and even if you get it you have to get out of fractals to level up crafting which was a real pain for me, I hate crafting but we have to do it if we want to progress in fotm.

Getting dragonite ore was also really annoying and slow for me, at that time you couldnt get dragonite in pvp like now, I had to leave fractals and pvp to farm dragonite so i could get more AR.

Even when i got the dragonite i still didnt have enough gold.

I used my credit card to get the remaining gold needed. It sucked but I rather pay than grind content that I dont like at all.

I think they should add ascended armor and weapons in fotm with a level restriction to be able to buy them. But that’s just my opinion.

Anyway getting the 70 AR wasnt fun for me and it was very tedious.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

I reached fotm 80 without using a single revive orb lalalalala

You used a Ranger to revive the first person to go in? Or you did it after when ppl at level 80 could bring you in odd numbers fractal only? Probably the first one since the other one could only bring you to 79.

Or maybe there was another option that I wasn’t aware of.

The second option
It turns out, people in rT had reached fotm80 looong before I even met them in-game. I was part of the second wave when Haviz wanted to reach f80 with his rerolls It was tons of fun, we used vastly suboptimal comps, incomplete groups, even noobs like me! This was the point when I told myself: kitten I am glad I bought this game. And then Anet deleted it.

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.1503


500 Dragonite Ore : Do silverwaste for a couple of hours, just to see the new content and you should have all of it. Maybe do some world boss and boom done.
500 Empyreal and Bloodstone Dust : You should already have that, its everywhere.
30 Obsidian Shard : That so little. You will have it while doing Dragonite Ore in SW, or you should have enough karma for it.
20 Skill points : Easy
160 Wool Scrap : 5.36 gold
80 Cotton Scrap : 2.70 gold
160 Linen Scrap : 7.68 gold
10 Gossamer Scrap : You should have that, just by salvaging
450 Iron Ore : Gallowfields Waypoint (Brisban Wildands)1 rich iron vein and like 3-4 vein. Go there once a day. It will take you at max 18 days with 1 character. 9 days with 2 character. 6 days with 3 characters.
200 Platinum : Rata Pten (Mount Maelstrom) 1-2 Rich and 2-4 vein. Same as Iron, but here it will take at max 10 days with 1 character.
500 Mithril ore : shouldn’t be a problem with salvaging
14 Glob of Ecto : Shouldn’t be a problem with salvaging
180 Spool of Goassamer : 1.15 gold
250 Thermocatalytic Reagent 3.74 gold
5 fine Tier 6 : Shouldn’t be a problem
20 Pile of Crystalline dust : shouldn’t be a problem
5 Glob of Dark Matter : Shouldn’t be a problem
1200 Silk Scrap : 20.4 gold
Leveling Armorsmith 0-500 : 61.79 gold.

Total : 102.82 gold should be the maximum gold you will have to use. Probably less than that. That’s 15 hours of dungeons. Do 1 hours of dungeon + Iron + Platinum everytime you play during 2 weeks and you have your ascended chest. Maybe do Silverwaste for a couples of hours if you need dragonite and that’s it. Not that hard if you know what you are doing. Now if you want to craft a second piece? That’s will only be 41 gold so 6 hours of dungeons. And keep in mind that’s for doing 2 Ascended chest. Do Pauldrons and Greaves and you will divided by 5 your numbers of mythrilium while keeping the same amount of AR.

Yeah, really easy -.-", and is a only pieace ….
Did you forgot somethings?

I do pvp really often and sometimes fractal (really rare WvW). i don’t take a lot of gold or materials from them….

(edited by Frost.1503)

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elrey.5472


If you have the time to get to level 50 fractal, which takes more or less 50 days if you do 1 fractal per day (or at least 50 hours if you do them 1 by 1 with pugs groups)… I bet you have enough time to farm for ascended items.
You just don’t want to, but hey, that’s your choice. If you don’t want to work hard for it, then don’t go to fractal lvl 50, nobody is forcing you to go there, you can just stay in pvp or whatever.

ES Wiki Sysop. Vanquiser of the Marionette, Lover of the Aetherpath.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.1503


If you have the time to get to level 50 fractal, which takes more or less 50 days if you do 1 fractal per day (or at least 50 hours if you do them 1 by 1 with pugs groups)… I bet you have enough time to farm for ascended items.
You just don’t want to, but hey, that’s your choice. If you don’t want to work hard for it, then don’t go to fractal lvl 50, nobody is forcing you to go there, you can just stay in pvp or whatever.

Exactly what i mean.
I play for fun. I don’t want work hard, absolutly not. I would like have access to everythings in this game after if you want do it easy take a better armor (like in wvw, pve).
Believe, they have their interest. Becouse wasn’t easier put some more monster or add some stat to them???

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


If you have the time to get to level 50 fractal, which takes more or less 50 days if you do 1 fractal per day (or at least 50 hours if you do them 1 by 1 with pugs groups)… I bet you have enough time to farm for ascended items.
You just don’t want to, but hey, that’s your choice. If you don’t want to work hard for it, then don’t go to fractal lvl 50, nobody is forcing you to go there, you can just stay in pvp or whatever.

Exactly what i mean.
I play for fun. I don’t want work hard, absolutly not. I would like have access to everythings in this game after if you want do it easy take a better armor (like in wvw, pve).
Believe, they have their interest. Becouse wasn’t easier put some more monster or add some stat to them???

Ascended gear is not meant to be much more powerful than exotic. It’s meant as a means to hold agony resistance for Fractals and it just happens to be a little bit more powerful.

You want the gear that’s was designed to take TIME to get and put in to appease the crowd ASKING for a gear grind (while not angering the crowd going you better not add in a gear grind too much) to just be handed to you because you’ve played for X time?

So in Y time, you’re going to come onto the forum and ask that they hand you a legendary? Because you don’t have the time to run the dungeons for it. Or to the do the map completion. Or for the sheer amount of gold it would take to just buy it off of the trading post.

You want the gear to do Fractals 50? Work for it. No one is going to push a button or fiddle with the code to have the gear just suddenly appear in your inventory. Or give you the materials needed to craft it.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


“It’s meant as a means to hold agony resistance for Fractals and it just happens to be a little bit more powerful”


Exotics could hold AR. They made the choice for a new more powerful tier of gear for other reasons.

Ascended exists to appease the crowd who really likes spending time to get gear and who doesn’t like spending that time unless they can be “better” than other players. It also exists for some in-game economic reasons (it helps to take gold out of the economy… but there are lots of ways of accomplishing this, obviously).

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RohanKZ.8137


Stop being so lazy. I came back to game around December 2014 after around 2 yearkittenus. Now I have full ascended set just by crafting everything myself. If it took around 1.5 months for newbie like me, it will be much easier for constant player like you.

Fractal impossible for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


“It’s meant as a means to hold agony resistance for Fractals and it just happens to be a little bit more powerful”


Exotics could hold AR. They made the choice for a new more powerful tier of gear for other reasons.

Ascended exists to appease the crowd who really likes spending time to get gear and who doesn’t like spending that time unless they can be “better” than other players. It also exists for some in-game economic reasons (it helps to take gold out of the economy… but there are lots of ways of accomplishing this, obviously).

Never said ANet couldn’t have put it into the Exotic tier.

Just said that Ascended was meant to hold Agony resistance for high level fractals and that it was a little bit more powerful. Which it is.

And then explained why they put it in in the first place, which is what both you and I said, but in different words.