Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazak.8459


I know it’s been said before, but this is a plea to Anet to revisit this level idea. The fractal levels split up the friends and guilds into little elitist subgroups. For a social PVE gamer running something longer than two hours is very hard on daily basis. So the higher people tend to go higher and don’t help out the lowbies.

Please please please, for the sake of the community, redo these requirements. Allow us to run the highest level per group instead of the lowest and allow +1 tick to each member.

If we run too high of a level for our member parties, it will be our fault and we can control that, but we will be doing it as a COMMUNITY/Guild and GROUP OF FRIENDS.

Please do not split us up.

Thank you.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


Nothing they can do unless they redo the system. So wait about 1-2 months before we see a change (My random number, but at the speed of patches/new content on the way….).

At 27 I was having a hard time grouping (took 3 days off the game), and I couldn’t find a group two days in a row and sadly have almost given up trying to hit 30/40.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazak.8459


They are changing the vendors and the cost of the simple infusions, so Anet is listening to the community.

I am in a family friendly guild, we are large (250 members) with a lot of working adults and school kids, so it’s hard to waste a lot of hours at night trying to catch up folks. I see fractals as a huge separation tool for guilds.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nightwing.2179


Some guilds host or announce in map chat for “catch up” days of fractals. The guild/guild members willingly go down and help lower levels advance. I do agree that the group system should be revisited though.

SBI since account creation

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


I’ve had no luck making it past level 3 fractals because I am always stuck helping random strangers at level 1 and 2.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazak.8459


Sadly GW2 was suppose to be a game about playing together, rather than a “catch up”

We have catch up days, but you can grind lowbie levels for so long before the lvl10+ people get sick of it. The mechanic is at fault, not the people.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385



My brother mentioned that. I have to agree with with him too. In a game where such a nice way to play w/o being stopped by class specifics or level barriers (35 can group with an 80 for AC and both feel rewarded), this dungeon seems like the polar opposite design of the rest of the game.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: devilpeach.8315


I had made a suggestion on another site, though I am not an expert of fractals at all, but I figure I’ll repost here anyway…

“I suppose another option, though it might be difficult to implement, would be to add a solo element to the fractals. Maybe like adding a solo version of each of the fractal levels (or even duo) so that people can catch up to friends/guild members, but possibly make it so that you might have to run the same level a couple of extra times if you do it solo to reach the next level. That way if you are several fractal levels behind others, or if you are a new player or have taken extra time to reach level 80 (as I did), you can catch up to other players. Lets face it. More often than not, people are not going to go back to do content that is below them if they cannot get anything that is valuable to them out of it. But offering a solo version or even a smaller group version of fractals (maybe scalable similar to dynamic events) seems like it would be a good way to please those who need to catch up, and even those who prefer to play alone or in groups of 2 or 3 people. I would rather run level 1 of a fractal 3 times by myself to proceed to level 2 than spend a week trying to find 4 other people who are willing to run level 1 a single time for the same result.”

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deepsheep.8735


I prefer the initial suggestion. Simply allow everyone to join at the highest level fractal, or split them up in groups of 10 levels. Current system is just ridiculous.
And everyone goes up 1 level when they complete the fractals.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


You have to be selfish to raise your own level.
If you intend to be a nice guy to help others, your can hardly raise your level.
The system is recommending you to be selfish, which is simply entirely opposite of the concept of the game supposes to persist.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarcasmic.6741


You have to be selfish to raise your own level.
If you intend to be a nice guy to help others, your can hardly raise your level.
The system is recommending you to be selfish, which is simply entirely opposite of the concept of the game supposes to persist.

This post pretty much.

Stace (Lv 80 human quickness portal bot) | Sarcasmic (Lv 80 elixir-drunk norn pyro)
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nuke Morg.1952

Nuke Morg.1952

They should make it possible to run let say levels 1-20 solo. You have issues with finding lvl20+ goup I have issues with finding lvl 5. Twice I’ve found we were not able to finish whole run because of dc. I’m quite sure that in 2-3 weeks it will be almost impossible to find low level groups.

“Reality is an illusion created by a lack of alcohol.”

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Webba.3071


Aye, this situation is more or less why Im not playing anymore. Hope they managed to fix it.

Fractal lvls split up friends/guilds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cassio.9507


ArenaNet simply have to introduce some kind of system that lets our friends who can’t/don’t play as much to still tag along.

I run a small guild where, very sadly, only a fraction of us (2-3ppl) actually play on a regular basis. The rest are stuck on various lvls inbetween 3 and 8, and we’re constantly struggling to boost them. We WANT to play together when they can play, but unfortunately they can’t even play at the same time so we end up boosting them individually (!) one lvl at a time.

Last night we only had time to do our lvl10 daily so the two of us able had to ditch the rest to get a chance at it.

I suggest the following:

Allow anyone (!) to tag along at any lvl set by the highest lvled player. However, let them keep their respective (lack of) droprate on ascended rings etc and let it be our problem to compensate for their lack of Agony resistance. Once the run is complete have everyone ding a lvl.