Fractal skins post wardrobe change

Fractal skins post wardrobe change

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Since the wardrobe change which introduced a lot of quality of life I have been caught out in a vexing problem. After running a lot-o-fractals I have received a few skins. It was nice to get them, you know to stroll around lions arch looking all dapper and stuff. I received the sword skin, then the torch skin and then got sword again..

I think we can all see where this is going. previously this would have meant another of alts could rock the flashy sword skin and tell all the peeps “yeah, i got this running mad skillz frac’s baby.” Since the wardrobe change it is kinda superfluous. I can assign this skin to any of my alts now. It is after all, just a skin and not an ascended weapon type. This kinda got my homies jealous. they really want the skin, but I can’t sell it to them or trade it or even give it away. This makes my homies very sad face and makes me store it next to all my other fractal rings and ascended weapon and pristine relics boxes that one day maybe useful.

Then it kinda dawned on me. There were meant to be fractal weapon boxes dropping at over lvl 50, but those levels ain’t in existence. But I do hope. I do pray. A little child waits. What about all those other mad skillz frac running homie loving peeps that are also in the same situation?. It ain’t easy always trying to look your best stomping people in Pvp, and fractal skins at times just make that awkward for them that much easier to bear. “Look at the particle, look at the glow..”

So, a penny for my thoughts..a vendor that can swap skins. I don’t entirely want to see these skins become traded. That’s just me, but it would put some smiles on dials for those peeps that kinda have this going on. They did earn a skin by sticking to it, and previously that skins would have had some value, but after the changes it just makes that reward redundant, (adjective: Not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous.)
Which is what they currently are.

So, how bout one casual Friday at after work drinks the idea gets bounced round, thought tanked, if you will about setting up a system where this could happen. Peeps can still run the higher levels hoping for the box, but for all the other fashionista’s in this situation we have a vendor that can swap non soulbound skins. It would probably feel like a warm a-net pat on the back letting us know job well done.

Fractal skins post wardrobe change

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679



Fractal skins post wardrobe change

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xil.5140


You are able to use the duplicate on that weapon without the use of a transmutation charge.

Not like anyone would ever have hundreds of those sitting around…

Fractal skins post wardrobe change

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Yeah they only save trans charges. But its kind of useless for most people. Id even trade my duplicate skins in for fractal relics. Or just let me salvage them for ectos like in the past. :<

Fractal skins post wardrobe change

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


You are able to use the duplicate on that weapon without the use of a transmutation charge.

Not like anyone would ever have hundreds of those sitting around…

After wardrobe change I had 72 transmutation charges. Receiving a weapon skin, I already have, that is applied via transmutation charges..well, superfluous. Since those charges, I have received another 40 odd. So yeah, being able to swap my skins, that already have, for another transmutation skin..not asking much.

Fractal skins post wardrobe change

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xil.5140


I was agreeing with you that they are useless a second time. transmutation charges are all to easy to obtain.