Get ready… aim… fire!
I’m sorry. I sort of get what you are saying, but I’d like to see a period or two within the first 6 lines if possible.
Unfortunately, guildies are the best way to go for fracs, or just friends. I met some of my best friends pugging fracs.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
If it always takes you two hours to get to the 3rd or 4th fractal, maybe it’s because you’re bad and that’s probably why you are being kicked out of the party.
So improve your play by doing other PvE content to get better at it then resume playing fractals. Other possibility: find yourself a guild to play fractals with.
This is 9th thread that’s called “Fractals”.
You might want to put the fractal level you were doing. People don’t leave at the end when they’re farming relics, because that’s where most of the relics are obtained. Like some people said above, doing fractals longer than an hour means the group is either inexperienced or bad at the mechanics.
I have PuG’ed every single one of my 200+ Fractal runs so far. (Which I know is not many.) I have currently Fractal Reward level 40.
I can count on one hand the amount of times a Fractal has actually ended in failure and disbanded.
make sure you are the party leader. And you can just refill the party in seconds if someone leave. (if you meantion it is the last or 2nd to last fractal, it is usually filled really fast).
If you still fail fractal, the problem is you not the community.
Waiting for punctuated version of what OP was trying to say…
Death and Taxes [DnT] |
How did you even manage to write “Fractals”?
Waiting for punctuated version of what OP was trying to say…
It turned out to be more difficult than I thought. This is the best I can do.
I am making this post because I want to whine about dungeon system. From my personal experience, having most of the reward back loaded at the end of the dungeon is horrible game design. I have groups where people leave on the last fractal or second last fractal about 5 times this week. I couldn’t get the rewards due to the system and fractals is extremely long, taking around 2 hours. The worse thing is that the 2 hours were wasted because 1 or 2 people leave and then the rest leave which leave me unable to carry on those fractal runs. Therefore if I don’t run with guildies then I am just wasting my time. The current reward system is not suitable for fractals. I hope people from Anet read this and at least think about changing the reward system for their own good.
PS. extremely frustrated player trying to farm fractal relics
You definitely are very bad at English if you can’t understand what the OP is trying to say.
And by the way, not everyone in this world spent years studying English and it’s not everyone’s mother tongue. Crazy, right?
To the OP, that sounds like the kind of experinces I have when for whatever reason I run scales 1,2,3.
Make sure you tell people at the beginning that each scale consits in 3 fractals (or 4 for even scales). And get a party of lvls 80. Also, enter FotM first, that way you’ll be the instance owner and if anyone decides to leave just post a LFG asking for more.
Besides that, just give it some time, it can be tedious at first because there are a kittenton of new players around, but once you hit scale 10 you won’t find as many clueless players.
I understood most of it but the “doing fractals cuz freaking bad reward system in fractals” part confused me. The rewards system in FOTM is good as it is in my opinion, the scaling is fine. If you’re referring to the fact that you seem to be failing fractals often, think about why. Is it you? Is it others? If it’s you you can improve your playstyle, think about each encounter, and if you wipe analyze the reason(s) why you wiped.
Queen Of Macabre – 80 Thief
Dragonbrand [Ankh]
The rewards system in FOTM is good as it is in my opinion, the scaling is fine.
uhh… yeah…. okay
Eeeeehhhh, ok. I guess 40s and a few rares for a 48 run are a very good reward.
inb4 “I do it for the challenge!” Ahaha. Even more material for lolz: “I do it for the fractal skins”.
Got my torch skin tonight, by the way. Now, my life is complete: I can finally play a condition damage torch guardian and do it with style.
Credits to the awesome player who theorycrafted the burning build.
Getting my 10th apothecary ring which I can either let rot in my bank or vender for 5s is a great reward. As is the third trident skin.
But @ OP, honestly high level fractals are designed to be the most challenging 5 man content in the game, and so it should be obvious that going into it with random strangers is a high risk proposition. If your not talking about high level fractals and its taking you that long to get through <20 lvl fractals, some blame probably falls on your own failure of execution. You might need more practice on lower level fractals, or go with some guildies that will help teach you along the way.