Fractals Disconnects

Fractals Disconnects

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shrederx.8593


Robert, while you’re here taking down some minor exploits, i’d like to grab your attention for some relevant issues that are quite annoying.

For one, I assume you are actually going to do something to deal with the fact that you can’t rejoin a fractal after you disconnect/crash. If you’re not, i’d be very disappointed as it really does ruin things quite a bit.

Another thing is the fact that level 10 rings drop from the level 20 chest, this has to be a bug, it’d make no sense to halve your chance of getting an actually useful ring, would it?

Also, this isn’t so much a bug complaint as a question, but is it intended for the Jade Maw to apply really long Agony? It just seems odd.

That’s all I can really think of, that aside, i’d like to see more Fractals, and in the future, i’d like to see something similar to that one mission in Factions, the name escapes me but, the one where two parties do their separate thing and then meet up for another thing, that was neat.

I know i’m probably going to get infracted or something due to HURRR OFF TOPIC, but I don’t care, I just wanted someone to see my opinion.

Fractals Disconnects

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


Fix fractal DC first before exploits:

But yes Dredge/Asura/cliffside often have exploits. If you run pugs i’m quite sure you know by now.

Fractals Disconnects

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sadomator.6419


Sometimes people want to clear fractal very quickly before they got DC-ed. If you got disconnected in the middle of the dungeons, you can’t go back in. Now you know what i mean right?

Garl Vinnland – Guardian
Stormbluff Isle

Fractals Disconnects

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Recently.1043


I seriously hope the first and most important thing your fixing is DCed members not being able to rejoin the group.

Cause that’s about 100x more important than people saving 2~3 mins or so on the dredge level

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Fractals Disconnects

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


I seriously hope the first and most important thing your fixing is DCed members not being able to rejoin the group.

Cause that’s about 100x more important than people saving 2~3 mins or so on the dredge level

Totally agree with this one. I’ve beem disconnected several times on the last fractal and it does feel … bad .. to say the least. So yeah, until that is fixed I’ll be trying to use any bug I know to pass those dungeon faster so that I could progress.

See Anet, I don’t mind if you would kill my toon upon entering the fractal after DC. Hell by all means please do so. I DC, I join back, I insta die, so that the party must wipe-out for me and I don’t use the DC mechanic as “instant waypoint”. It can’t be that hard to be done.

Just remember previous dungeons. People stopped bugging as soon as you fixed your stuff and listened to the community and dumbed them down. I expect nothing less out of a dungeon like fractals

Fractals Disconnects

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skatch.6721


Yup. the last boss in the 3rd fractal was at 20% health when I got DCed… ^^ I have work next two days, I probably won’t be able to get the achievement because for some reason no one thought about the 7 year-old problem of DCing mid-dungeon… huh…