Fractals: High Level Design Changes

Fractals: High Level Design Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


After hitting frac 100, I have no desire to ever do a high level fractal again. There is a core reason for it…. HIGH LEVEL FRACTALS TAKE TOO LONG TO COMPLETE.

I think ANET really needs to rethink how they go about doing fractals. Right now, as fractals increase in number, the difficulty is increased a bit, and the mobs/boss take longer to kill. That needs to be changed.

Key Principles should be:
1. A high level fractal should never take more than 2x the amount of time of a low level fractal. Ideally even 1.5×.
2. High level difficulty shouldn’t be focused around more HP/toughness for mobs/bosses.
3. High level difficulty also shouldn’t just be making enemies deal greater damage.
4. Difficulty should be instead added by: faster mobs, faster attacks, less places to hide from cannons/lasers/etc, more reflect type skills, new skills, etc.

For example, let’s take uncategorized and how it could be set up.
Low levels: same as today where harpies attack but that’s all (hp/toughness likely increased to normalize across all levels)
Low- Mid levels: add the knockbacks
Mid levels: faster, more frequent knockback attacks + hit with conditions
Mid high level: all of mid but faster + harpies have a reflect skill every xx number of seconds
High level: all mid-high but faster + periodic retal + immob/chill conditions.

Just an example to illustrate the point.

Fractals: High Level Design Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: reikken.4961


the problem with that kind of design is it takes more insight and effort. gotta do each level individually

vs just slapping on a scaling stats function. done for all 100 levels. pay one dude $50 to code it and you’re done

(edited by reikken.4961)