Fractals kicking needs to be sorted
ANet can’t do much about people abusing party kicks, except for dealing better with player reports.
I suggest you avoid runs with people from the same guild. Finding a good guild for yourself is also a good idea, in case you’re not in one already.
I don’t believe you, sorry.
While this sort of thing can, and does happen with guild parties, it’s pretty uncommon, so i really doubt you had it happen to you four times in a single night for that reason alone. There must have been other factors at play which resulted in you being kicked.
Well there did , id understand if there was something else to be the cause of the issues eg class I’m a ranger , or something but its the fact that its was always at last boss. Each time the group and I ran smoothly with no problem untill the last boss started up. I never said all 4 of the times was because of the guild thing I said some. Others I never got a reason beside them laughing or not responding .
While this sort of thing can, and does happen with guild parties, it’s pretty uncommon, so i really doubt you had it happen to you four times in a single night for that reason alone. There must have been other factors at play which resulted in you being kicked.
And usually if you’re in a group that is wanting to purposely kick you in the end there are various signs to look out for.
Last night I decided to spend it doing fractals, in the 18 full fractal runs I was kicked out 4 times at the last boss of them, its making me wanna give up on fractals all together. I whispered some of them to ask why there kicked me and was told cause a guild friend wanted to join. Others responded with a lol or a haha. NOW I wouldn’t mind if there was normal dungeons but these fracts take about 45 mins pluss. THIS NEED TO BE ADDRESSED ANET
i think this post is obsolete then, read the latest fractal update post
I agree with OP. Perhaps ANet could refer to this resource to help them with the issue.
Don’t get me wrong its not in any way Anets fault , there create one of my fav games with gw2, its just if there can be a way to stop this I hope there can, specially when its level 50 fractal. Its so frustrating and specialy with new fract system coming with HoTs I just fear itl get worse .
I may of been u lucky and got a bunch of kitten people idk but last night made me go off fractals . What are these signs btw it will help me in future .
Last night I decided to spend it doing fractals, in the 18 full fractal runs I was kicked out 4 times at the last boss of them, its making me wanna give up on fractals all together. I whispered some of them to ask why there kicked me and was told cause a guild friend wanted to join. Others responded with a lol or a haha. NOW I wouldn’t mind if there was normal dungeons but these fracts take about 45 mins pluss. THIS NEED TO BE ADDRESSED ANET
While still possible, your story is highly unlikely: 18 runs in 1 night with each run at least 45 minutes (those are what you call smooth runs? I also pug fractals everyday and 45 minutes minumum is bad) this makes at least 13.5 hours of fractals in one night. As I said, possible but unlikely so i doubt your story. Not that me doubting it hurts you in anyway.
BTW: I never got kicked, not even when running with 3 or 4 of one guild. Actually sometimes I’m glad if I get a 3 guild group with my first run of the day. High chance of them being fractal runners who will continue with the other levels, it’s nice to be done with the 4 daily chests in less than 2 hours.
Don’t get me wrong its not in any way Anets fault , there create one of my fav games with gw2, its just if there can be a way to stop this I hope there can, specially when its level 50 fractal. Its so frustrating and specialy with new fract system coming with HoTs I just fear itl get worse .
The problem will be “removed”, as you will only have to run 1 fractal they could still kick you before the endboss but you wont have lost much.
Also I think you should remove ANET from the thread title, iirc it’s against the forum tos.
(edited by Bohantopa.5729)
It was from 6 in the afternoon till I believe 3-4ish sometime in the morning, and I didn’t just do fracts in that time. There was smooth runs for fractal 50 for me. I’m not the best player and majority of the player base isn’t so 45 min was good in my eyes.
It was from 6 in the afternoon till I believe 3-4ish sometime in the morning, and I didn’t just do fracts in that time. There was smooth runs for fractal 50 for me. I’m not the best player and majority of the player base isn’t so 45 min was good in my eyes.
Which would make it 9 – 10 hours, so either you gave a wrong number of runs or greatly overestimated the minimum run time. At 10 hours and 18 runs total the average run time is ~33 minutes, easily in the realm of possibility, but it does not include looking for a group (especially in the middle of the night) nor anything else you did. So I’m doubting you even more now.
It was from 6 in the afternoon till I believe 3-4ish sometime in the morning, and I didn’t just do fracts in that time. There was smooth runs for fractal 50 for me. I’m not the best player and majority of the player base isn’t so 45 min was good in my eyes.
Which would make it 9 – 10 hours, so either you gave a wrong number of runs or greatly overestimated the minimum run time. At 10 hours and 18 runs total the average run time is ~33 minutes, easily in the realm of possibility, but it does not include looking for a group (especially in the middle of the night) nor anything else you did. So I’m doubting you even more now.
Jeez, whats wrong with people here? Fella brought a problem to your attention and you are discussing how probable is the case. Why would he make things up anyway? To get your pity, lol?
On the topic, it would be reasonable to block kicking at some point, after first fract for example. This wont affect normal parties and prevent abusing, likely.
Then again, i dont even recall when i got kicked from fractal party myself.
It was from 6 in the afternoon till I believe 3-4ish sometime in the morning, and I didn’t just do fracts in that time. There was smooth runs for fractal 50 for me. I’m not the best player and majority of the player base isn’t so 45 min was good in my eyes.
Which would make it 9 – 10 hours, so either you gave a wrong number of runs or greatly overestimated the minimum run time. At 10 hours and 18 runs total the average run time is ~33 minutes, easily in the realm of possibility, but it does not include looking for a group (especially in the middle of the night) nor anything else you did. So I’m doubting you even more now.
Jeez, whats wrong with people here? Fella brought a problem to your attention and you are discussing how probable is the case. Why would he make things up anyway? To get your pity, lol?
There is only one “proof” that anything happened at all: his word. It is therefore prudent to check the likelihood of the story. I dont care why anyone would lie about anything, but if our modern society has shown me one thing it is that some just do.
On the topic, it would be reasonable to block kicking at some point, after first fract for example. This wont affect normal parties and prevent abusing, likely.
The problem will already be solved by the coming fractal change, but just to discuss your idea: You would need to add a check for people who go afk, currently it’s “oh i got 10 minutes, after that I’ve got to go for 20 minutes so i better dont join a fractal group, i would get kicked”, with your system it’s “oh i got 10 minutes, let me quickly join a fractal group and finish the first one, i can go afk after and come back later”. If you have to add a timer so question remains with “how long is to long”, also you would allow griefers who only help in the first one and start dancing around after it (they are not afk, just not doing anything to help progress).
So while your idea would be possible it could be greatly abused (and I do not believe in the goodness of humanity).
It was from 6 in the afternoon till I believe 3-4ish sometime in the morning, and I didn’t just do fracts in that time. There was smooth runs for fractal 50 for me. I’m not the best player and majority of the player base isn’t so 45 min was good in my eyes.
Which would make it 9 – 10 hours, so either you gave a wrong number of runs or greatly overestimated the minimum run time. At 10 hours and 18 runs total the average run time is ~33 minutes, easily in the realm of possibility, but it does not include looking for a group (especially in the middle of the night) nor anything else you did. So I’m doubting you even more now.
Jeez, whats wrong with people here? Fella brought a problem to your attention and you are discussing how probable is the case. Why would he make things up anyway? To get your pity, lol?
“What’s wrong with us” is that we have heard this story 1000 times in varying shades of believability. Most of the people on this forum pug quite often and almost none of the well spoken, experienced players can say that this occurs to them pretty much ever when they pug. So what’s wrong with us is most of us are sick of hearing about a fake phenomena that appears to only happen to people who can barely type coherently.
What most of us suspect is that this sort of thing happens once in a blue moon, but certainly not four times in one night. Most of us suspect that the OP plays the way he types, which is to say, horribly. Most of us suspect, if the story even has a grain of truth, the team he was pugging with was sick and tired of carrying him and booted him after repeated failures that can be attributed to him. Most of us suspect that he posted “four times in one night” in an attempt to make the “problem” seem more important and needing more immediate attention from Anet than it really is.
I agree w/ Nike. I don’t believe this story. Even I don’t have that kind of stamina for 18 FULL fractal runs with.. PUGS in a day(Pushing from 30-50 on fractured took me around 2days).. whom I can say without a doubt take awhile to finish. OP seems to have blown it out of proportion.
BTW… “Smooth” runs don’t take an average of 45m+. Bad teams do 40+ min runs.
I agree w/ Nike. I don’t believe this story. Even I don’t have that kind of stamina for 18 FULL fractal runs with.. PUGS in a day(Pushing from 30-50 on fractured took me around 2days).. whom I can say without a doubt take awhile to finish. OP seems to have blown it out of proportion.
BTW… “Smooth” runs don’t take an average of 45m+. Bad teams do 40+ min runs.
My typical runs are like 45 mins plus or minus 15 depending on our performance that day and what we roll.
The big difference is the sense of urgency, when I play I don’t mind picking my nose for a bit before/after a boss while people prep or take care of whatever. That adds up fast.
A PUG that’s all in there trying to get it done asap, yeah under 40 minutes isn’t uncommon. A PUG just in there screwing around, an hour or more isn’t uncommon.
It’s kind of hit/miss and depends on the attitude within the group.
i agree with nike
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
When I quickly look at the OP’s other posts I see him write :
“Hi recently started ranger and love the bow”
Also :
“Im new to engineer but i enjoy the FT haha im a born firebug so yeah”
And now we know why he was kicked
(edited by bladex.9502)
It was from 6 in the afternoon till I believe 3-4ish sometime in the morning, and I didn’t just do fracts in that time. There was smooth runs for fractal 50 for me. I’m not the best player and majority of the player base isn’t so 45 min was good in my eyes.
Which would make it 9 – 10 hours, so either you gave a wrong number of runs or greatly overestimated the minimum run time. At 10 hours and 18 runs total the average run time is ~33 minutes, easily in the realm of possibility, but it does not include looking for a group (especially in the middle of the night) nor anything else you did. So I’m doubting you even more now.
Jeez, whats wrong with people here? Fella brought a problem to your attention and you are discussing how probable is the case. Why would he make things up anyway? To get your pity, lol?
On the topic, it would be reasonable to block kicking at some point, after first fract for example. This wont affect normal parties and prevent abusing, likely.
Then again, i dont even recall when i got kicked from fractal party myself.
locking after the first fractal?!? so people can force you to carry them as they afk the rest? No thanks.
I would agree with a lock after engaging the final boss and that’s about it.
I don’t think it would be a good idea to have a lock after engaging the final boss, either. Doing so makes it impossible to sell fractals, which makes fractal low-mans much less appealing.
Furthermore, it should be legitimate to simply kick a player who has decided to full AFK the final boss fight. Or who is not remotely useful in a struggling group because they get agony 1-shot. Or who has decided to, instead of participating in the fight, simply insult other team mates for their supposed lack of skill. Et cetera.
Legitimate kicks happen far more often than abusive kicks. Any solution to the rare problem of abusive kicks should not have a disproportionate impact on legitimate kicks.
I don’t think it would be a good idea to have a lock after engaging the final boss, either. Doing so makes it impossible to sell fractals, which makes fractal low-mans much less appealing.
Furthermore, it should be legitimate to simply kick a player who has decided to full AFK the final boss fight. Or who is not remotely useful in a struggling group because they get agony 1-shot. Or who has decided to, instead of participating in the fight, simply insult other team mates for their supposed lack of skill. Et cetera.
Legitimate kicks happen far more often than abusive kicks. Any solution to the rare problem of abusive kicks should not have a disproportionate impact on legitimate kicks.
You could still sell fractals you just don’t want to approach the final boss, of course selling fractals is going to change a lot.
But, either way, I agree, i should have phrased it differently. Locking after engaging the final boss is the only place I could see it happening and maybe, maybe, the benefits out way the negatives. But, again, I agree, people could abuse that as well in many different ways
… I want a party leader system (not the old instance owner system, an actual party leader system) I like monarchy/dictatorships. THey’ve worked well in my past games, MUCH less of an issue with unethical group behavior than we have here.
Party leader system would be great – the way it was set up in GW1 was decent.
Also – In my entire time I’ve been running fractals I’ve yet to be kicked once. I really don’t know where all this FOTM kicking goes on.
Next time, take a screen shot of the conversation and send it with a support ticket. If I ever have a bad feeling about a player(s) I always hover over the party UI to take a screen shot of their name. That way I have proof that I was there, as well as the time and time-stamped conversation. I have never been kicked from fractals or dungeons but I always run fractals with at least 2 friends so we have majority.
What possessed you to run so many in a row? I mean you aren’t even getting rewards for some of them at that point.
GW1 system was better, where you’re locked into your team. I’ve been kicked before by a guild, and I’m just glad I can outfarm all group content with SW, or even gathering with a mobile warrior build. HoT is going to be a disaster with this where you finally complete their ‘challenging group content’ only for trolls to try to kick at the end, or for guilds to kick all their puggers so they can sell the slots…
hi. as someone that runs with 1 or 2 guildies most of the time and pugs the last spots if we can’t be bothered low manning a 50, I will give some insight on why they might kick you.
1. Bad build/playstyle. Did you play using a bad build such as a power based build using shortbow? Did you help in anyway by providing frost spirit or spotter? Did you simply just play badly and was constantly dead on the floor?
2. Did you listen to instructions and follow the groups tactics? I am not sure how common it is in fractals with a bunch of people from 1 guild, but I generally say what me and my guildies are gonna be doing if it is any different from the basic pug strats. An example is stealthing past the dredge in the dredge fractal, having the thief use shadow trap on the two arm seals for cliffside (surprisingly pugs don’t seem to know this one), doing mossman legit, not standing at max range and ranging mai trin or the molten duo, etc.
3. Were you being nice and not getting salty and random questions if they are asked at you? A really good example is yesterday a warrior joined us, he was using banner of tactics and a dolyak signet, had keepers weapons but had full berserker armor (with scholar runes and was using the dumplings). I asked them why they were running the keepers weapons and the dolyak signet and banner of tactics, and he responded with “oh so you are a bunch of kittens” and then left. I was not being rude or mean, I was just asking why.
4. Continuing on from previous point. Were you running the correct gear? Obvious question, but people can tell when you aren’t wearing the right gear based off of the amount of damage being done.
Most of the time when you are kicked, it is not to be given away to a guildie or to be sold. It is usually from one of the above points. Sometimes it is done, but it is so rare it is like having a precursor drop. And when it does happen, just take it on the chin and look at what you did throughout the run that could have caused it to happen
When I quickly look at the OP’s other posts I see him write :
“Hi recently started ranger and love the bow”
Also :
“Im new to engineer but i enjoy the FT haha im a born firebug so yeah”And now we know why he was kicked
Why he got kicked four times? I guess we will never know why. All the unfairness in fractals a net do something nao.
If the pugs he was with wait for the last boss to kick him, they’re wrong.
Either if it’s for selling his spot/give it to a guildie/because he’s bad. If he’s a bearbow/FT kind of guy, he should have been kicked way more earlier, waiting for the last boss is just a kitten move regardless or how one performs. If you choose to carry him, accept the consequences and don’t kittening kick him at the last boss.
Thought, if it was me and he comes in my group with this kind of build, he would be kicked instantly (mostly because i advertise my group as Meta), and i won’t wait for the last boss.