Fresh Air ELE looking for tips
The key is making sure everyone’s on the same page as far as group’s goals go. If you want to take your time, run slowly through the fractal, kill every single trash mob and experience the story, make it known in the group description. Similarly, if you expect people to know their stuff and play decent builds, put it up there. Parties without any description naturally tend to fill up faster, but there’s high chance that each member will have different expectations regarding the run. Even T4 fractals are full of noobs expecting a free carry and if you want a smooth and fast run, you have to indicate it on the lfg.
You will still occasionaly have a person joining your lfg without meeting the requirements (or even reading it), but that gives you the perfect right to kick them out.
You are right – we are here to play and have fun. But everyone’s notion of what’s “fun” might be slightly different. Someone finds it fun to completely clear the fractal map of every single enemy. Someone else might find it fun to finish the fractal efficiently and in the least amount of time, not making the tiniest mistake along the way. Until people learn to read others’ minds, you’ll have to indicate to other people what you personally find “fun”.
(edited by Tarasicodissa.7084)
Joining a guild is certainly a possibility. Playing with friends or guild mates tends to make people more patient and tolerant. But the best advice I can give is “just don’t take attitude too seriously”. There’ll always be those who think you’re not good enough for them. Just ignore them. Push your limits, always be eager to become a better player. Try to find your mistakes. Most of the time there will be ones. Just don’t take offense from people.
Anyone who gets mad in fractals is clearly not very good themselves… In my experience, at t4, you almost never see people rage out at others since they know that if they played perfectly themselves, they could solo carry the content. It’s the baddies who think they are good because they live on the qT/metabattle forums, but need to be carried themselves, that are the ones you see lose it in there. Good people just finish the boss, make fun of how bad their group is in their guild chat, and maybe quietly excuse themselves from doing the next daily with you.
As for the nerf, you should probably switch back to staff… I mean, all you have to do is get a staff, it’s not a huge gear investment. That’s always been one of the pro’s of FA Ele—you can easily swap between staff/dagger/scepter (well not scepter anymore, rip) depending on which is best for the fight. For example, even before the nerf, running Dagger vs Chaos’s last boss and his aoe dazes, or bloom hugger and his tantrums was a nightmare compared to staff or scepter. Plus, it’s much easier to stay alive camping staff anyways (superior range, extra cleansing, reflect aura, fiery escape, etc.)
In conclusion, just tough it out through t3 where the toxic baddies are, and get to t4 where everyone’s chill…! (For the most part)
Oh, and maybe start saving up for an ascended sword, cuz Spellweaver is cool as hell!
Staff has better survivability than x/WH. You can check this subreddit for guilds.
People on T2/T3 are usually on edge…..that’s cause u get very mixed kinds of players (most dont know mechs yet), t2/t3 also have the worst instabilities making gameplay tedious and players extra edgy. Once u go to t4 that’s probably gonna change. People dont “progress” anymore, they just do a daily routine, so its more relaxed and most player know the fractals inside-out, making it a pleasant experience.
As for getting kicked or flamed….thats completely on the group. “All welcome” parties dont kick people, ever. Parties with reqs might kick if u cant pull your weight. Flaming doesnt really happen. People dont really bother with flaming unless they’re 10y olds. They will either just do the fracs and be done with it or kick. Just get of t2/t3 fractals and u will have much more fun!
Firstly, you’re an ele, your role if you aren’t playing magi is to deal damage. You should not be “offering healing and buff support” usually. You should be doing lots of damage killing the enemies really fast and relying on your team to do most of the rest. The only time you might buff is prestacking might and fury or the occaisonal conjured weapon.
Secondly, you’ve been playing 4 days. You will not be anywhere near as good as you think you are in just 4 days especially as you said you are learning the bosses.
As a general tip, let someone else be the first to draw aggro so you get a good overload and burning speed off before everything decides you’re doing more damage and tries to murder you. The cyclone skill on war horn is good to CC and buy you time when you go back into air and glyph of elemental harmony is a great heal. If you’re taking too much damage back off and get some health back then go back in. If you have the fractal potions then you don’t need signet of fire for its precision buff, you can slot arcane shield or lightning flash to help you survive.
Staff is very good for some fractals, but offhand focus is also very good in some places like volcanic fractal.