Fun, or Just a Waist of In Game Money?
Too easy I am the 1%!!!
But seriously dungeons are not hard even with pugs. A lot of it comes down to not knowing the dungeon at all and not knowing how to play properly in a group. People with their open world PvE specs or WvW specs in dungeons making it harder than it should be.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
Great topic! Here are my two cents.
I think dungeons are what makes Guild Wars 2 great.
Coming from years of playing other MMORPGs (Shaiya, Aion, WoW), I’ve always been 85-90% focused on the PvE aspect of MMOs. I had my mindset wrapped around the idea of grinding countless hours to hit the max level in order to join my friends and clans in the endgame dungeon/raids/bosses. I’ll use Shaiya for an example since that is the game I spent so much time (and money) on.
In Shaiya, there were different dungeons for different levels; One for Lv 15-25 roughly, One for 31-45, and so on. The thing about Shaiya is that no matter what level you were, you could walk into an dungeon. Of course, walking into the endgame Lv 50+ dungeon as a level 1-49 would be a near insta-kill situation.
However, once you reached the level cap (It used to be 60, but now it’s 70), you could help your friends/clans in the lower dungeons by simply massacring every single mob and boss with a few hits. A max level player with decent (equivalent to greens in GW2) armor and weapons could easily clear a dungeon of a lower level, leading to power leveling as a sort of way to make money.
This also lead to many of the lower level dungeons being overrun by top leveled players simply
- Killing the boss for rare loot
- Leveling/Powerleveling friends or those lower
- Clearing a dungeon so fast that they could run back and wait for all the mobs to respawn
This basically lead to the max levels dominating the dungeons and the lower levels that were not part of the max levels’ guilds/friends list were unable to experience the dungeons.
What I love about Guild Wars 2 is the level scaling, moreso in the dungeons. You’ll find that any level 80 can die in any dungeon in Guild Wars 2 if they are not careful. In many GW 2 dungeons, cooperation and communication beats having the best gear that one can buy.
I LOVE this!
I was so nervous to do dungeons in GW 2! I waited until I was 80 to even attempt the story mode of AC. I remember that it was such a different experience to have to actually rely on dodging and communication instead of my gear. I got by butt kicked in story mode. After a while, I got more and more experience in each dungeon (thanks to many great players who took it upon themselves to explain the situation each dungeon brought).
Now, I love playing the dungeons, because I have to give them my full attention and not AFK while doing them. My friends and I are able to clear many dungeons very quickly and have a blast doing so. However, a few mistakes still can lead to dying for a team of 80s (I love this aspect!).
For example, not dodging Lieutenant Kholer’s pull in AC will either one-shot you or drain almost all of your health. This is true regardless of your level.
To sum it all up, Guild Wars 2 has a great dungeon system that takes some getting used to, but will actually challenge you!
One final note that I forgot to add,
dungeons can really affect your character’s currency. Do you know how expensive it is to fix armor in a dungeon? VERY expensive, accounting from getting your butt kicked several times from the overpowered dungeon enemies.
I can’t tell you how protective I was of my in-game currency :P
When I finished my Personal Story, I had a combination of Green/Yellow armor and weapons with roughly 5g in actual currency. I thought that I was never going to gain more than 10g because of the pace that I played at.
I died quite a few times in dungeon runs, and I can tell you first hand that the reward trumps the risk. If you finish an AC dungeon path, you will receive at least 50 silver in money alone. Factor in all the drops you receive from monsters and chests, and you can safely assume that you will make 1g or more.
These are low ball figures and you’ll make much more in the upper level dungeons in one run.
My tip for you is to read or watch a few dungeon guides BEFORE going into a dungeon. If you need a walk through or any more tips, feel free to add me in-game
Strife’s guides make for a great head start in any dungeon (Up to Fractals):
(edited by Danireathorn.2814)
dungeons are fun. yes they are more difficult then open world. so just ask someone to teach you.
Some dungeons are plain stupidly OP.. yes.
Example. Caudecus manor.
Bosses are easy. Trash mobs are 10 times harder and can 1 hit ?!!?!?!? WTF.
Good luck.
Hello everyone. I am here to talk about dungeon difficulty. I contacted support about how overpowering it is for players from regular dungeon level, to level 80. To some people who play this game, they think these dungeons are too overpowering, even with level 80 friends helping you all the way. Also, dungeons can really affect your character’s currency. Do you know how expensive it is to fix armor in a dungeon? VERY expensive, accounting from getting your butt kicked several times from the overpowered dungeon enemies. I tried beating a dungeon with level 80 friends, and we got our butts handed to us. -Sigh- I want people to post their opinions on the dungeon difficulty on this topic. Don’t be afraid to give your opinion about the dungeon difficulty in the game. So, who thinks the dungeons are overpowering or just fine?
So far my experience has been that the dungeons are not crazy difficult so long as folks take a little initiative and look over some of the very helpful guides that are posted right here on our forums. I find a lot that folks want to run dungeons long before they really know how their class works or the dungeon works and this always = many wipes.
For a succesfull or fun dungeon run You need to be aware of some things.
A great majority of the GW2 community will allways find EVERY dungeon encouner too hard, impossible, not fun, etc. That is becouse there are some things You need to understand or You won’t succeed.
Dungeons in this game is not “enter → sloughter all enemies → leave”. It’s a thing You need to learn and understand. Compare it to playing an instrument or doing a sport – You “will suck” at the begining! You can give up and grumble about it being too hard an give up (this is the majority of the community as You can see on forums). Or You can just find some ways to make it understand, search the web, watch some youtube, but never give up and eventually You will succeed – and this success will be a nice feeling. But You need some view on the dungeon matter.
1. Knowledge about Your class.
And I’m not talking about “what can You bring to the party” HELL NO! I’m talking about what is Your knowledge about the class You play. Do You know how thing like boons, conditions, combo fields, combo finishers, endurance works, do You know how all Your utility skills works, how can You boosts them or Your weapons, (or special class utility) with traits, do You know how to gear properly.
Becouse without this knowledge… You will make Your charcter a horrible one. If You do not synchronise Your Gear, Traits, Weapon, Utility, Sigils, Runes with each other You could make Your character less effective.
For good start, look into the “proffesion” on forums there You will find many build other more experienced player have, and read some info about how to use them well.
Gear is expensive but there are sites like where You can make gear setups without buying it.
2. Intel about dungeon mobs and bosses skills, how to deal with them how to counter them.
Seriously… most dungeon runners fail becouse they don’t have a slightest idea what killed them. They stand before a mob that is castind an powerfull attack that kills and They don’t see it… they don’t even know what to be aware of! The best example was Lipcus from Arah back in the days. But even now there are many peaple who don’t know it’s possible to completle avoid spawning grubs.
There are many guides on forums, youtube that tells about how mobs behave and what is good to counter that behavior.
3. You can’t win alone.
They are encounters with many opponents at time that cannot be done alone. An if Your group is bad… You could be the best player in the world, but You will not win alone.
For ex. dregde fractal last boss. It can be done even 2 man. But in 4 man when 2 does not completly understand how the fight works they will make it a nightmare (until they die :P).
So having a party od peaple who know their class, and have the brains to hear good hints will make Your party succeed.
Also don’t PUG on /m You will have a much greater chance to deal with unskilled players who can’t listen to other or behave like idiots. To reduce the amount try
4. Don’t hide that You are new to the dungeon. Work in team LISTEN!
There will be always players who know more, and will be willing to share the knowledge if You ONLY pay attention. Don’t try to hide You are new to the content becouse You will be the one at fault if You die. I never mind new players as long as they keep up with what I say to them. If they won’t listen and fail “becouse they know better” – well I wich them good luck.
Last time I went TA, Fw/Up we had hard time on last boss spiders, one of the player showd us how to evade and WHAT to evade – we did it without any problem after this knowledge.
And if someone kick You after You told him You are new to the content – good! At least You are not party with and idiot leader
(this does not count members who specificaly look for speed runs or experienced players! It’s their team, their rules keep that in mind)
I also wiped a lot on my first dungeon runs… it was a pain, but once we understanded how it works dungeons became fun.
Dungeons have a learning curve, but most are accessible to the average player after practice. Last night,i did a full-clear of TA Up with a PUG. We had two Thieves, two Necros and support Guardian. We finished with no deaths in excellent time.
The New AC is fun and moving in the right direction, but soon I will get bored of that again and there wont be anything to lure me in there again… UNLESS they add new rewards, eg. skins, that I can work towards.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Guess it depends on if you can eventually complete them or not. I easily make 1g a run at least, and I’ve never had repairs get that high.
My idea of hard is like GW1’s UW or FoW which I never was able to beat them. GW2 dungeons are easy. I normally play with PuG team and I succeed 98% of the time. Only dungeon which can get sketchy with PuG is Arah.
To me AC update was welcome change. However after AC update even more people are complaining about difficulty of the dungeons. I really believe ANet should create hard mode or have scaling system like FotM to make dungeons for all people with different skill levels.
Dungeons are the reason I play GW2.
It may sound silly, but all I do in MMO’s is play for the dungeons, I like being with groups running through them. GW2 is definitely challenging, some of them can be aggravating due to your group, but they’re not impossible. I have had to give up several times in FotM or other ones due to a bad group, but it didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it while it lasted.
I do believe story mode should be easier than explore. Which for some is backward (CoF is easier than CoF SM. TA explore is easier than TA SM) but over all, I enjoy the game play.
I think the paths available in dungeons should be a easy, medium, hard.
So those who like it a bit easier can run ones like CoF1 and TA upper. Those who like it harder, can select the more challenging routes. That’s my belief anyway, to provide a good range of difficulty for the players to select from so that it caters to all players.
Hello everyone. I am here to talk about dungeon difficulty. I contacted support about how overpowering it is for players from regular dungeon level, to level 80. To some people who play this game, they think these dungeons are too overpowering, even with level 80 friends helping you all the way. Also, dungeons can really affect your character’s currency. Do you know how expensive it is to fix armor in a dungeon? VERY expensive, accounting from getting your butt kicked several times from the overpowered dungeon enemies. I tried beating a dungeon with level 80 friends, and we got our butts handed to us. -Sigh- I want people to post their opinions on the dungeon difficulty on this topic. Don’t be afraid to give your opinion about the dungeon difficulty in the game. So, who thinks the dungeons are overpowering or just fine?
Dungeons are one of the biggest sources of coin income in this game. If you are losing money to repairs then you need to re-evaluate your build, your team choices, or your tactics before going to the dungeon you have trouble with again.
Most dungeons are easy if you are lvl 80 and know the mechanics.
There’s no one answer, as it is kind of up to you.
Dungeons can be fun if you want to learn the mechanics and take an active role in beating them. You’ll need to learn what skills make you immune to the particular ways mobs are going to try to kill you, when to use what skill (due to extremely short durations), what to dodge and when, how and when to complement your team and so forth.
If you’re looking for a more relaxed, static experience such as you find in many other MMO’s dungeons, and are grouped with others like you, then you might find them to be a waste of silver.
I’ve not done many, and my backside has been handed to me more than once but I wouldn’t say they are too difficult. I think they need to fix the known bugs to make it smoother.
I go into a dungeon expecting to get beaten the first couple of times and the people I’ve met in game I’ve met through dungeons. Then by doing the dungeons with those who have a laugh and don’t mind dying as we figure it out it becomes bearable.
That said I would like to see different difficulty levels- but not because I feel dungeons are too difficult but because some days I’m not on form and other days I am. I would be happy with different loot tables for the different levels.