GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Telmae.5720


I am really starting to get frustrated. Not with the dungeons themselves but with finding groups to go to the dungeons.

1) I am tired of being suppressed in Lions Arch after 3 messages to find a group.
2) I am tired of trying to find someone with explorable mode to do a dungeon with good rewards and an actual challenge. I would do story mode but like many of the people complaining on the forums YOU CAN’T FIND ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO STORYMODE!
3) I am tired of pre-dungeon events. They happen too often! I wouldn’t mind doing them once every 3 hours if I just so happen to be doing the dungeon when the portal has been closed but it seriously feels like I go into a dungeon, do one path, pop out only to be confronted with a 20 minute pre-dungeon event that I just did! Extremely frustrating.

My suggestions:
1) To stop the LA map chat from just being a LFG chat Arena Net should be creating a proper party find interface where you select what dungeon you want to do. Once you are LFG in this interface you are put into a WORLDWIDE SERVER LFG! Not just your particular server. This would make the chances of finding players to do dungeons a lot easier! No suppressed because of “excessive” messaging!
2) Storymode either needs to have a reasonable award or just be taken out completely. I am completely fine with just having explorable. It is more challenging, better rewards, and in my opinion just more fun. Eliminates having to find a group to do storymode so that you can do explorable. It also eliminates people from having to find someone with exp mode.
3) Well I already basically said above.

Thoughts? Ideas? Discuss! LETS LET ANET KNOW WE ARE NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS! I am seriously losing my motivation to play when I can’t do what I want to do in the game because you can’t find people to play with!

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fuz.5621


You’re 100% right, but this an issue they refuse to take in consideration.
It has been asked many times, and it’s anachronistic that a 2012 game doesn’t have a proper LFG tool.

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I agree its getting on my nervs

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brutal Arts.6307

Brutal Arts.6307

Despite the fact that you’re absolutely correct, it’s not going to happen. Maybe in the future it will be available in the cash shop for the low low price of 3000 gems.

You have gotten what you paid for, all that remains is biweekly gemshop pushing.

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


Despite the fact that you’re absolutely correct, it’s not going to happen. Maybe in the future it will be available in the cash shop for the low low price of 3000 gems.

Exsept for the fact that Nothing indacats the cash shop is going in that direction at all

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


bump bump +1
Even the milking LOL korean f2p MMOs has that group finder, even it being a lame one.
From my experience I really enjoyed Lineage 2’s and SWTOR’s party matching systems. If GW2 devs dare to innovate on that I’d be really happy, even if it means to buy an expansion for it _

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soeki.9643


A good alternative for it: . I’ve started using it lately, and it really helps. Though most people is LF FotM groups there are a few for the old dungeons too. Oh and +1 for the idea. I’m still missing my beloved SE set

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rezz.8019


Of course we need it, but adding pink items is priority, as if we don’t have enough different colours already
But seriously, Anet people, having LFG interface will help us A LOT. And it will keep people longer on your game, as they won’t be frustrated by not being able to find teams.

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grav.4790


A good alternative for it: . I’ve started using it lately, and it really helps. Though most people is LF FotM groups there are a few for the old dungeons too. Oh and +1 for the idea. I’m still missing my beloved SE set

This isn’t a good alternative for FotM. All players have to be on same overflow and it only works during peak hours. Any other time you won’t get them all in one place.

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


I won’t use a website built by a 3rd party in 15 minutes.

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


and I am tired of people who can’t figure out how to get around the chat suppression mechanic.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


and I am tired of people who can’t figure out how to get around the chat suppression mechanic.

So your saying that we have to “sploit” a way around the suppression mechanic to be able to easily find a group because their is no group finder? So the only way to do it triggers suppression? BRILLIANT design there. BTW mail suppression sucks too. In a group of 5 I can only mail 2 people then get locked. Really sucks when handing out potions to the entire team.

They need a better party find mechanic. If ANet didn’t think it helped WHY would they sticky a GROUP FINDING SITE on their web page?

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


I am really starting to get frustrated. Not with the dungeons themselves but with finding groups to go to the dungeons.

1) I am tired of being suppressed in Lions Arch after 3 messages to find a group.
2) I am tired of trying to find someone with explorable mode to do a dungeon with good rewards and an actual challenge. I would do story mode but like many of the people complaining on the forums YOU CAN’T FIND ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO STORYMODE!
3) I am tired of pre-dungeon events. They happen too often! I wouldn’t mind doing them once every 3 hours if I just so happen to be doing the dungeon when the portal has been closed but it seriously feels like I go into a dungeon, do one path, pop out only to be confronted with a 20 minute pre-dungeon event that I just did! Extremely frustrating.

Completely agree with everything you wrote here. There are 0 mechanics in place to find groups at the moment which is a huge problem when these dungeons are the end game content. This game prides itself on making playing with friends or random people easy and enjoyable yet completely misses the mark with dungeon groups. its not easy to fill groups period. we need a dungeon grouping tool of some sort. absolutely anything is an improvement over the current methods

GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iniustus.6304



GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ursan.7846


GW2 Players deserve a party find interface

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LemurTron.9261


I won’t use a website built by a 3rd party in 15 minutes.

occam’s razor

the site is a very good temp alternative until Anet does their own. gw2lfg doesnt require a login or anything, just simple text fields for name and dungeon/level