GW2 is antisocial
How ironic would it be if no one responded to the op lol
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
You’re making a huge assuption that all the good groups play at a specific time of day. This is a worldwide game, there are players on at all hours of the day. You’re not going to miss out on the “good groups”.
If your guild doesn’t want to run fractals with you, find a different guild.
a precursor doesn’t have anything to do with the social aspects of the game.
Your personal experience is unfortunate, but you’re making a lot of generalisations.
Personally I have found GW2 to be an incredibly social game. I’m in a great guild and I enjoy running around maps and coming across random players. I’ve helped out a lot of players, and I’ve been helped out. I’ve played alongside players and had great conversations, and I’ve played alongside players and never spoken – which can be a poignant experience like in Journey.
The game isn’t anti social. Perhaps you are?
Anti-social would be having a game make ppl tag a mob for loot and only that person or there pt get this loot to split out making the game that would make each player hate to be near other players there by making a very anti-social environment.
But that not GW2 you cant make ppl run things as much as you want them to and the only real way to make ppl want to run things over and over is to add in a high amount vertical progression (much more then +6 to +10 more on the lines of +50 to +100) such as seen in raids with a great deal more RNG to make these very wanted drops less likely to happen.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Holy cow do I completely agree with Svetli. While it’s true good people do play at all sorts of times, chances are you really only trust people on your friends list, and just add people who were good in pugs when necessary, and put the absolute awful players in the ignore list; while it’s kind of a pain to go through your friendslist see who you added for what, assuming you nicknamed the people you add and ask them. And do not get me started on people in wvw, they will let you down at every single turn.
it’s really an awful thing that everything is a once a day thing, sure you “could” do dungeons multiple times a day, but there’s no point. Horizontal progression is fine, there is absolutely no need for vertical. Just look at the first guild wars, only horizontal progression
Holy cow do I completely agree with Svetli. While it’s true good people do play at all sorts of times, chances are you really only trust people on your friends list, and just add people who were good in pugs when necessary, and put the absolute awful players in the ignore list; while it’s kind of a pain to go through your friendslist see who you added for what, assuming you nicknamed the people you add and ask them. And do not get me started on people in wvw, they will let you down at every single turn.
it’s really an awful thing that everything is a once a day thing, sure you “could” do dungeons multiple times a day, but there’s no point. Horizontal progression is fine, there is absolutely no need for vertical. Just look at the first guild wars, only horizontal progression
Well why do a dungeon if you have every thing from that dungeon you want? Ppl who want to run the same things over and over and over and grind them out in one day are trying to get every thing from that one dungeon and will never step foot in that dungeon after. By letting them have a some what type gap there is a opening for other ppl to join in with them and make groups to run dailies events or even for pugs to join in because there always going to be some one wanting to run a dungeon event etc.. as long as there are ppl playing the game at different times then other ppl.
I preset that GW2 is the most social game on the mmorpg market and has set a stander for other mmorpgs that MUST be held up to or these games will be called solo games.
Anti-Social is: not letting ppl fight the same mobs in the same zones; not letting them get loot from that mob because they did not get first tag do the most dmg or get last hit; forcing ppl to fight over nodes that only spawn per zone not per player; has system in places that lets ppl troll mob spawns such at tagging a mob and running away with it; not having a game wide or server wide AH or TP system. These are major effects to a social game all of these make a player want to get away from other players and try to avoid them at all cost.
Account bound items do not effect how you feel about other players and being near them in a game. Doing dailies events dose not make you avoid ppl.
WvW is a different game altogether where you will see some of the most social rewarding for players to the point of making a hate for “zerging.” Yes if you act like some one who is trolling then others will act like that to you because that person who act like this is being anti-social in a very social system to the point where if you act such brakes up the system of wvw. In a way WvW is so social that when a person acts anti-social it harms wvw players and there worlds that they come from.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Holy cow do I completely agree with Svetli. While it’s true good people do play at all sorts of times, chances are you really only trust people on your friends list, and just add people who were good in pugs when necessary, and put the absolute awful players in the ignore list; while it’s kind of a pain to go through your friendslist see who you added for what, assuming you nicknamed the people you add and ask them. And do not get me started on people in wvw, they will let you down at every single turn.
it’s really an awful thing that everything is a once a day thing, sure you “could” do dungeons multiple times a day, but there’s no point. Horizontal progression is fine, there is absolutely no need for vertical. Just look at the first guild wars, only horizontal progression
Well why do a dungeon if you have every thing from that dungeon you want? Ppl who want to run the same things over and over and over and grind them out in one day are trying to get every thing from that one dungeon and will never step foot in that dungeon after. By letting them have a some what type gap there is a opening for other ppl to join in with them and make groups to run dailies events or even for pugs to join in because there always going to be some one wanting to run a dungeon event etc.. as long as there are ppl playing the game at different times then other ppl.
I preset that GW2 is the most social game on the mmorpg market and has set a stander for other mmorpgs that MUST be held up to or these games will be called solo games.
Anti-Social is: not letting ppl fight the same mobs in the same zones; not letting them get loot from that mob because they did not get first tag do the most dmg or get last hit; forcing ppl to fight over nodes that only spawn per zone not per player; has system in places that lets ppl troll mob spawns such at tagging a mob and running away with it; not having a game wide or server wide AH or TP system. These are major effects to a social game all of these make a player want to get away from other players and try to avoid them at all cost.
Account bound items do not effect how you feel about other players and being near them in a game. Doing dailies events dose not make you avoid ppl.
WvW is a different game altogether where you will see some of the most social rewarding for players to the point of making a hate for “zerging.” Yes if you act like some one who is trolling then others will act like that to you because that person who act like this is being anti-social in a very social system to the point where if you act such brakes up the system of wvw. In a way WvW is so social that when a person acts anti-social it harms wvw players and there worlds that they come from.
WvW is about as social as where you sit at a celebration party you’re invited to and not talk to any one.
WvW is about as social as where you sit at a celebration party you’re invited to and not talk to any one.
What? I have no ideal what your trying to say. Do you even understand with anti-social means? It means to avoid any type of contact with another person. The fact that you where invited and are at a party means you want to be social if you chose not to talk with any one then your acting anti-social at an social event and YES you become a problem at these events because they are made to be SOCIAL.
You given a great example why acting anti-social in wvw is a bad thing.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
If you think gw2 is antisocial try eso, you will love it.
Anyway it’s pretty much most social game since hello kitty online: theme park adventures with frands.
I’m a fairly unsociable sort of bloke and I find it the complete opposite. Funny how people perceive things.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Thank goodness I’m not a people person then. It’s why I have all my chat boxes unticked, so I don’t have to hear the constant homophobic, racist, sexist, and snide comments I hear on a daily basis. #antisocialftw
Thank goodness I’m not a people person then. It’s why I have all my chat boxes unticked, so I don’t have to hear the constant homophobic, racist, sexist, and snide comments I hear on a daily basis. #antisocialftw
I do it to avoid the anti right wing, anti capitalism, anti rationalism, political correctness run amok BS.
No wait thats the Western media in real life. Come to think of it, do Anet’s servers run on a environmentally responsible server company using solar energy? Maybe a company rep can confirm this with us. Certain quarters may demand this accountability from a successful gaming company.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Yeah I hate how much political correctness goes on in GW2 conversations too (especially in WvW).
people don´t want to do what I want to do, especially at the time I want to do it. Loot cannot be shared, hence I cannot get freebies from other players. Clearly, there is no point in playing with other players. The game is “antisocial”. Mhmm.
one time per day reward in dungeons means that if you miss the good groups you stuck with bad ones !
I find this the most offensive and laughable part of this post.
“I missed the good group so now I’m stuck with the bad ones.”
There are no bad groups when it comes to dungeons. The only poor groups I have ever been in, have been when no one was willing to speak to each other and teach/learn a dungeon path.
I am constantly in groups with players who have between 300-1000 Achievement Points, who have obviously never run the dungeon path they are on before. Instead of instantly quitting, leaving the party and making the:
“LF3m Zerk 80 War/Mes/Guard”
Instead I normally post up in LFG:
“LF3m – All welcome”
Instead of looking for a “good group” as you call it. I build a good group by taking the time to talk to the players in my party. Asking them to stack in a certain place, or if they would not mind running a certain set of utilities. And explaining to them, “Because it is helpful here for reflecting projections, or removing conditions that would otherwise cause us to wipe.”
Instead of trying to force them to use specific builds, I ask if they would not mind doing so. If they cannot, fine, even if they will not. We continue the run and finish.
I would go so far as to say it is players like you who, “look for the good group” and who “don’t want to be in the bad group” that are part of the problem.
I consistently have a party for ANY dungeon path and any time of the day. Because I am willing to take the time to make sure my 5 man party succeeds.
Are you?
If you are “good enough” (you infer this obviously) to be in these so called “good groups” why don’t you take a moment out of your day to teach some of the groups who may be new that you are in, the tricks of the trade. I mean you are obviously “good enough” to be in a “good group” if you are looking for them. Are you not?
So why not give some new players a bit of help?
Or are you too good for them, and too good at this game to be social and helpful?
I have personally led a party of people who have never even done Arah story, none of them in the party. Through a full Arah run and some of them had some of the worst builds imaginable. But guess what, we completed the Arah run. Because I took the time to teach them Arah.
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
If you’re only going to look into dungeons then there probably wouldn’t be many people talking in the first place. In dungeons, I find that in good solid groups, they are people who just want the gold grind as fast as possible and move on to the next one. It’s not being anti-social it’s simply just choosing not to talk because of efficiency. I’d say find people who do talk or even find a talkative guild if you want the social experience.
one time per day reward in dungeons means that if you miss the good groups you stuck with bad ones !
I find this the most offensive and laughable part of this post.
“I missed the good group so now I’m stuck with the bad ones.”
There are no bad groups when it comes to dungeons. The only poor groups I have ever been in, have been when no one was willing to speak to each other and teach/learn a dungeon path.
I am constantly in groups with players who have between 300-1000 Achievement Points, who have obviously never run the dungeon path they are on before. Instead of instantly quitting, leaving the party and making the:
“LF3m Zerk 80 War/Mes/Guard”
Instead I normally post up in LFG:
“LF3m – All welcome”
the irony is, that ‘zerk’ lfg post are often filled with leachers
meanwhile “all welcome” groups have high chance of very experienced players joining who could solo the content
Jski and Ashadow. a few things on dungeons. people grinding out a full set of gear in a day isn’t a bad thing, especially when this game is largely horizontal progression; People will always farm dungeons for money; dungeons are not challenging, not in the slightest and it’s easier to just tell people to stack in a corner than explain the entire mechanic of a boss fight, subject alpha was great fun until people learned stacking made him easy, and yes even telling people how the fight goes, there are a lot of players that just suck, my ignore list is probably only 2/3 spam.
To me, a huge flaw of this game is that it forces you to group with people, to rely on others that will let you down. Have you ever killed a champion without the zerg in queensdale? It’s hilarious, people throw fits, it’s not even a joke, people are enraged about it(the oakhearts were the best way to finish the plant slayer title in my defense). And speaking of zergs, tequatl by far seem to have a much lower sucess rate, you need people on the cannons to take out the scales and the zerg at teqs feet to kill it, not a hard concept but it fails so often; three headed worm, simple concepts not done very much. I honestly believe that the best success of those events will come from guilds turning it into raids with how the mega server is, if it’s worth it, idk i forget how much it all costs in terms of influence/merits.
But back to dungeons, they’re easy, but due to scaling you kind of need a party to complete it in any reasonable amount of time, excluding path 1 and 3 of cm. The game forces you to party with people, and a lot of times, that’s really not desired
And really quick to touch up what Azure Power said “WvW is about as social as where you sit at a celebration party you’re invited to and not talk to any one.”
pretty fair assessment. By yourself, you can easily take all the camps on a map, now I’m on SoS so maybe it different for other servers, but for a while there was a guild doing small scale raids taking towers without a commander tag, there were a lot of people whining about that, that they couldn’t be a part of the train. And even when zerging, people don’t res, don’t stomp, don’t pay attention, don’t listen. Though wvw is flawed it is all about taking stuff rather than defending for us really. we’re teir 1.5 or 2.5, either getting dominated or doing the dominating. zero in between
Socialising is what you make of it. Saying that “you miss the good groups you stuck with bad ones” basically smacks of elitism and actually puts you in the anti social clique that you’re complaining so vehemently about. If you’re seeking out only a certain type of player or those with a certain skillset then you are bound to be disappointed a good proportion of the time. Only by being willing to open your horizons and embrace other players (not literally) are you going to have a social experience.
A case in point. Last night, a very inexperienced guildie who isn’t on very regularly jumped online and wanted to do a fractal to see what it was a bout, so 3 of us veterans partied up along with another guildie who was a more experience player but hadn’t done fractals either. We spent a lot of time explaining to him the ins and outs of various aspects of fractals and builds. Normally, there’s an “elite” group in our guild, including myself, that runs fractals regularly so we know most of the tricks and can get through them with minimal fuss. I say “elite” in the sense that we’ve known each other for a long time and know each other’s builds and work our utilities and combos together very effectively to maximise damage and survivability. The 5 of us are basically the only ones who have the equipment and knowledge to consistently do high level fractals in the guild, which is quite small. For some reason fractals intimidates a lot of ppl. It’s easy to dismiss the other members from your thinking of a fractal party because they aren’t familiar with it. However, if you, as an experienced runner of whatever aspect of the game, maintain some sort of elitist attitude and don’t guide others when you can, especially guild members, through those aspects you are part of the problem.
Jski and Ashadow. a few things on dungeons. people grinding out a full set of gear in a day isn’t a bad thing
To be fair, I am mostly glad they nerfed exactly what you just mentioned.
Before the “one path per day” nerf and the changes to CoF. That was all that people would do and it was even worse for people who had never done CoF before. (New people who were trying to earn their “Zerker” gear from CoF.) People would kick you if you said you were new, kick you if you failed to do certain things at the exact time and kick you if you did not have the right build and kick you if you did not “ping Zerker gear on join.” A path of a dungeon people joined to earn their Zerker gear, would get them kicked if they did not already have it.
The CoF attitude, the one from before is still there. But it is nowhere near as prevalent in a world where people are forced to do more than a single dungeon spamming path per day.
People grinding a full set of gear per day is fine. But the elitist attitude things like “CoF P1” created is something I do not miss, it was pretty much bordering of pure cutthroat viciousness. Very, very unhealthy for a game.
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
Socialising is what you make of it. Saying that “you miss the good groups you stuck with bad ones” basically smacks of elitism and actually puts you in the anti social clique that you’re complaining so vehemently about. If you’re seeking out only a certain type of player or those with a certain skillset then you are bound to be disappointed a good proportion of the time. Only by being willing to open your horizons and embrace other players (not literally) are you going to have a social experience.
A case in point. Last night, a very inexperienced guildie who isn’t on very regularly jumped online and wanted to do a fractal to see what it was a bout, so 3 of us veterans partied up along with another guildie who was a more experience player but hadn’t done fractals either. We spent a lot of time explaining to him the ins and outs of various aspects of fractals and builds. Normally, there’s an “elite” group in our guild, including myself, that runs fractals regularly so we know most of the tricks and can get through them with minimal fuss. I say “elite” in the sense that we’ve known each other for a long time and know each other’s builds and work our utilities and combos together very effectively to maximise damage and survivability. The 5 of us are basically the only ones who have the equipment and knowledge to consistently do high level fractals in the guild, which is quite small. For some reason fractals intimidates a lot of ppl. It’s easy to dismiss the other members from your thinking of a fractal party because they aren’t familiar with it. However, if you, as an experienced runner of whatever aspect of the game, maintain some sort of elitist attitude and don’t guide others when you can, especially guild members, through those aspects you are part of the problem.
Completely agree with all of this.
How did this end up in the dungeon for- oh right, trashcan.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
There is some truth to what the OP is saying, however GW2 is a great example of how MMO’s have moved towards more social gameplay. The ability to troll is quite limited, and when opportunities do arise to grief fellow players ANet are expected to do something about it. You can’t ninja other people’s loot or resource nodes. With very few exceptions joining in an encounter will help the person complete it for no reduced reward, so other won’t resent your presence.
I have also seen players donate materials to both guild mates and strangers to help them achieve long term goals. I had a stranger donate wool to me to help me complete my ascended armour, and I have seen numerous donations of lodestones to other players.
From my experience 20% of the real world population are jerks! but I have found that to be lower in GW2. Heck, I ran around in Temple armour for almost a year in dungeons and only a couple of people ever mentioned it.
The word dungeon was in the OP so it was moved to the trashcan.
if the game was social why i can not trade the acendet box i do not need for a fractal skin i like ?
only interaction with ppl is the chat and dungeon runs (WvW is not social to all you do is capture points and kill zerg no social interaction at all)
why when i ask in chat a question the answer is “go check guides” no one is helping anyone and why so ?
you did your lvl 50 today no reason to go again >_>
yes games are exploited and ppl are trols to each other but dealing with this problems is what build great guilds and friends that you can trust.
when developers take this from players then why bother ?
why bother helping anyone with questions just go see guide ?
why help anyone do his AC run when i will get noting and just louse my time ?
why do i care if some one have the asendet box i want and i have the skin he likes ?
just go do fractal a million times AND maybe you will get it ! MAYBE !
Yes, the game is truly antisocial. Most people are now soloing dungeons because it’s really easy and takes less time than forming a group.
Those “zerg build l33t only!11 ping or kick” LFGs are ruining my social experience. My “yellow charrs only, willing to speak doge language” LFGs takes ages to fill.
if the game was social why i can not trade the acendet box i do not need for a fractal skin i like ?
only interaction with ppl is the chat and dungeon runs (WvW is not social to all you do is capture points and kill zerg no social interaction at all)
why when i ask in chat a question the answer is “go check guides” no one is helping anyone and why so ?
you did your lvl 50 today no reason to go again >_>
yes games are exploited and ppl are trols to each other but dealing with this problems is what build great guilds and friends that you can trust.
when developers take this from players then why bother ?
why bother helping anyone with questions just go see guide ?
why help anyone do his AC run when i will get noting and just louse my time ?
why do i care if some one have the asendet box i want and i have the skin he likes ?
just go do fractal a million times AND maybe you will get it ! MAYBE !
So in short you are angry becouse there is no trading function and the best gear in the game is bound on account?
Umm… I played LotrO before GW2 and I couldn’t trade the best gear with my friends, every special gear I got was bound when you looted it and all tokens was too. Bound Bound Bound Bound bound to character everywhere… Aleast in GW2 it’s now bound on account. When I played WoW it was just like LotrO. I dunno how it is now though… Anyway I don’t think there is any difference to GW2 ascended gear and any other games “best” gear.
You can’t trade the best stuff in other games I am pretty sure.
In GW2 you can still trade more or less everything you get but the “trade” function is not there for good reasons. But you can still mail it or put it on TP.
If I can help people I always help and thus I am very social and social this game is for me. If I have questions I mostly get answers but if I don’t I don’t pout, I look it up on wiki. I got a Guild, there is almost always someone online there so I just go ‘Heya’ and I have a social time in guild chat.
I also wonder who you are asking since when I see people asking questions on map, be it WvW or PvE I see good answers and many posting the same respons a few times in a row becouse so many want’s to help. The responses you say you get sounds more like responses you get if you ask them here on this forum.
But also don’t expect to get a good answer on questions like ‘How do I get new skills’ or ‘What can I do with Skillpoints after I learned all skills* and so on, since giving a good answer to those needs quite a few minutes to explain and people are actually playing the game so it’s better to look it up on the internet. A good advice is the GW Wiki and it’s easy to get there just write ‘/Wiki’ in the chat (Wihtout the ’) and your web browser will open the Wiki site.
Being social isn’t just about helping and sending stuff. Just the other day I played Hotjoin PvP and I wrote like gg red/blue team and wrote to players doing a good job or players escaping from me. I wasn’t rude, I just said like ‘Cämon Fight like a man :P’ or ‘Wow you are realy good’ and stuff like that and mostly I got replies and the one whom I said ’C’mon fight like a man :P’ too we started map chatting for many maches after that.
Actually one of the best points about this game is that it is so easy to socialize with other players. Don’t matter if it’s PvP, PvE or WvW as soon as I write good things I get good things back.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
if the game was social why i can not trade the acendet box i do not need for a fractal skin i like ?
only interaction with ppl is the chat and dungeon runs (WvW is not social to all you do is capture points and kill zerg no social interaction at all)
why when i ask in chat a question the answer is “go check guides” no one is helping anyone and why so ?
you did your lvl 50 today no reason to go again >_>
yes games are exploited and ppl are trols to each other but dealing with this problems is what build great guilds and friends that you can trust.
when developers take this from players then why bother ?
why bother helping anyone with questions just go see guide ?
why help anyone do his AC run when i will get noting and just louse my time ?
why do i care if some one have the asendet box i want and i have the skin he likes ?
just go do fractal a million times AND maybe you will get it ! MAYBE !So in short you are angry becouse there is no trading function and the best gear in the game is bound on account?
Umm… I played LotrO before GW2 and I couldn’t trade the best gear with my friends, every special gear I got was bound when you looted it and all tokens was too. Bound Bound Bound Bound bound to character everywhere… Aleast in GW2 it’s now bound on account. When I played WoW it was just like LotrO. I dunno how it is now though… Anyway I don’t think there is any difference to GW2 ascended gear and any other games “best” gear.
You can’t trade the best stuff in other games I am pretty sure.In GW2 you can still trade more or less everything you get but the “trade” function is not there for good reasons. But you can still mail it or put it on TP.
If I can help people I always help and thus I am very social and social this game is for me. If I have questions I mostly get answers but if I don’t I don’t pout, I look it up on wiki. I got a Guild, there is almost always someone online there so I just go ‘Heya’ and I have a social time in guild chat.
I also wonder who you are asking since when I see people asking questions on map, be it WvW or PvE I see good answers and many posting the same respons a few times in a row becouse so many want’s to help. The responses you say you get sounds more like responses you get if you ask them here on this forum.
But also don’t expect to get a good answer on questions like ‘How do I get new skills’ or ‘What can I do with Skillpoints after I learned all skills* and so on, since giving a good answer to those needs quite a few minutes to explain and people are actually playing the game so it’s better to look it up on the internet. A good advice is the GW Wiki and it’s easy to get there just write ‘/Wiki’ in the chat (Wihtout the ’) and your web browser will open the Wiki site.
Being social isn’t just about helping and sending stuff. Just the other day I played Hotjoin PvP and I wrote like gg red/blue team and wrote to players doing a good job or players escaping from me. I wasn’t rude, I just said like ‘Cämon Fight like a man :P’ or ‘Wow you are realy good’ and stuff like that and mostly I got replies and the one whom I said ’C’mon fight like a man :P’ too we started map chatting for many maches after that.
Actually one of the best points about this game is that it is so easy to socialize with other players. Don’t matter if it’s PvP, PvE or WvW as soon as I write good things I get good things back.
It varies. Sometimes one can get into very random conversations on any given map. There’s a few characters that in the low level Charr areas periodically spams map chat with “searching for swedish girl” which is downright odd. But the other night, after one such spam I got to chatting with a couple of other players in the map about beers and whisky. What’s good, what’s bad (in our opinion), what’s worth trying. No one went out of their way to insult the other’s choice of drink just different people from different places. Ended up partying up with one of them briefly to two man an event then went on our merry way.
Jski and Ashadow. a few things on dungeons. people grinding out a full set of gear in a day isn’t a bad thing
To be fair, I am mostly glad they nerfed exactly what you just mentioned.
Before the “one path per day” nerf and the changes to CoF. That was all that people would do and it was even worse for people who had never done CoF before. (New people who were trying to earn their “Zerker” gear from CoF.) People would kick you if you said you were new, kick you if you failed to do certain things at the exact time and kick you if you did not have the right build and kick you if you did not “ping Zerker gear on join.” A path of a dungeon people joined to earn their Zerker gear, would get them kicked if they did not already have it.
The CoF attitude, the one from before is still there. But it is nowhere near as prevalent in a world where people are forced to do more than a single dungeon spamming path per day.
People grinding a full set of gear per day is fine. But the elitist attitude things like “CoF P1” created is something I do not miss, it was pretty much bordering of pure cutthroat viciousness. Very, very unhealthy for a game.
Still accurate.
Thank goodness I’m not a people person then. It’s why I have all my chat boxes unticked, so I don’t have to hear the constant homophobic, racist, sexist, and snide comments I hear on a daily basis. #antisocialftw
I do it to avoid the anti right wing, anti capitalism, anti rationalism, political correctness run amok BS.
No wait thats the Western media in real life. Come to think of it, do Anet’s servers run on a environmentally responsible server company using solar energy? Maybe a company rep can confirm this with us. Certain quarters may demand this accountability from a successful gaming company.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you King Fedora. Long may he reign. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
tips top hat
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
tips top hat
That you or your partner in the photo? Looking very dapper.
tips top hat
That you or your partner in the photo? Looking very dapper.
got a real hard hitter here, folks, watch out
tips top hat
That you or your partner in the photo? Looking very dapper.
got a real hard hitter here, folks, watch out
Some people cannot take valid criticism.
I get a big laugh at people saying this game is social .
You guys must not have played an actual MMO where being in a guild was a requirement to be successful in an MMO
in GW2, you can accomplish literally everything you want without ever stepping footinside a guild – This is the very definition of anti-social. You have no reason to ever group SPECIFICALLY from your guild. You can PUG any dungs because lets be real, dungs are a joke, anyone can run them. You can just join any commander party or hop on the zerg if you want to WvW.
PvP is somewhat social if you want a good solid team in team Qs, thats a good social experience. You learn and develop as a team over a period of time.
In all my MMOs i’ve experienced from back in the day (Dekaron, KO, EQ, DoAC), if you weren’t in a guild, you were left behind in the dust in the MMO world. You can’t farm or grind or pvp playing solo. And this is what made those games a blast
What do i need to be in a guild for in this game?
Guild missions and maybe some for hardocre WvWing, but i’m not a huge WvW fanatic because i think its a joke of a Realm Vs Realm system, but thats just my opinion.
You can get a legendary or full ascended all on your own. There’s no reason to ever party with guildies or anything (unless you just want someone to chat to).
There’s no real benefit of being in a guild right now , other than the fact its just where a bunch of your friends can chat in one place.
There are very little sociable experiences in this game. That’s what makes it IMO , one of the most anti-social MMOs I’ve played.
tips top hat
What a small world we live in I went to school with this kid. No joke. Never thought I would see him again let alone in a GW2 forum.
Edit due to flood control
tips top hat
What a small world we live in I went to school with this kid. No joke. Never thought I would see him again let alone in a GW2 forum.
Are you f->king serious now.
Serious as a heart attack. We had a nickname for him. “Captain Ahab” lol. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
(edited by Tree.3916)
tips top hat
What a small world we live in I went to school with this kid. No joke. Never thought I would see him again let alone in a GW2 forum.
Are you f→king serious now.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
It’s a small world, after all.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
The game isn’t antisocial, a part of its community is.
GW2 works on different levels to some older MMOs. First of all, you don’t have time to type stuff in combat, or at least I don’t. If I try I miss a dodge and die. Even if you type stuff out of combat the group will start skipping mobs before you’ve finished. In the older MMOs it wasn’t a problem to type since the game play was simpler so people chatted a lot more.
The game is also designed for open access so people co-operate and do stuff easily. They can do it so easily they don’t actually need to chat so they don’t chat. Is that a problem? Does the game have to be made less open just so people have to chat together and organize before they do anything?
The game isn’t antisocial, a part of its community is.
I kind of didn’t want to say it but…well, I certainly didn’t help things a few days ago but yah…theres a group that seems to want to farm as much gold as fast as possible over enjoying the game and making friends. I would happily add 2 weeks to my legendary farming if it got me good friends.
The game isn’t antisocial, a part of its community is.
I kind of didn’t want to say it but…well, I certainly didn’t help things a few days ago but yah…theres a group that seems to want to farm as much gold as fast as possible over enjoying the game and making friends. I would happily add 2 weeks to my legendary farming if it got me good friends.
Id hate to be those guys. I farm as fast as I can and enjoy the game and make friends.
The game isn’t antisocial, a part of its community is.
I kind of didn’t want to say it but…well, I certainly didn’t help things a few days ago but yah…theres a group that seems to want to farm as much gold as fast as possible over enjoying the game and making friends. I would happily add 2 weeks to my legendary farming if it got me good friends.
Id hate to be those guys. I farm as fast as I can and enjoy the game and make friends.
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
The game isn’t antisocial, a part of its community is.
I kind of didn’t want to say it but…well, I certainly didn’t help things a few days ago but yah…theres a group that seems to want to farm as much gold as fast as possible over enjoying the game and making friends. I would happily add 2 weeks to my legendary farming if it got me good friends.
Antisocial spotted.
The game isn’t antisocial, a part of its community is.
I kind of didn’t want to say it but…well, I certainly didn’t help things a few days ago but yah…theres a group that seems to want to farm as much gold as fast as possible over enjoying the game and making friends. I would happily add 2 weeks to my legendary farming if it got me good friends.
News flash: you’re still not helping when you make ignorant sounding comments implying that speed running is mutually exclusive to enjoying the game or making friends. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
The game isn’t antisocial, a part of its community is.
I kind of didn’t want to say it but…well, I certainly didn’t help things a few days ago but yah…theres a group that seems to want to farm as much gold as fast as possible over enjoying the game and making friends. I would happily add 2 weeks to my legendary farming if it got me good friends.
Id hate to be those guys. I farm as fast as I can and enjoy the game and make friends.
Same thing here. But I have a secret. Shhh. I made friend with a lot of people in my guild. Shhhhhh. And then we figure out together what we want to do and it end up that most of the time we just want to play together and that we play the same thing and do the same thing together and have fun and make gold and its like it was a game all along. SHhhhhhhhh. Its a secret.
All my close friends on guildwars I meet during a fractal. Its just had not beeing shy..
Having thick facial skin like me and you have friends all over both sides of the pond =^.^=
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Having thick facial skin like me and you have friends all over both sides of the pond =^.^=
^^ dis!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
All those ! points made the OP incredibly annoying to read. Totally unnecessary.