Gear on reflect mesmer in CM
As a full Assassin’s Mesmer, if your group provides zero might and no banners, AND you don’t reflect anything, you have 1.2% less DPS than a full Berserker’s Mesmer. If you actually reflect attacks from foes with high power and/or your group can provide banners and stack might, you will surpass a Berserker’s Mesmer in terms of DPS (yeah, Assassin’s can be better than Berserker’s on Mesmer even if you don’t reflect anything).
This is a case of PUGs being clueless about what’s actually good.
They were dumb to kick you. Assassins/ranger combo is perfect on mesmers everywhere where you need reflects. It was just pugs being stupid and not knowing anything about being useful.
You’re running meta, those guys were simply dumb. The only thing you could have done better is used the Bandit sigil.
Sounds like you found some OMG ZERK IS BEST ALLLLWAAAAY tryhards. You did the right thing, and were geared properly for your role.
Hope you find a group that knows their kitten next time. I mean, they did say “zerk”, not “meta”, but crap like this is why I never join exp/zerk/meta/speed-only PUGs
Thanks. I think it was a PS warrior and dual banners, but not much fury.
They probably had 3 warriors too.
Ya you find those kind of guys from time to time. The kind that think that only 1 thing work in the game. The kind of guys that freak out if you change only 1 little thing in 1 meta build they saw on a website event if that doesn’t necessary apply everywhere and with every technique. The kind of guys that still stack in corner for every boss even if FGS doesn’t work anymore. The kind of guys that prefer a bad player with the meta over a good player with a different build. The kind of guys that kick rangers and engineer without asking question even today.
Play How I Want ppl have their bad apples, but we also have ours.