General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1
Why support forum?
Who knows?
Runes need support. Lol
I want to say “of course all others are weak compared to a strength rune. Look at the name!” But I think it might go over his head.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
You’re meant to write “Path (number) anyone welcome” if you want to get the worst players.
so mean
Had a mesmer in fractals who refused to use portal after he was asked to. We had Cliffside and Thaumanova…
By the way, is anyone up for fractals today? I’m running lvl 27, 16 and 6 – in about 3 hours (on NA).
I need someone to help me at alphard. I cannot solo this boss for nuts.
You’re meant to write “Path (number) anyone welcome” if you want to get the worst players.
so mean
Normally it works.
Other times I get legit good players who most likely just recognise me and realise it’ll be a smooth run if they join :p
Game over, yo.
You’re meant to write “Path (number) anyone welcome” if you want to get the worst players.
so mean
Normally it works.
Other times I get legit good players who most likely just recognise me and realise it’ll be a smooth run if they join :p
I remember Nikki, Jeth and I pug SE once with ‘anyone is welcome’ in the lfg and this ^hyena entered to look for some fun. We still pulled it through with no stacking, no skipping, no FGS with a bonanza of conjured weapons and spirit weapons.
P.S.: love you!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Wutwut, new pug meta.
FC gone down to 20 seconds :D
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
surprise for pugs –
I forgot to share this pearl with you guys.
The other day I was pugging Arah on NA (new favourite activity) and it was advertised for exp 5K+ AP. I join with my 750 AP, explain that I’m exp, all is fine. The instance owner even removes the AP requirement
Then joins this ranger who didn’t seem to have a clue. We kick him. He comes back and says : “I pay you 6g to carry me”.
My heart died a bit there…
surprise for pugs –
You are funny :>
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Guys, whats the point using a ranged weapon, if you stay in melee range?
In TA now all 4 of my team mates did this and no one answered why it’s good for them.
2 warr, 1 guard and 1 ranger. Later one is .. yeah .. rangers. But the two rifle warr and scepter shield guard is a bit weird.
Be thankful they stayed in melee rather than kited the boss all around the place so you couldn’t melee.
I like dungeons and Ikea.
aka Cotscene.
Steady weapons don’t exist anymore, do they?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
they want a “fractals” track in SPvP
I dont know how i feel about that.
they want a “fractals” track in SPvP
I dont know how i feel about that.
I’d feel okay… If they had to complete a 40+ fractal to unlock the track and it’s not part of the regular rotation.
they want a “fractals” track in SPvP
I dont know how i feel about that.
I’d feel okay… If they had to complete a 40+ fractal to unlock the track and it’s not part of the regular rotation.
Uh… yeah and the thing they got was a random weapon skin. It would seriously be a kick in the teeth if pvp folks got to choose and we did not.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Joined a ‘level 80, speed run, zerker only’ LFM for AC. I should have known it was all a lie when the spider queen took more than a few seconds to kill, and the only might stacks were my own; despite 2 other eles and 2 warriors. When I watched 2 of them try and ice bow 4 a burrow without it dying I started looking at all the buffs.
D/D condi ele new meta.
Woah, I guess that explains why pugs like to stack warriors.
Uhg, I had the worst TA Aether path I have ever had. 3-4 hours of running the dungeon. Started off with 3 rangers, my ele, and a guardian. We struggle quite a bit on the slick ooze portion and we lose one of the rangers, after losing the ranger, we succeed. Get a new player, its a mesmer (after going through a lvl 80 with a worrying lack of AP (500 and a lvl 80? I normally see at least 700 when I see an 80) in other words, way too new, another lvl 80 with far too much AP (18k… achievement hunter? Yep he asks to do an achievement and leaves right after) and the third being our lucky break). I explain the whole Sparki and Slick fight and how anyone with the ooze pheromone debuff needs to find oil and stand near it. Most of the party ends up running for their lives the moment they get the debuff. We lose another ranger here, and replace with a guardian. Our second attempt is successful, but we lose the last ranger due to lag, and the first guardian due to lack of time. Quickly replaced by the two either most idiotic warriors I’ve ever met, or they were trolls. So we go through the first hologram generator fairly quick, get to the part with 2 of em, we destroy one of the generators a bit slow, then I find out I’m the only person by the second generator while everyone else hides behind the corner fighting the endless waves of holograms. Then finally the Mesmer of the group (new to the dungeon) says that they should probably follow me (after I keep telling them, repeatedly, they need to kill holograms near the generator) comes out, and the Mesmer has the agro of enough holograms that we kill the generator, then the group proceeds to wipe to the horde of aetherblades since no one was killing the watcher besides the Mesmer and me. Then comes the puzzles room, no real trouble, and then… the clockheart… first phase wasn’t too bad, one wipe. Second phase… the Mesmer dc’ed before our second attempt at the clockheart and no one would kill the holograms near the Clockheart. Attempt two, both the guardian and I take charge and tell them we need to lure the hologram to the clockheart and then kill the hologram. What do the warriors do (and I mean BOTH of them)? They go around the room constantly killing the holograms! I quickly kick em, and our Mesmer was dc’ed for too long and was auto kicked (would have loved to see him back. At least he listened) So, the guardian and I end up duo’ing the clockheart and killing it.
Seriously, half of the dungeon was made much harder than it really was.
TA Aether? 3 rangers? Wasn’kitten bad omen already at the beginning mate?
Have a ranger that knows how to play as a guild leader. You make exceptions. That, or get repeatedly chewed out by your guild leader.
pug rangers =/= 1 guy you know who can play ranger
Yeah, I know. I like to give the benefit of the doubt, though I really should have been careful. Then again, it was the guardian that was the most trouble, not the rangers. The guardian was very laggy to begin with. The rangers did a decent job. I should have asked the guardian to leave and told him why.
I know a ranger too, who is a really really good player, but sadly there was like 3 more who was on his level. Everybody else was just a subpar deadweight.
Also, i had not too long ago a good ranger (read: s/wh, spotter, spirit), but he refused to use FGS and pushed out Alpha every frickin time which in itself wasn’t a big deal, but it made our run harder than it could be.
The stacking and exploit whatnot threads are just depressing to me now. Same old arguments, same old dead horse.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
The stacking and exploit whatnot threads are just depressing to me now. Same old arguments, same old dead horse.
They post how they want.
The stacking and exploit whatnot threads are just depressing to me now. Same old arguments, same old dead horse.
/friendly pat on the back
Don’t try to squeeze brain cells out of a turnip.
Just look, make fun of them and let it go. I too would love to use the socratic method on some of them, but if someone isn’t willing to see other people’s arguments…
DeSade so perfect </3
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Reading around the forum and I find it ironically hilarious. While I almost yank all the hairs on my head out worrying that I may fail my upcoming trials, others are claiming that: dungeons (pve) are too easy, ‘have no hopes’, ‘stacking dumbs down players’ skills’ and ‘speedrunning guilds spread toxic gameplay’, etc. Wow.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
What trial? :o
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
ACp1. Try to solo it. Horribly fail at Howling king.
Oh well, life goes on, give free loot to random strangers.
Post on LFG. 1 warr, 2 ranger and 1 guardian come in.
Skippy part, i engage howling at the northern ruins.
Fiery rush, guardian arrives and leaps on the enemy.
2 ranger pulls out a longbow, warrior grabs his rifle and start to pew pew.
In melee range. On top of the other FGS.
Today will be a long day.
ACp1. Try to solo it. Horribly fail at Howling king.
Oh well, life goes on, give free loot to random strangers.
Post on LFG. 1 warr, 2 ranger and 1 guardian come in.
Skippy part, i engage howling at the northern ruins.
Fiery rush, guardian arrives and leaps on the enemy.
2 ranger pulls out a longbow, warrior grabs his rifle and start to pew pew.
In melee range. On top of the other FGS.
Today will be a long day.
You need to stop pugging, mah friend.
My non-existent self esteem holds me back to try to get in a high level guild. And my noobiness of course.
My non-existent self esteem holds me back to try to get in a high level guild. And my noobiness of course.
I know that feel brah.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
My non-existent self esteem holds me back to try to get in a high level guild. And my noobiness of course.
I know that feel brah.
Me too. :<
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Best dungeon ~ me and my buddies
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
My non-existent self esteem holds me back to try to get in a high level guild. And my noobiness of course.
10 months ago I was a noob wanting to learn. In one week I’ll get to celebrate my 4th month as an active member of Snow Crows [SC].
It’s not hard, really
My non-existent self esteem holds me back to try to get in a high level guild. And my noobiness of course.
Well, I’m like you. Let’s be friendz!
Whatever, I’m guessing you’re NA…
10 months ago I was a noob wanting to learn. In one week I’ll get to celebrate my 4th month as an active member of Snow Crows [SC].
It’s not hard, really
And inb4 we’ve been carrying you for weeks. Talk about gratitude.
(edited by deSade.9437)
My non-existent self esteem holds me back to try to get in a high level guild. And my noobiness of course.
Well, I’m like you. Let’s be friendz!
We should make a guild “Too good for you, too noob for them.”
Already 4 members. Woot. Hehehe
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
10 months ago I was a noob wanting to learn. In one week I’ll get to celebrate my 4th month as an active member of Snow Crows [SC].
It’s not hard, really
That was inspirational, thank you! =]
My non-existent self esteem holds me back to try to get in a high level guild. And my noobiness of course.
Well, I’m like you. Let’s be friendz!
Whatever, I’m guessing you’re NA…
Check out my sig … ;D
:/ My I.Q. isn’t that high, ok?
And inb4 we’ve been carrying you for weeks. Talk about gratitude.
But you guys love to carry me when I’m eating
/throws cat screaming
Sam you owe us 20g for leeching p4 last night.
Hue hue hue hue hue… asking gold from Sam is like, what?, giving a cat a shower)
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Dat reputation :/