And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Lol, some [IX] fella just kicked and blocked me because I told him he could use something other than D/D against the 100 wolves that were chasing us at Mossman while we were 3manning it…
Edit: And they wanted to bug him underwater first :S
If I see a group bugging Mossman I just leave.
That was so absurd in that fractal run that must not be named. I’ve never seen it happen. Made me cringe.
It honestly amazes me that we can stack in the middle of the fire fields, get the seal down to like 5% then wipe, everyone wants to stack in the other corner instead, we wipe three times in a row and nobody even thinks for one second that you know what, maybe going in the middle isn’t that bad.
Inexperience doesn’t make me angry, but by god, unwillingness to learn does. And then Sir Pugsalot calling us both elitists, that was just gg.
Haha He did shut up for the rest of the run once I blew up on him and Romo I guess talked to him. (Excuse was lack of sleep but I mean… I had a root canal and I wasn’t being a kitty.)
It was just too casual a run. Now… I expect runs like that while pugging. But this was a group of… well “friends” and it shouldn’t have taken the 4 hours it did. I was glad to get the fractal scepter because I told my bf while he waited for me to eat dinner that if I didn’t get anything I was completely done with fractals forever.
Is there a way of “tanking” Mossman I am not aware of?
Oh and someone just told that Magi gear is decent for cliffside fractal… Because of healing symbols…
Oh and someone just told that Magi gear is decent for cliffside fractal… Because of healing symbols…
What a good reason.
Because reasons.
How to tank Mossman = go ele, condition build, use earth shield. DONE… that guy made me laugh so hard.
I had somebody from a known dungeon guild joining and asking to tank Mossman on his necro… I was like, is that even possible? He quit the party then
I sent guardian 5g and got the gold and this little gem back.
Some day he will teach someone else to fish.
Two thread closing in a day. They are watching us. ( ._.)
They changed mage crusher!!! No longer afk!!! Yay!!!!
They changed mage crusher!!! No longer afk!!! Yay!!!!
A long needed change, I think.
Did Arah pt3 for the first time yesterday. It was all fun and games until that Crusher showed me the true meaning of “Hammer time!” :c
People in the bltc forum are worse than the stacker skipper haters I will never go back to that dreadful place
I actually like lurking the BLTC forums just to have my daily dose of Wanze :>
I actually like lurking the BLTC forums just to have my daily dose of Wanze :>
I like Vol. Even though he’s super snarky at me sometimes.
Soloed magecrusher to 15%, clever guardian pug runs in with hunter, illusionist, mage. I’m literally insta-gibbed.
Get to Lupicus, guy says “don’t start until everyone says whether they’ve done it or not”. everyone confirms yes, they all eat the floor at around 40% and I solo the rest.
Today was a good day.
clever guardian
Lol, some [IX] fella just kicked and blocked me because I told him he could use something other than D/D against the 100 wolves that were chasing us at Mossman while we were 3manning it…
Edit: And they wanted to bug him underwater first :S
If I see a group bugging Mossman I just leave.
That was so absurd in that fractal run that must not be named. I’ve never seen it happen. Made me cringe.
It honestly amazes me that we can stack in the middle of the fire fields, get the seal down to like 5% then wipe, everyone wants to stack in the other corner instead, we wipe three times in a row and nobody even thinks for one second that you know what, maybe going in the middle isn’t that bad.
Inexperience doesn’t make me angry, but by god, unwillingness to learn does. And then Sir Pugsalot calling us both elitists, that was just gg.
I was present at that. Twas fun.
Soloed magecrusher to 15%, clever guardian pug runs in with hunter, illusionist, mage. I’m literally insta-gibbed.
Get to Lupicus, guy says “don’t start until everyone says whether they’ve done it or not”. everyone confirms yes, they all eat the floor at around 40% and I solo the rest.
Today was a good day.
Bloody hell, I’ve been pugging a lot lately, hoping to run into one of you cool kids from the forums. When do you pug? And are most of you regulars on EU servers?
he sadly left eu right after pugging with me.
i’m sorry.
Soloed magecrusher to 15%, clever guardian pug runs in with hunter, illusionist, mage. I’m literally insta-gibbed.
Get to Lupicus, guy says “don’t start until everyone says whether they’ve done it or not”. everyone confirms yes, they all eat the floor at around 40% and I solo the rest.
Today was a good day.
Bloody hell, I’ve been pugging a lot lately, hoping to run into one of you cool kids from the forums. When do you pug? And are most of you regulars on EU servers?
It’s k man, I can add you to my collection. Sometimes we’re not full and I’d like to have your soul too in return for some lovely runs. 100% fun guaranteed, 100% raging [me] guaranteed, but be warned: I’m super desirable so everyone wants me!
And here I am, pugging every fractal tier daily with 4 randoms because nobody is online…
And here I am, pugging every fractal tier daily with 4 randoms because nobody is online…
How can you keep your sanity intact? If you e ven have one, ofc. /cough I doubt it /cough
Sorry Leo… I was doing other stuffs today… left you pugging 4 fractals by yourself… it’s my fault
Meh, at least I could join a lvl 40 run @3rd fractal (Thaumanova). Ended up soloing the reactor room on thief faster than 4 of them could do the maze together and had to solo the final boss of course + scratch them off the floor at Mai.
Oh wait, I think I actually went afk at Mai after they were dying 24/7 so they could respawn in her room. They managed to kill her almost naked, must be pros fighting a boss naked.
I recently ran a dungeon for Arah and saw something very disturbing. I’ve never played an mmo where you skip almost every single trash mob just to get to the end boss faster. I’ve also never seen an mmo where you can reflect the boss’s giant downing aoe and for that to be considered “knowing how to play.” Also I’ve never see an mmo where speed clearing is the NORMAL way of playing through the games dungeon content. I’m aware this game isn’t like any other mmo. The new trinity, the active mitigation, and the freedom to play any way you want are great. How ever, that last one is completely killed off currently in the dungeon scene, even if you run with a guild group, but I’ll get into that later. The main issue I personally have with how dungeons work currently is that you just skip the entire instance just to kill the bosses then leave. Then on top of that, we find the “sweat spot” so that we take the least amount of damage and the least amount of movement to capitalize on melee dps, since it is currently the highest dps in the game. The new holy trinity that GW2 introduced has now been completely killed off by this style of play. Now it’s just the straight line of burst dps via berserker gear. We can no longer play how we want if we want to do dungeons, we HAVE to play the way a select group of players have decided to be the best way. In my guild I’ve personally seen people ask for “zerker and exped only” players to run with them. Any new coming player will see that and possibly get turned off from dungeoning since it’s so constricting in how you play. I’m not saying nerf the gear set, I’m saying make the other play styles just as useful. This ties back in to what’s wrong with the dungeon scene currently, skipping almost all of the instance destroys any need for support build and control builds, making them primarily a pvp only play style. As well as almost all gear sets being only useful for WvW content. The only way I can see this being fixed is if they make major boss attacks, like Lupi’s aoe ability in phase 2, not reflect-able and to make it so that you cant just skip the mass majority of the instance (insert: lmao). It will open up room in groups for other play styles rather than “just run past this mob, then we stack here and burst the boss down.” Perhaps even make some mobs able to see stealth targets so that thieves don’t become the new “meta” class to play.
Bingo! :>
It’s official. gw2dungeons doesn’t have enough content.
Reason for adsense rejection: “Not enough content.”
Dont feel bad Pulse,
I am pugging my way to 50. I am at 40 and have never run with the same group twice. and to the best of my knowledge, outside of an insane low level run (thanks lilith!!! ) i have not done fractals with anyone of the dungeon forum regulars. And barring one lucky (for me) chance to pug with some DnT runners. (which they were amazingly patient and VERY instructive)
as terrible as it sounds. I may just keep at it. and say that i actually did it. the only problem that i have with it. is i am now awash with the “pugging tactics” and my only source of “good” running knowledge is via Nike’s twitch stream…
I am a guild leader in a guild with 250 people. ( and growing) and to the best of my knowledge i am the only one that runs “DpS” ….. * sob *
Dont feel bad Pulse,
I am pugging my way to 50. I am at 40 and have never run with the same group twice. and to the best of my knowledge, outside of an insane low level run (thanks lilith!!! ) i have not done fractals with anyone of the dungeon forum regulars. And barring one lucky (for me) chance to pug with some DnT runners. (which they were amazingly patient and VERY instructive)
as terrible as it sounds. I may just keep at it. and say that i actually did it. the only problem that i have with it. is i am now awash with the “pugging tactics” and my only source of “good” running knowledge is via Nike’s twitch stream…
I am a guild leader in a guild with 250 people. ( and growing) and to the best of my knowledge i am the only one that runs “DpS” ….. * sob *
I’ll invite you for some runs when I see you online. My group is hardly pro, but they’re not pugs at least!
I greatly appreciate that!
i confess part of my problem is that me being a chef my hours are wonky. barring the rare day off. to actually game. i usually find myself playing between midnight and 6 am on NA.
lemme tell ya, pugging 49 at 3 am is… odd…
youza helps me mesmer Maxi?
Soloed magecrusher to 15%, clever guardian pug runs in with hunter, illusionist, mage. I’m literally insta-gibbed.
Get to Lupicus, guy says “don’t start until everyone says whether they’ve done it or not”. everyone confirms yes, they all eat the floor at around 40% and I solo the rest.
Today was a good day.
Bloody hell, I’ve been pugging a lot lately, hoping to run into one of you cool kids from the forums. When do you pug? And are most of you regulars on EU servers?
i play on NA
As a PVT guardian pushing near 30k health, I deal the same damage as a guardian wearing zerker, with the sole exception that my critical rate is about 10%. In exchange for my low critical rate, I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more health and armor than a zerker guardian. And by running S/S & staff, I may not be dealing top damage, yet I contribute more to the fight because I’m CCing enemies, buffing allies, and providing supportive actions.
To top it off, I’m not dying to the same things a zerker guardian would die to.
And for those saying “stop joining zerker only parties,” get off the dead horse already. I dont see where anyone is saying they dont want either of these functions because they’re joining zerker/speedrun parties.
Sam revives me just so he can see moar of this bod.
Omg. It’s like real life. In a comic.
Mother of kittens…
Why do so many people fail at using the slightest bit of logic available?
If I was a mod, all those would catchbans instantly. Playing how you want is fine, being stupid and griefing other people, while complaining other people shouldn’t be able to kick you when you grief them, that is just ridiculous. Deserves forum and ingame ban for sure.
I avoid that subforum because of the amount of stupidity that drips inside. I like holding on to my sanity.
I avoid that subforum because of the amount of stupidity that drips inside. I like holding on to my sanity.
I read it multiple times a day. Get on my level of boredom :’(
I avoid that subforum because of the amount of stupidity that drips inside. I like holding on to my sanity.
I read it multiple times a day. Get on my level of boredom :’(
Nooooooo :(
We were so bored, we did TA aetherpath, and had fun.
Sam revives me just so he can see moar of this bod.
Fear no more Lilith, the Staff Pug guardian is here!
Sam revives me just so he can see moar of this bod.
Fear no more Lilith, the Staff Pug guardian is here!
That scares me more than dying because my under leveled tush is graveling fodder.
Oh so I did a level 49 fractal with our prophet, FenrirSlakt (I only joined the group because I saw him in it) and we had 6 minutes until reset (we wanted to finish after reset). So we get Mai trin to her final phase and we have 6 minutes… so we kite her around not hitting her but our staff guard is.
The prophet whispers me “if he were hitting her with something other than staff I’d we worried”.
The prophet has spoken and thus it shall be known: bring staff guards if you need to kill time.
Ps. That kitten staff guard got a fractal mace, but he already had it. -.-
Oh and then the prophet soloed 5% of the aetherpath final boss for us. Hail the prophet!
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
hey lilith
hey lilith
Hi colesy!
what’s your opinion on
epic loot sticks
- press 1 to enter the lottery
- press 2 to heal and do damaaaaageeeeee
- press 3 to grief
- press 4 to grief
- press 5 for a chance at being helpful
good stuff
Sam revives me just so he can see moar of this bod.
Fear no more Lilith, the Staff Pug guardian is here!
That scares me more than dying because my under leveled tush is graveling fodder.
Oh so I did a level 49 fractal with our prophet, FenrirSlakt (I only joined the group because I saw him in it) and we had 6 minutes until reset (we wanted to finish after reset). So we get Mai trin to her final phase and we have 6 minutes… so we kite her around not hitting her but our staff guard is.
The prophet whispers me “if he were hitting her with something other than staff I’d we worried”.
The prophet has spoken and thus it shall be known: bring staff guards if you need to kill time.
Ps. That kitten staff guard got a fractal mace, but he already had it. -.-
Oh and then the prophet soloed 5% of the aetherpath final boss for us. Hail the prophet!
nice, I love mace, so much support. But staff is better because I can stay ranged and support, while doing almost as much as a full meta berserker build**
(edited by Trice.4598)
Sam revives me just so he can see moar of this bod.
Fear no more Lilith, the Staff Pug guardian is here!
That scares me more than dying because my under leveled tush is graveling fodder.
Oh so I did a level 49 fractal with our prophet, FenrirSlakt (I only joined the group because I saw him in it) and we had 6 minutes until reset (we wanted to finish after reset). So we get Mai trin to her final phase and we have 6 minutes… so we kite her around not hitting her but our staff guard is.
The prophet whispers me “if he were hitting her with something other than staff I’d we worried”.
The prophet has spoken and thus it shall be known: bring staff guards if you need to kill time.
Ps. That kitten staff guard got a fractal mace, but he already had it. -.-
Oh and then the prophet soloed 5% of the aetherpath final boss for us. Hail the prophet!
nice, I love mace, so much support. But staff is better because I can stay ranged and support, while doing almost as much as a full meta berserker build**
I use threads like those to fill my friends list. or rather if I see blue to run away list.
Clear this demon
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