General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1
If I add all known dungeon sellers names to my friends list and then send them whispers threatening to join their instances and kick them if they don’t send me gold, am I breaking any rules?
Wait, kitten is going to get kittened?
There is a dev in game who’s name is “kitten” lol or I guess I have to say kitten -y (great dev though, very funny to play with in WvW while he’s on his ranger going balls deep with zerk gear
He’s actually our all mighty Chris “Banhammer” Cleary with his Moon Moon doggy companion.
Well I wasn’t going to out him, but yup He’s pretty fun to play with in WvW. Even gave us all a karma bonfire as a joke during the season when we scared TC/JQ out of the BL we were in, and apparently they don’t get those free for being devs either. WvW is worth it if only for seeing how funny these devs can be (have another one in my guild now, though only reps when he’s tired of playing our decoy with that Anet tag that everyone focuses on
If I add all known dungeon sellers names to my friends list and then send them whispers threatening to join their instances and kick them if they don’t send me gold, am I breaking any rules?
I believe the word you’re looking for is
If I add all known dungeon sellers names to my friends list and then send them whispers threatening to join their instances and kick them if they don’t send me gold, am I breaking any rules?
Can I rephrase this?
“Is extortion breaking any rules?”
Can I rephrase this?
“Is extortion breaking any rules?”
You make it sound bad I haven’t heard anyone getting banned for it. So I was just gonna maximize my efficiency since the whole “actually joining groups and type stuff there” is such a hassle and time consuming. This way both me and those pesky dungeon sellers save time by keeping it simple, everyone would win
About half of my posts on that thread got infracted. Did i level up?
Wait, kitten is going to get kittened?
There is a dev in game who’s name is “kitten” lol or I guess I have to say kitten -y (great dev though, very funny to play with in WvW while he’s on his ranger going balls deep with zerk gear
He’s actually our all mighty Chris “Banhammer” Cleary with his Moon Moon doggy companion.
Oh really? Nice catch!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Wait, kitten is going to get kittened?
There is a dev in game who’s name is “kitten” lol or I guess I have to say kitten -y (great dev though, very funny to play with in WvW while he’s on his ranger going balls deep with zerk gear :D )
He’s actually our all mighty Chris “Banhammer” Cleary with his Moon Moon doggy companion.
Well I wasn’t going to out him, but yup :D He’s pretty fun to play with in WvW. Even gave us all a karma bonfire as a joke during the season when we scared TC/JQ out of the BL we were in, and apparently they don’t get those free for being devs either. WvW is worth it if only for seeing how funny these devs can be (have another one in my guild now, though only reps when he’s tired of playing our decoy with that Anet tag that everyone focuses on :) )
Devs don’t get any special privileges on live servers they are just like the rest of us mortals. :)
Well GMs of course have their own special commands but that’s it.
About half of my posts on that thread got infracted. Did i level up?
You’re already posting again, so I guess not :-(
Keep trying, you’ll get it =) Remember, you’re not endgame until you’ve bought a second forum account.
So ummm, I got a reply to my evidence regarding details on “the one we hate” and how he merge kicks players out of their dungeon for fun.
I hope i’m not mistaken, but I’m pretty sure he is now banned for good.
I’m too scurred to celebrate, almost too good to be true.
I received a message was well. Looking like this is the case
Holy kitten, really? Sweet!
(And more generally, while better party management would still be ideal, at least now it sounds like we might have a reliable way to get these idiots banned! Three cheers for Chris!)
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
(edited by One Note Chord.5031)
Adventures in pug-land, some days later …
Sorry for not keeping up with this. I haven’t been feeling well for some days, and only played dungeons occasionally. On the plus-side, I did finish gathering CoF tokens for a whole armor set on both accounts. My ranger is already wearing her new outfit, while the ele is still stuck leveling (in the mid-70s, so probably not much longer). I’ll probably do a few more runs (and/or run some CoE/Arah) in the next few days to get appropriate weapons for the girls (especially since my dungeon skin collections are far from complete ).
I did a mix of pugs and guild/friends runs of CoF (mostly just p1+2) over the last few days, with nothing really exciting happening. A few of the more memorable situations:
- CoF p2 with a group from lfg (advertised as plain and simple “p2”). Worked ok until the lava field. Two people head straight to the field when the previous event ends, so the rest ports to the entrance to wait. After a while, one more ports back, the other one eventually wonders why nobody’s coming … turns out one of them has never been in the path before, and the other one at least wasn’t aware of doing the field solo instead of as group. Did turn out ok though.
- same group at the eternal flame goes pretty chaotic again. I’m not that much help myself, trying to quickly explain the event to the person who hasn’t done the path before, and getting stuck between keyboard-mispress and uneven terrain, getting my poor mesmer killed. Somebody else starts to rant on party chat about how nobody knows how to run p2 these days anymore … I get into a small argument with that person regarding the fact that one of the others already said it’s his first time in the instance. Apparently you’re not allowed into intances in GW2 unless you’ve researched them, watched a dozend or more youtube videos and have memorized all the intircacies of a path before first setting a foot in one of them. Made me a lot more annoyed than the people who were simply new at that path (even though I’d have appreciated it if they had mentioned being new before we were half-way through
- another p2 over the weekend, this time with my casual guildies and one experienced friend. Actually went pretty well (except for an incident at the flaming bombs when the two “zerker elitists” managed to get themselves killed by some flame turrets and the three casuals just couldn’t reach the last bomb in time
) up until the Magg defence at the last gate. AoE damage wasn’t sufficient, so the number of flame legion grew constantly, and we went down one by one, until the last player standing got the last assassin killed from downstate, before being defeated. That left Magg with a group of random flame legion mobs when the timer was around 90%. We spent the rest of the time cheering on Magg while he kept working regardless of the mobs hitting on him. He actually managed to fully set the charge with roughly 20% life to spare
- there were a few more pugs that went mostly uneventful, with a few people here and there annoying me (mostly warriors who seemed to do next to no damage and messed up any attempt to los one mob or another), but I’ve quickly managed to forget about them
Winter the kazul here; It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here but I feel like I should say a couple of words. This post will probably be TL;DR so feel free to skip it.
Going straight to the topic – I’m done with GW2 and I more or less quit it; I accomplished all the goals I had in this game, except for one – being trialed successfully by rT, but I guess you can’t have it all.
Anyway, as this will probably be one of my last posts on those forums, maybe even the last, I feel that I have to express how grateful I am to a couple of people.
First and foremost, thanks to all my guildies in Cloud of Sparrows for the support and fun we had together in game. I know that I’m not the easiest person on Earth to get along with and I’m thankful that you stayed along in my journey.
Second, I’d like to thank deSade, Blessing Nosferatu, Spoj, Dalanor, Adam, Enaretos, LunarStarlet for picking me up while I was just a casual and teaching me how to play properly (true story); thanks to you guys I became the kazul I am today, good that you had to carry me through all the dungeons and fractals we did together. Also thank you for not just being a strangers over the internet, but also my friends too.
Third, special mentions out to:
Lilith – I doubt you’d see this post since you already left this place, but thank you for the time we got to spent together and for your flawless taste in fashion. Happy to know my characters looks were approved by you;
Swifty – Grand Master Brain, thank you for the fun here on forums it hasn’t been once or twice when I laughed big time on your posts, also don’t stop being gorgeous;
Iris – Never got to really meet but I appreciate what you’re doing for the community, both personally and via [NooB];
Lindybear – Forums Bingo best topic EU <3;
Taku – Thank you for always feeding me cake in LA and inviting me to join [King] fractals runs, those were amazing, I’m sorry I couldn’t get to that point of efficiency you guys have with my guildies;
Trice, Minigrump, IvanTheGrey, Jerus, Novaan, Silber, anyone who I could have possibly left out – Thank you for the fun we had together on here (and in-game with some of you), guys. Keep up the spirit.
All the casuals – for teh Bingo lulz;
All the best and good luck with your future endeavors, everyone, don’t stop being so awesome and keep up the kazul spirit.
If anyone would like to keep in touch, I’m @winterchillz (no kitten, bro) on Twitter. I also am back into Dota 2 and CS:GO every now and then, if you need a kazul to kazul with, we can kazul together.
Many thanks and goodbye,
Bye Winter :-(
Different person, same old story.
I did enjoy many of your posts. Will you at least hang around on the forums until you hit PvF endgame? ;-)
And we lose another one
I hope you find something else to have fun with in your free time. I can’t say I’m quite there, though I haven’t gotten my Lupi solo which I said from the beginning I couldn’t quit till I did so… I’m in no rush as that would probably mark my end as my motivation and playtime have plummeted.
GL on whatever your next endeavors are Winter.
Aw Winter, I will miss you.
I’m happy to have made you laugh, people like you are what motivate me to entertain and keep playing.
I won’t forget you m8, good luck wherever you head to next. I’m just a tweet away if you need anything.
/Mind Brain Salute.
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
*slips out of the shadows to wave goodbye sadly* :(
*vanishes again*
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Bye winter my love!
Would someone like to direct this bunch to Arah?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Would someone like to direct this bunch to Arah?
Already did.
Another great player leaving, this subforum is getting so quiet, I remember back in the days when people posted their solos, their speed runs, their personal accomplishments.
Now all we have is a couple kazul coming in here, telling us how dungeon should be run, while the few of us left try to teach them or explain since we have a lot of experience, only to be treated like dirt.
Even though we are getting support from some of Anet worker (thanks Chris) I believe it is too late, our so called community is dying and there is no way to stop it.
Farewell Winter, we may not have talked a lot, or even played together but what we had was mutual respect for each other, I hope you find something worthy of your greatness!
Edit : I don’t think I can anymore, this is too hard.
(edited by Trice.4598)
Sad to see you go winter. I had a lot of fun in the twitch chat with you.
(Baby come back starts playing)
Winter the kazul here; It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here but I feel like I should say a couple of words. This post will probably be TL;DR so feel free to skip it.
Going straight to the topic – I’m done with GW2 and I more or less quit it; I accomplished all the goals I had in this game, except for one – being trialed successfully by rT, but I guess you can’t have it all.
Anyway, as this will probably be one of my last posts on those forums, maybe even the last, I feel that I have to express how grateful I am to a couple of people.
First and foremost, thanks to all my guildies in Cloud of Sparrows for the support and fun we had together in game. I know that I’m not the easiest person on Earth to get along with and I’m thankful that you stayed along in my journey.
Second, I’d like to thank deSade, Blessing Nosferatu, Spoj, Dalanor, Adam, Enaretos, LunarStarlet for picking me up while I was just a casual and teaching me how to play properly (true story); thanks to you guys I became the kazul I am today, good that you had to carry me through all the dungeons and fractals we did together. Also thank you for not just being a strangers over the internet, but also my friends too.
Third, special mentions out to:
Lilith – I doubt you’d see this post since you already left this place, but thank you for the time we got to spent together and for your flawless taste in fashion. Happy to know my characters looks were approved by you;
Swifty – Grand Master Brain, thank you for the fun here on forums it hasn’t been once or twice when I laughed big time on your posts, also don’t stop being gorgeous;
Iris – Never got to really meet but I appreciate what you’re doing for the community, both personally and via [NooB];
Lindybear – Forums Bingo best topic EU <3;
Taku – Thank you for always feeding me cake in LA and inviting me to join [King] fractals runs, those were amazing, I’m sorry I couldn’t get to that point of efficiency you guys have with my guildies;
Trice, Minigrump, IvanTheGrey, Jerus, Novaan, Silber, anyone who I could have possibly left out – Thank you for the fun we had together on here (and in-game with some of you), guys. Keep up the spirit.
All the casuals – for teh Bingo lulz;
All the best and good luck with your future endeavors, everyone, don’t stop being so awesome and keep up the kazul spirit.
If anyone would like to keep in touch, I’m @winterchillz (no kitten, bro) on Twitter. I also am back into Dota 2 and CS:GO every now and then, if you need a kazul to kazul with, we can kazul together.
Many thanks and goodbye,
I feel like I must have failed somewhere.
Quick q- -On average, how many attempts did “you” make before successfully completing a dungeon path solo?
i feel like such a failure right now and need 1. comforting or 2. a swift kick to the gonads and a shove back into the dungeon.
At least you aren’t in one of these parties.
Omg lol the last one is slatting good
I no no illegal vedio. That against my coc. I r gud popcorn eater
screw vallog
Bye Winter! I’m sorry that you’re going, but I understand!
Winter the kazul here; It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here but I feel like I should say a couple of words. This post will probably be TL;DR so feel free to skip it.
Going straight to the topic – I’m done with GW2 and I more or less quit it; I accomplished all the goals I had in this game, except for one – being trialed successfully by rT, but I guess you can’t have it all.
Anyway, as this will probably be one of my last posts on those forums, maybe even the last, I feel that I have to express how grateful I am to a couple of people.
First and foremost, thanks to all my guildies in Cloud of Sparrows for the support and fun we had together in game. I know that I’m not the easiest person on Earth to get along with and I’m thankful that you stayed along in my journey.
Second, I’d like to thank deSade, Blessing Nosferatu, Spoj, Dalanor, Adam, Enaretos, LunarStarlet for picking me up while I was just a casual and teaching me how to play properly (true story); thanks to you guys I became the kazul I am today, good that you had to carry me through all the dungeons and fractals we did together. Also thank you for not just being a strangers over the internet, but also my friends too.
Third, special mentions out to:
Lilith – I doubt you’d see this post since you already left this place, but thank you for the time we got to spent together and for your flawless taste in fashion. Happy to know my characters looks were approved by you;
Swifty – Grand Master Brain, thank you for the fun here on forums it hasn’t been once or twice when I laughed big time on your posts, also don’t stop being gorgeous;
Iris – Never got to really meet but I appreciate what you’re doing for the community, both personally and via [NooB];
Lindybear – Forums Bingo best topic EU <3;
Taku – Thank you for always feeding me cake in LA and inviting me to join [King] fractals runs, those were amazing, I’m sorry I couldn’t get to that point of efficiency you guys have with my guildies;
Trice, Minigrump, IvanTheGrey, Jerus, Novaan, Silber, anyone who I could have possibly left out – Thank you for the fun we had together on here (and in-game with some of you), guys. Keep up the spirit.
All the casuals – for teh Bingo lulz;
All the best and good luck with your future endeavors, everyone, don’t stop being so awesome and keep up the kazul spirit.
If anyone would like to keep in touch, I’m @winterchillz (no kitten, bro) on Twitter. I also am back into Dota 2 and CS:GO every now and then, if you need a kazul to kazul with, we can kazul together.
Many thanks and goodbye,
The cake will always be waiting for you. :)
Have fun wherever you might be heading to.
Just going through the raid CDI. I literally snorted when i saw this counter arguement to my post.
Bah, I’m bored…
summons VedioGamerMike
Bah, I’m bored…
summons VedioGamerMike
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Have a spooky Halloween everybody.
P.S. I also have a skeleton hanging from a slipknot in front of the door, but it’s too dark and I can’t send a pic.
P.P.S. Will this stench of fresh pumpkin ever leave my hands? Bets open.
I read about 10 posts in the raid cdi and I stopped. It’s disgusting.
That CDI sums up to:
“Lets ask our casual playerbase to help give input on hardcore content. Players who have no idea of what they want and are locusts who will only do instanced ‘hard’ content once and never see it again.”
Yea that’ll turn out well.
Whoa, but like, wouldn’t it be cool, if you know, you could like kill things, by not killing things? I mean instead we could like craft stuff that would kill them for us. Or like we could do emotes and that’d kill them. Or we could ERP with them and they’d give us all their loot. yeah, that’d be cool…
I made one long post giving examples of things I loved from other games raids… now I’m regretting even posting in there having actually read some of the comments.
Please excuse my ignorance, as this was / is my first mmo; what is a " raid " anyway?
Is it that whole 50 people verus one epic boss with different stages and stuff?
Its generally just a dungeon with slightly larger groups and much harder content. Sometimes they are literally just a single boss although most of them are very similar to dungeons.
In many games they are gated by gear and they are the main source of obtaining the highest tier equipment. Some games have 40 man raids but those are just zerg fests. Most agree that around 10-20 is a decent size for a raid group.
(edited by spoj.9672)
Its generally just a dungeon with slightly larger groups and much harder content. In many games it is gated by gear and is the main source of obtaining highest tier equipment. Some games have 40 man raids but those are just zerg fests. Most agree that around 10-20 is a decent size for a raid group.
Oh my… That explains all the fustrastion. Sounds like you would need an organized group. If this is the way to obtain highest tier outfits then that shouts to me that you would have to play as though you were in a toury to win. :’( how can guild wars have raids when most people believe toury play is hack / expoiting.?
… that’s the problem with that CDI basically.
But yes, what spoj said about them, though in GW2 you wouldn’t have to reward them with higher tiers, simply giving unique looks would work fine.
I’d say the requirement as I see it is pretty much larger scale than general grouping (so probably 10+ for this game) and mechanically intensive and unique encounters.
So if we got Arah with every boss being as involved as Lupicus more or less.
I will say EQ had 100+ back when it was full zergfest, dropped to 72 when we got more tools to organize our raids, then dropped to 54 to make a better play environment. Stuck there and calling it a zergfest is IMO very unfair to the dev team that made some very fun and interesting encounters. Though, usually the most interesting encounters required splitting into teams where different groups would handle different elements of the raids. I think they did a very good job of making it more than just a zergfest that they were at the beginning of that game. I still say some of the raids they made there are better than I’ve seen from any other game.
(edited by Jerus.4350)
#second account
“I hate fumble dodges and life-stealing abilities” said the ranger soloing Lupeh.
I had a little helper with me at lupi last night. Suffice to say, she helped me with lupi after the pugs bit the dust.
Oh. My. God. I… Please. It’s too much to handle.
Sugar ruuushhhhhh
I had a little helper with me at lupi last night. Suffice to say, she helped me with lupi after the pugs bit the dust.
Omg too cute!!