General Dungeon Feedback
Oh I forgot to mention how silly it is that there are no spike heals, yet there is spike damage. That really doesn’t make too much sense either, but it would be ok if the aggro didn’t latch on to you as badly as it does and if the hardest hitting attacks were more avoidable.
I think the heals in the game are perfect the way they are.
You realize you’re asking for mobs that are easier to kill and to make it easier to heal? i.e. make the game much easier across the board? The dungeons are meant to be challenging.
Super Mario Bros is plenty hard too, the world doesn’t disappear but that game has plenty of insta-death situations :-P
Yes, like I said it would be fine. That is, it would be fine if you were able to dodge the 1 hit attacks. For example, the first boss of CM… I never get touched by him other than a little bit of flame damage from time to time. To me, he is how a boss should be. It is probably harder for melee, but for me I have no issues. The issue is that it almost seems like some bosses and mobs are bugged and should be giving you some sort of sign that you are about to be one-shot. They are not, and this is frustrating as hell. That’s why I gave the super mario example. It’s like death just comes from out of nowhere with no warning. When that is the case, it’s not good design. Good design would mean that you can see why you are dying, and learn from it, ie my sniper example. The bad part of the snipers is after their initial warning via the reticle, there is nothing. You just get one shot if you are still the target.
Defend this all you want, it doesn’t make sense. Heck ya, I like a hard dungeon. I want this to be challenging. It is currently annoying, frustrating, and feels completely broken and lackluster when compared to the gaming experience outside of dungeons.
Yeah the one shotting, or 2 shotting is bad gameplay. If everyone will notice that they purposely made it so one shotting is not happening PVP. My guess is they took a design philosophy that one shotting is bad and removes tactical gameplay from PVP.
Apparently they could give a krap about PVE dungeons. I don’t know how else to understand this. The boss mobs do have like 50% more HP than necessary. And what really made me mad today is one boss kept resetting, and healing to 100% health. Heck he wasnt even far from his spawn point.
If any of you ever played Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, then hear me out. When you make it to Mike, he can and will knock you down in one hit. It’s a very fast attack that he throws out. It’s very difficult to dodge! However, he will always flash a split second before he is about to attack. ALWAYS. This is GOOD game design. What we have going on in these dungeons seriously needs to be looked at and corrected. The mobs/bosses don’t ALWAYS warn you that you are about to be attacked!
I dont even agree though…I think one shotting should be extremely rare and reserved for only godly boss mobs. Because it totally negates vitality and toughness when it happens, It negates any defensive talents or skills….it negates the entire concept of having a HP bar.
So I really frown upon the use of one shotting at all. It should really be for godly like mobs.
It’s hard to argue against your point. But, if they are going to insist in having one shot attacks, you have to admit that we need to be given the opportunity to dodge them.
Yeah I agree, if they must be there…especially used as much as they are, they should be EASY to recognize. I’d rather they quit relying on one shotting and 2 shotting for making dungeons difficult.
Not finding a lot of 1-2 shot kills really and ive been doing explorable and storymode of many dungeons now. It is possible you are not gearing/building correctly for dungeons. Glass cannons just do not cut it in dungeons i find.
Nope that is not possible, I have a significant amount of toughness and vitality both in traits and items. I get one and two shotted on bosses depending on which encounter it is. The golem in CM story is the biggest offender. He one shots anything without warning.
The snipers can take you down in half a second. I have a very strong defensive build on my mesmer. I die much less than some people, because I do know how to play, but still its there. And not only one shotting, just getting burst down in a second or two…..almost no difference.
Trash mobs taking you from 100 to 0 in under 2 seconds is kinda bad too. And it depends on the dungeon. Like I did CM explore today. Was one guy with a shotgun blasting people dead like mad. One shotting? Looked like it. I would get 2 shotted by it easily if it crit right. I did get chain KD’d from 100 to 0% by this boss mob.
Got hit once, and lost control till death from boss mob. This stuff is all in this game.
that guy with the shotgun i usually just run in first on my own and kite them around the building, the ones that hit hard tend to need to stop and build a shot so you LOS them before they get the shot off, and im built for toughness so i can take more than a few anyways. once its down to just the shotgun guy left (rest of your team is peeling and focusing one at a time) he doesnt seem to hurt too much i find its the knockback thing he does that is what you need to avoid.
edit: if the shotgun guys knockback thing (i know he chains it over and over untill your out of range) is actually killing you… your toughness/vitality is not as high as you think it is. It is damaging for sure but it should not be killing you.. But it is quite easy to avoid anyway
(edited by Ainianu.5693)