[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Please, do something about it. I open path, i have no way to prevent 3 ppl from joining my group and kicking me whenever they please. AND I KNOW FOR FACT REPORTING THEM IS USELESS BECAUSE ANET NEVER BANNS PLAYERS FOR SUCH TROLLING. Why is dungeon trolling is supported? Why is trolling/griefing single players is supported?
(edited by Cynz.9437)
If people don’t report these players then they will never will get banned! You know for a fact that Anet doesn’t ban them? That’s a large assumption on your part without any proof to back that up and while Anet doesn’t let players know the outcome of reported players.
i reported quite few of such trolls, especially those that kick you at the end of the dungeon for their guildmate….. they never got banned…
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Cynz’s assumption is no larger than yours, Yoda. In fact it’s almost certainly smaller. This is irritating (& I sympathise with Cynz), but it’s also an extremely petty offence. Why would Anet ban a potentially paying player for such a flimsy reason? Answer: They wouldn’t. If I were running their business, I wouldn’t. So Cynz is almost certainly right in suggesting that Anet ignore such reports.
1) warning
2) ban of a few days
3) extended ban
4) perma ban
I usually goes like this for most games. So no you wont see them get banned right away.
The best you do is making friends or join a guild, or face the RNG that pugs are.
I find it silly that the person who is leading/formed the group can be kicked at all. That’s stupid.
It’s a change they made to get around a number of problems with everyone losing progress if the leader dc’d. They had to remove ownership of the dungeon instance.
Cynz’s assumption is no larger than yours, Yoda. In fact it’s almost certainly smaller. This is irritating (& I sympathise with Cynz), but it’s also an extremely petty offence. Why would Anet ban a potentially paying player for such a flimsy reason? Answer: They wouldn’t. If I were running their business, I wouldn’t. So Cynz is almost certainly right in suggesting that Anet ignore such reports.
1.Sure its irritating
2. TOS/EULA they agreed too, plus its called trolling/greifing which Anet is against so not so such a flimsy reason you are trying to make it out to be
3. Cynz’s assumption is just that, with nothing to back it up that and Anet doesn’t ban or give temp ban players on the spot when you report someone.
4. I didn’t make any assumption at all so nice fail on your part. I just stated facts which are not “assumptions”
Thanks Donari… Now that you say that I remember reading that explanation before. Still, you’d think they could implement a way to make the original person immune to kicking.
I’m not going to waste any more time than this bandying words with you, Yoda.
1) Anet are not going to ban a potentially paying customer from the game for something as flimsy as this. Yes, it’s a very flimsy reason to ban someone for. Which your 3 seems to agree with?
2) “That’s a large assumption on your part”. Your words. Not mine. You introduced assumptions into the argument. You’ve none of the proof that you implicitly demand from Cynz. Yes, you did make an assumption. More than one of them. You assumed that Cynz was wrong. You assumed that Cynz has no proof. You make assumptions about Anet’s response to such reports. The nice fail is entirely yours. Facts, by your own words, are noticeably absent. Supposition about what Anet may or may not do is all you have. Since when did “supposition” become “fact”?
I know this doesn’t help you now, but I always screenshot my Dungeon/Fractal party names. This, plus any screenshots of discussion after a kick will greatly help Anet follow through and handle this behavior.
I’m not going to waste any more time than this bandying words with you, Yoda..
lmao what ever and nice fail again, and obviously you have no clue since you apparently haven’t read many Anet post on how they handle things. Because these players not perma banned is no proof that these players haven’t had action taken against them as punishments scale up according to offense.
And NO fail is entirely yours
(edited by JediYoda.1275)
Oh and better thing: i made new account to play on NA. I did story mode so i can open dungeon. So i open dungeon, make post on LFG. Players kicked me from my own dungeon because that new account didn’t have many AP…..
I find it silly that the person who is leading/formed the group can be kicked at all. That’s stupid.
I don’t know how long you play, but i had my fair share of arrogant obnoxious cringeworthy experiences with previous party leader sistem. The only thing that is suffering is dungeon selling for which i don’t care at all.
It is indeed such a shame that you get kicked from you own dungeon.
But you can find idiots everywhere. I start a LFG for TA up “all welcome” recentrly and 2 metaboyz join the party and try to kick all other members because they weren’t lvl80… And what was hillarious was that none of them got at east 1k ap (500 and 700) and they allready got that stupid idea that GWEM zerk is the only thing that work.
so we kicked these two morons and finish TA just at 3 with only me as a 80 and we did it, it was a smooth run (well TA up so ofc it’s smooth^^) and we had fun especially after kicking them^^.
Anyway, my point is, you’ll always find idiots, start a “all welcome” lfg and you’re most likely going to finish your dungeon. Don’t mind about idiots and the meta zerk, you’ll always have a way to do a dungeon the way you like to play.
PS: if it happen to you a lot, maybe the problem don’t come from others players.
i reported quite few of such trolls, especially those that kick you at the end of the dungeon for their guildmate….. they never got banned…
How do you know they weren’t banned? Do you think Anet needs to perma-ban people for stuff like this? Maybe they got a 1day ban? How do you know someone from Anet didn’t message them a warning.
Fact is, you don’t really know much of anything except that you reported them.
It’s a change they made to get around a number of problems with everyone losing progress if the leader dc’d. They had to remove ownership of the dungeon instance.
You could still have both tho. When the group if first created the person creating the group gets a special icon next to there portiat which shows they are the leader of the party. For that person the kick option is grayed out.
Other option could be added to such as being the only person that create lfg requests and inviting people to the group.
If that person dcs the icon is passed to the next person so the group can still function if he does not reconnect.
Maybe if you ran a dungeon like a normal group, you wouldn’t have a problem. You sell dungeon paths, you run the risk. End of.
I never liked the group system in this game. I actually see more abuse with this system than with a traditional party leader system.
Proposed solution: Implement a party leader system. When you form a party, you are the leader. Anyone in your party can invite other players, but you are the only one allowed to kick players. No voting required. Leadership can be passed to other members if desired. If you are the leader and suddenly leave the party, leadership is automatically transferred to the next party member in chronological order.
If it aint broke, don’t fix it.
I never liked the group system in this game. I actually see more abuse with this system than with a traditional party leader system.
Proposed solution: Implement a party leader system. When you form a party, you are the leader. Anyone in your party can invite other players, but you are the only one allowed to kick players. No voting required. Leadership can be passed to other members if desired. If you are the leader and suddenly leave the party, leadership is automatically transferred to the next party member in chronological order.
If it aint broke, don’t fix it.
And then your leader in raid say when 70% of raid is done -ok guys carry me while I go to the store.
Maybe if you ran a dungeon like a normal group, you wouldn’t have a problem. You sell dungeon paths, you run the risk. End of.
If you run a dungeon like a normal group, a group of three can still kick you at the end in order to sell two spots.
In all seriousness other than doing the report submit a ticket as well. Maybe you can arrange skme sort of compensation with the gm. Or at the very least get a reply.
I never liked the group system in this game. I actually see more abuse with this system than with a traditional party leader system.
Proposed solution: Implement a party leader system. When you form a party, you are the leader. Anyone in your party can invite other players, but you are the only one allowed to kick players. No voting required. Leadership can be passed to other members if desired. If you are the leader and suddenly leave the party, leadership is automatically transferred to the next party member in chronological order.
If it aint broke, don’t fix it.
And then your leader in raid say when 70% of raid is done -ok guys carry me while I go to the store.
Raids are an interesting creature, since you would need 6 people in agreement to votekick someone.
Regardless, even if that scenario happened, would you really not be able to finish the raid with one person AFK? Certainly better than one ignoramus and 5 of his friends kicking you when the raid is 70% done so they could invite one of their guildies who just logged on.
Regardless, even if that scenario happened, would you really not be able to finish the raid with one person AFK? Certainly better than one ignoramus and 5 of his friends kicking you when the raid is 70% done so they could invite one of their guildies who just logged on.
The raids are supposed to be tuned to require 10 players who know their class, are swapping traits and playing at a generally high skill level. The reason raids aren’t getting a lfg section is because anet stated this isn’t something they’d expect people to be able to pick up 9 random players and complete. Losing a chunk of your group support or damage can make failure a much more realistic possibility here than dungeons/fractals. Unless it’s face roll, we’ll see when it’s released.
I never liked the group system in this game. I actually see more abuse with this system than with a traditional party leader system.
Proposed solution: Implement a party leader system. When you form a party, you are the leader. Anyone in your party can invite other players, but you are the only one allowed to kick players. No voting required. Leadership can be passed to other members if desired. If you are the leader and suddenly leave the party, leadership is automatically transferred to the next party member in chronological order.
If it aint broke, don’t fix it.
And then your leader in raid say when 70% of raid is done -ok guys carry me while I go to the store.
Also he won’t be running raids for very long. Word gets around and people won’t be joining his groups.
What needs to be implemented is everyone get immune after a certain time not just the leader. ( unsure if this is even possible)
If they dont dc or leave by them selfs.
i reported quite few of such trolls, especially those that kick you at the end of the dungeon for their guildmate….. they never got banned…
How do you know this?
The post of the party leader had to be unharmable, and the problem of leader dc could be solved with a mechanism with chooses a new leader among the remaining players.
Or simple: create different type of group, which u can chose when creating it, so if u see the party leader is unkickable when looking in LFG, just avoid that group (unless u are buying a path ofc)
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