Giganticus. Lupicus.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starscream.6498


So after so many days of catching Arah uncontested and failing to find an explorable party, I got one. And we proceeded to take The Forgotten path. No big deal, we got through doing some fun stuff with our thief, we had no big problems. I liked the labyrinth part with the balls a lot.

But then, you can guess. Giganticus Lupicus.

We did it 2 times, failed, then googled around on how people did this, we tried various strategies, at the 3th or 4th time we have fully overcome phase 1 without problems, once we didn’t even let him eat a single grub.

Phase 2. Honestly, this requires a bit more focus, and it wouldn’t be that of a problem, but that waypoint distance. Holy kitten, the waypoint distance. I really don’t know how it is on other paths, but walking for about a minute (constantly being supplied by Banner of Discipline’s speed buff) from there back to the arena is ridiculous. I don’t understand why was the waypoint placed so far away.

I am not suggesting the ability to just rez there, do brainless dps on him because you can spawn there instantly, no, just make it a bit closer. having to run that whole labyrinth again is just stupid :S.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I wouldn’t mind a closer waypoint if they shut the door to him while he’s in combat.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starscream.6498


I wouldn’t mind a closer waypoint if they shut the door to him while he’s in combat.

Not exactly what I’m aiming for, but I would gladly accept much more frequent attempts rather than minute+ runs back from the vaults.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarne.4528


If you have any movement skills at all, you can kite him indefinitely with 1 person. However, this won’t be viable much longer as it seems they’re making “classic” dungeons more like FotM, which I imagine will remove the graveyard runs.

To top it off, Lupi isn’t all that difficult, it just takes a bit of practice, unlike most of the faceroll bosses in game.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starscream.6498


If you have any movement skills at all, you can kite him indefinitely with 1 person. However, this won’t be viable much longer as it seems they’re making “classic” dungeons more like FotM, which I imagine will remove the graveyard runs.

To top it off, Lupi isn’t all that difficult, it just takes a bit of practice, unlike most of the faceroll bosses in game.

You can’t kite him indefinitely, that’s the thing. You just don’t recharge enough endurance in time.

Example, start of phase 2, as soon as I notice he’s invulnerable, I just back off all the way to the gate, so I don’t even need to dodge anything. We continue to fight him, he shadow walks to me, I dodge it, move away, shoot him, but in the meantime he throws his AoE around again. Unless I happen to be enclosed between them so tightly that doubledoging out of them still doesn’t save me, I will roll out. He shadow walks again, I I barely have enough endurance, because he didn’t switch target. Soon, he’s either gonna walk me (or anyone else for that matter) and AoE again, and the endurance regen is not quick enough for this. Not to mention the people that died (or the ones that do not listen to the viable strategy you and another party member suggested and it works, but that’s not the point). All I’m really asking for is the waypoint distance to be reduced. Hell, as I said, don’t even make him easier, just put that waypoint right in front of the gate.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


phase 1: dodge infection
phase 2: side-step single bolts, dodge everything else
phase 3: dodge

If you are Warrior I suggest Greatsword (extra dodge + great for phase 1) and rifle. Endure Pain + Signet of Stamina.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoRo.8270


How does this solve anything? this boss doesn’t need to be nerfed so you can wp zerg it?

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hermes.7014


This boss has so many flaws I described in the Arah topic.

The WP is way too far. Place it closer to the arena but do not let the boss leave the arena so that it doesn’t get exploited like it was before.

The boss loses aggro and resets way too easily. Even if there is still people in the arena or the party gets stealthed. No one hits the boss = boss resets. This is not right.

The Lupine Shots spam. Not the AoE which is perfectly dodgeable but the single fast zig-zag traveling shots that hit for about 12k without grubs absorbed.
I dont’ know if this is intended but I haven’t seen this happening in any video out there. Sometimes it just goes crazy and begins spamming 3 or 4 times in a row the single target projectile. It happened to my group last time and I could dodge the first two then was left with no endurance to dodge the third in a row, and since they’re so fast I can’t hit on the Shadowstep target zone in time before it hits me. As a glass cannon thief I get almost oneshotted.
In my opinion these single shots should be made slower or less damaging.

Now I’m not as good as many people around here claim to be, since they say this boss is easy as a walk in the park. But at least I’m decent and yet I never had to quit a dungeon except that time.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

(edited by Hermes.7014)

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hyde.6189


Last time I did Giganticus none of our party even died once. If nobody dies, then it doesn’t matter how near or far the waypoint is. If it’s too hard for you, then maybe you’re just not good enough.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starscream.6498


How does this solve anything? this boss doesn’t need to be nerfed so you can wp zerg it?

I forgot to mention in that post that the solution of the gates being closed but the WP being there would be something. So it isn’t as time consuming as running back there all the time.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maximillian Greil.1965

Maximillian Greil.1965

my self and 4 other guildies have the full set. It just takes practice. Once you’ve learned the fight inside and out (and wiped about 30 times learning it) it’s a piece of cake. Today I 3 maned it with pugs.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Just duoed path 3, again. Feel free to whisper if you have issues with Lupi.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Henryik.8260


Lupi is like the only skill fight prior to FotM. Just learn to fight it, so many of us are farming arah daily without a problem. If you really need to rely on zerging through a close waypoint, you are really doing it wrong. And you don’t have to dodge every time he tries to attack you. Try use skills that teleport you or jump back, work just as good.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starscream.6498


Lupi is like the only skill fight prior to FotM. Just learn to fight it, so many of us are farming arah daily without a problem. If you really need to rely on zerging through a close waypoint, you are really doing it wrong. And you don’t have to dodge every time he tries to attack you. Try use skills that teleport you or jump back, work just as good.

As I have already corrected myself, I do not have to rely on zerging, the gate can be closed. I just feel like so much time is wasted through the stupid running process.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


Lupicus is one of the few actual bosses in the game, why do people want him nerfed?
Is it because all of the other explorable bosses are so easy people forget how to play the game?

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dmt.3490


I wouldn’t mind a closer waypoint if they shut the door to him while he’s in combat.

I agree with this solution as long as they remove the ridiculous reset conditions during the fight. Since the door is closed, there should be no more reason to have him reset if people are far away/stealthed/etc, since there’s no way in that case you’d be able to exploit it anyways.

I’ve lost count of the times I’ve done Lupicus now, and I think overall he’s probably one of the most interesting encounters in the game. My only gripe against him is that if you’ve never had any experiences with Lupicus’s reset conditions, you would have no way of knowing why he’s resetting. They should either 1) implement Millenin’s solution, or 2) make it clear somewhere exactly what causes him to reset.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starscream.6498


Lupicus is one of the few actual bosses in the game, why do people want him nerfed?
Is it because all of the other explorable bosses are so easy people forget how to play the game?

I do not want him nerfed. I want the waypoint distance to be reduced or put right at the gate WITH the solution that has been said, close the gate when everyone enters.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Braxxis.7062


I just want him not to reset while I kite him in Phase 2

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarcasmic.6741


Heads up, Lupicus has already had a rather substantial hp nerf in a recent patch.

He resets on the same rules that every other boss does, you just have to take into account the physical attributes of the room. His aggro range is not adjusted to his model size. It’s more of a standard range which can throw you off considering the zoom out on the room (which I love) and his size. If you are the last player within standard aggro range (usually the standard 1200 skill range) and you stealth, he will lose aggro on everything in range (you) and reset.

His attacks very rarely focus all on one person unless people have died and are running back. In our guild runs, he tends to (in phase 2) focus his shadow walk on one player, his single target bouncing attack on another, and then his aoe on everyone of course. It’s plenty to be able to spread the dodging around within endurance regen (unless of course you have engi’s horrible regen rate).

Stace (Lv 80 human quickness portal bot) | Sarcasmic (Lv 80 elixir-drunk norn pyro)
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ManiZach.8973


The boss is freaking easy. The only thing is: it needs a bit more coordination with builds, than what with other bosses in the game.

Hell, me and a gurdian friend 2 manned it a week ago or so (Pugs refused to wp<_<). It was pretty kitten fun, as it kept going after the guardian. Laughed so bad.

Then karma hit me in the face, and Giganticus started going after me. Those bubbles really hurts my mesmers overall hp.

Edit: Oh, so that’s what the ‘kitten’ stuff is all about. xD

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bread.7516


I think your team has a problem.
Coordination doesn’t really mean careful planning, first time i did it was with 1 friend and 3 pugs and just few clear instructions from experienced members, succeeded with no issues; few downs but not much trouble.

edit: hp nerf is sad…one of the enjoyable boss fights getting dumbed down

(edited by Bread.7516)

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Henryik.8260


I think your team has a problem.
Coordination doesn’t really mean careful planning, first time i did it was with 1 friend and 3 pugs and just few clear instructions from experienced members, succeeded with no issues; few downs but not much trouble.

edit: hp nerf is sad…one of the enjoyable boss fights getting dumbed down

Ridiculously high HP is the last thing we need on a boss fight. If you are doing it right, you shouldn’t waste so much time doing the same thing over and over. Take a look at hotw bosses, their hp is a huge timesink for no reason.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


The only issue with lupi is that he sometimes resets for no apparent reason during phase 2. Other than that the fight is quite fun. Now, if you want to address the most annoying issues they would be bugged path 1, broken mechanics surrounding simin and of course gates of arah being bugged most of the time on numerous servers. Rest of the problems aren’t that frequent, they do require fixing but those 3 I listed need a hotfix, not 4 months after the launch.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Probably resets if everyone tries to out-range AoE.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Braxxis.7062


No, he just resets. We’ve all been right up under him by about 20 feet during Phase 1, and he’ll reset. He resets a lot, it gets infuriating.

He’s also got a problem with dropping an extra grub, on no target, during his first Shadow Walk and eating it instantly as it spawns at his target location.

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I have never seen it just reset. Only when people get invisible, all out of range or someone runs out of arena (this seems bit random).

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pickpocket.2071


giga is the best fight prior to fotm, its one of the only boss fights which requires skill and you shouldnt nerf it by adding closer wp just learn the fight, or equip some rez skills every class has them……… ftr he only resets if ppl are out of combat or to far away or no dps for more then 5 or 6 secs

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


They didn’t added closer way points to prevent zerging your way through the dungeons whitout learning how the game is actualy played.All dungeons should be the same.
Lupicus is cheese once you get a little bit more experienced whit it.This is how I do it on my thief.
Movement and invulnerability skills and traits is the way to go.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I haven’t fought him too often lately, but only a few times he did seem to reset completely random. Like when me and another person were still hitting it from a distance he teleported then reset out of nowhere.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


Its not random.He resets instantly and his range is lower than yours so if your atack doesn’t hit in time he resets and ye thats a problem.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KICKZEN.1327


Lupicus and Subject Alpha(path3) are the only real bosses in the entire game. Me and my guild team made all paths of all dungeons together and i think those 2 were the only ones where we failed A LOT at the beginning, then we got to know the mechanics and never needed a second try . Yes, the waypoint is far away when you don’t know how to do it, but you only learn to do it right if you cant just die and just run back to continue. About kiting. I play Elementalist and if you choose the right traits and play staff, you can indeed kite him indefinitly (maybe even solo him (phase 1 would be the greatest challenge))

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


Lupicus and Subject Alpha(path3) are the only real bosses in the entire game. Me and my guild team made all paths of all dungeons together and i think those 2 were the only ones where we failed A LOT at the beginning, then we got to know the mechanics and never needed a second try . Yes, the waypoint is far away when you don’t know how to do it, but you only learn to do it right if you cant just die and just run back to continue. About kiting. I play Elementalist and if you choose the right traits and play staff, you can indeed kite him indefinitly (maybe even solo him (phase 1 would be the greatest challenge))

Phase 1 is the easiest of every phases, no idea why would you say it would be the greatest challenge. Just kite the locust swarms.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


i don’t believe that you could duo 3 weth because you need at least 2 zones in the blue to be going forward with the ritual… except if they’re empty they auto blue… nvm i guess it is possible if you get all the ghosts to follow you. Gj on duoing it

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


As long as no mob will enter a zone during the ritual it stays in your control, so it’s possible to do it. In fact, many time when I’ve been pugging that path I had firsttimers without a clue what to do (even after thorough explanation) and they actually have died so I’ve been left with 1 person and we still finished the ritual. You just need 1 person to kite wraiths and 1 person to cap zones.

Giganticus. Lupicus.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Tested full melee on Lupicus (2-man) and worked fine, even on phase 2. Though my friend had pretty much full focus on phase 3.