Giganticus Lupicus Warrior Melee
You went down cause you got kicked. You gotta dodge that kick as you would dodge Alpha’s aoe. The timing is remarkably similar.
Strife explains it very well:
However it is bit outdated and you should have at least Balanced Stance to counter Necrid Trap (needs Stability). I personally use Dolyak Signet too.
Just watch any of the solo videos out there and you should be able to pick up everything that’s necessary. In videos like that you get to see what the boss does and how the player counters them.
Btw, the grub thing has nothing to do with melee or warrior. It’s actually easier to dodge them at ranged because 1. You’re not worried about the kick and 2. You have a better view of lupi. Any class can melee lupi and dodge the grub.
A tip to help you get the timing is watch when his hand turns green. Just practice and it’ll become very easy for you.
When his hands does a circular move you want to be dodging when it reaches its peak.
My hint : If you hit your dodge button anywhere between the moment his hand starts raising and the moment it reaches its peak, you should be ok.
Go for Strife, his video is great.
Also, which path is the easiest for me to get to Lupicus so I can go there and try it solo, so I can practice it?
I always chose path 2 on my warrior/guardian and path 3 on my mesmer. For path 3 you need portal and experimental teleportation pistols because of the lightning orb part. Focus reflection build helps a lot at crusher/hunter.
Thanks for the replies
Good video indeed, with this I should be able to go and practice some myself ^^
A very, very well-timed Shake It Off!! will let you escape the bubble of death, too.
Roll and just as you impact the wall, you use the Shout.
Do you even lift, bro?
Every Stunbreak works, also Frenzy. Better don’t try though
If you missed the dodge on grubs (mostly caused by camera angle) during meleeing, hit stability so you don’t get knock down, then get kicked by Lupi. And I think you can dodge the knock down too when grubs are on you if it’s well timed. The same count down 1,2,3.
Edited: Wrong term used. Locusts don’t knock down.
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
Sidestep and damage the locusts at the same time if they give you too much trouble. They won’t hit you as easily and you can cleave them while you move around.
Youtube Channel –
Sidestep and damage the locusts at the same time if they give you too much trouble. They won’t hit you as easily and you can cleave them while you move around.
You meant Locusts hardly hit you. They have like 60 APM xD
Locusts are really just noobs, and you just run around and cleave them. That’s really all there is to dealing with them.
Youtube Channel –
Lupi is easiest on Warrior due to large access to stability.
I personally range phase 1 (dodge grub), then just dodge the shadowstep, stability bubble and kite PBAoE.
It’s horrible what kind of crap skills Mesmers get:
That skill was possible to obtain only during beta. You cannot use it now. Also, why do you need stability? Rifle him from range and use longbow/throw bolas to immobilize – Lupi will be sitting ducks.
Why would you range him? It takes 19 years to kill him that way.
Youtube Channel –
Tbh, Mantra of Concentration (the only skill that grants mesmers stability) is total crap.
But mesmers do not need stability at Lupicus. Lots of Invulnerability (GL uses Necrid Trap → Sword 2, dodge while skill active → get out of the bubble) like F4 and teleports. Blink, Sword 3 and Staff 2.
It’s still good when you’re lagging.
Why? What have I done?
I don’t think mantra of concentration is terrible for Lupicus, but I prefer blink. Blink has more use in the first 2 phases, and Mesmer invulns bridge the cooldown gap on blink in phase 3.
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
Reminding me of those terrible delays.
At least i bring some lags to you aswell when im the instance owner
@Sarcasmic: I usually run Blink, Feedback and Mantra/Mirror Images.
I never used Blink in phase 1 or 2, though. Where would you use it there?