Golden routine

Golden routine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nephrite.6954



I’m gonna ask a obvious question. What’s the fastest and more profitable way of earning gold? I’d like to hear about you daily gold earning routine if you have one. Cause I’ve recently decided to take a long break away from pvp till everything’s fixed. Any suggestion would be welcome as long as it involves earning a load of gold everyday.

Golden routine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Silverwastes farming >.<

Really it’s tough to beat that, you can do dungeon tours and with a quick group it’s better, but the second you start pugging, welp, SW wins out.

Personally I just run fractals and some Arah for fun, hoard my supplies till I run out of gold then sell some stuff. Did a small clear of one section of my bank and pulled in 500g a week or so back. You do get a lot of supplies going through Fractals but overall still not anything to get excited about loot wise.

Golden routine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


By SW farming you mean chest farming?
That kinda includes RNG though, doesn’kitten

Golden routine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Chest farming is not really better gold/hour than doing daily dungeons is but you could do it after you’ve done all of your dailies.

The dungeons I bother to do the most are all four Arah paths (~11g from all paths), sometimes AC, and sometimes FotM if I feel like it.

I can tell you now that if you are interested in gold rewards alone, FotM is a very inefficient source of income by comparison to dungeons, regardless of how fast your group is.

Golden routine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


By SW farming you mean chest farming?
That kinda includes RNG though, doesn’kitten

Aye, dungeons are probably the most stable so if RNGzues hates you maybe you have better luck there. But, on average either map hopping and hitting the breach/vw or chest farming will net me on average more than a dungeon pug tour. Now, SE1 is always worth doing, that’s like 5-8 mins for 2-3 gold can never really go wrong.

But, most other dungeon paths can really drag on in PUGs and simply can’t live up to the ~10g/hour that SW will average.

They are FAR more entertaining though.

Golden routine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862


Well, my routine is:

AC all paths, SE 1-3, CoF 1-2, CoE all paths, HotW all paths, Teq and a Fractal if i have daily fractal (more pristine and agony infusions) and i usually sell one bolt of damask.

I will try to put Arah p1 and p2 too, but i still need to learn the paths better.

Golden routine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I’m gonna ask a obvious question. What’s the fastest and more profitable way of earning gold? I’d like to hear about you daily gold earning routine if you have one. Cause I’ve recently decided to take a long break away from pvp till everything’s fixed. Any suggestion would be welcome as long as it involves earning a load of gold everyday.

In other words, you’ve quit PvP?

SW is a really good farm when you only want to pay half attention to the game: just spam skills enough to get credit and then afk in a corner somewhere (no mob loot anyway). All the meanwhile, you can be watching TV, listening to podcasts, whatever.

Golden routine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


Silverwastes farming >.<

Really it’s tough to beat that, you can do dungeon tours and with a quick group it’s better, but the second you start pugging, welp, SW wins out.

Personally I just run fractals and some Arah for fun, hoard my supplies till I run out of gold then sell some stuff. Did a small clear of one section of my bank and pulled in 500g a week or so back. You do get a lot of supplies going through Fractals but overall still not anything to get excited about loot wise.

Yeah! The big problem about dungeons or fractals is that it takes too long to complete one if my party isn’t experienced. I’ve never tried SW farming before but I guess it’s worth a shot. There’s another train run in Orr where they exploit a particular event but I heard its been nerfed to bits.

Kuru, nope:) I’m just taking a break off it. World boss is decent (teq especially) but I feel as if the gold/time just doesn’t seem to be worth it. Sometimes the timer take too long and I’ve only got limited amount of time everyday.